Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois (2024)

ALION EVENING TELEGRAPH of the Associated Press) (Established January 20, 1886.) ALTON, ILL', WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 24, 1920 15c. PER WEEK COAL MINERS IN NARROW ESCAPE AT WILLIAMSON Down 300 Cage Foot Shaft While CarryPlunges Men to Depth of Mine ing For Days Work. 12 MINERS BARELY MISS DEATH Controlling Engine Fails On Making Thirtieth Trip Down the Shaft. All Occ cupants Injured. coal miners employed in the Tweive At.

Olice and Staunton Coal Company mines at Williamson barely escaped death this morning when the cage in which thoy were being lowered into the mine, took a rapid plunge to the extent entrance shaft to the mine of 150 feet. 18 The approximately 800 feet deep and when the thirtieth descent was being made this morning, the controlling engine failed to respond to Engineer Hugh Menke. The cage had been lowered about half way and in attempting "to check the speed of the engine: the suddenly died and the free power continued its flight to the bottom of the pit, gaining velocity: on cage its downward course. Twelve miners were in the cage at the time and all were more or less infured by the impact at the foot of the abaft. Mike Hollowich, aged 28 years, sustained a broken leg, while It la teared that some of the others may.

have internal injuries. The injured men were immediately brought to the surface and rushed to a Litchfeld hospital in special: care, where the extent of their infurles is being ascertained. The cage had made -nine successful trips this morning as 650 men in the mines, the accident: occurring when the thirtieth trip was being made. The lowering apparatus is inspected regularly as a safety first precaution, and this is the Arst instance ct: the engino tailing to function and allowlag the cage free descent. How all of the occupants escaped death in.

the perilous trip is nothing of miraculous. Finishing Scale Foundations for C. A. A gang of masons and other. workere of the Chicago Alton railroad are putting the tinishing.

touches. to a Job which has taken considerable time. It is the building of a founda: tion and installation of a large, track soales for the company, between Tenth and Eleventh streets on Piasa. Evacuation for the foundation was made first and extended until solid rock was struck. The scales will rest on a bed of conorete and the coforete will rest on solid rook.

That will make ethe scales steady enough if anything can. The scales will be used in weighing care as they pass over loaded. Funeral of Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Browning. The funeral of Mre.

Sarah Elisabeth Browning was held this noon at 2:8 o'clock from bet daughter, Mra. Adam O. the home of whor* services were Miller, Rev. attendance David Magill. here Was a conducted: by large of relatives and friends at the tuneral services.

Burial was 1p City cometery. HOLD OPEN HOUSE ON THANKSGIVING open The, house Alton Y. M. C. A.

will observe formal program on to Thanksgiving be watt pol The building carried out. modate will be open to 40comappear the football players' who will in the double header at man park Thuraday afternoon. SportsGyymnaslum the classes will be passed sumed day, howerer. will be re on on Friday in order, and carried the usual out thereaiter. By Charge of Libel Against Associated Press.

Hirshfeld. New York, held, commissioner Nov. 24-David Hirsh WAS ladioted by of accounta, today grand jury the extraordinary on a charge of Ubelink unlatant distriot: Charles- 8: Whitman In connection pobito Slim Partner Brings Trouble On Young Mani Bethel Turner Ands it is up to him to identity more particularly a youth he knew as "Slim," who, according to Turner, 18 responsible for his present Inability to enjoy Thanksgiving dinnor in peace liberty, "Slim," according to young Turner, who 1s 19, business proposition to Turner, that 'the latter help move a big roll of copper wire from a place where "Sum" bad stored It and carry it to the sandbar where Turner would build a fire and burn oft the Insulation, to make the wire ready for a junk dealer to handle it. Turner did his part, he says, but was sorry afterward for someone reported the matter to the police and Turner was arrested while the Are was going on. The copper wire, stolen, was recover: 70 pounds of wire In the roll.

Turner is being held pending investigation of the owners of the stolen wire and also turther inquiry into the identity. of "Slim," if there be such person, as Turner avers there is. Turher says that he and. "Slim" were to have shared the profits Afty-fifty. The wire turned out to be the property of the Alton Bridge Company.

TO OPEN SEASON WITH GAME HERE FRIDAY NIGHT Basketball Teams Will Get Into Action This Week. Schedule Calls for Active Season. Alton's basket ball season proper will lopen on Friday evening of this Week, when Ore Browns: Bualness Col. lege team will brush up the Upper Alton at Shurtleff college gym. The Initial clash la.

expuoted to 'be an interesting one for the students have been whipping team into shape in the past few weeks doing considerable preparation. It fo understood that the Bearcats have likewise been cramming for the first event of the season as each team is particularly desirous of taking the Arst victory and. thus getting credit for starting off the cage game activities without a handicap. The Browns team looks like formidable gang of basket shooters and It la predicted that they will make good showing against their frat opI ponents. The Bearcats may have little advantage in the way of experfence but the college team intends to overcome anything of this sort.

A curtain raiser is also 'scheduled for Friday night when Shurtlen's second team will take on the Cherry street schol team. These teams are said to be evenly matched and the viotory in this case will likely be a The main game of the evening will commence at 8:15 Friday night and dications are that there will be a good aired crowd of Alton fans on hand to see the opening game. A number of tlokets have been sold: in advance by the students and they. look for renewed interest after the frat game of the coming season. Telephone Rates Advance Associated Press, Springield, Nov.

telephone rates in 09 towns In Southera Illinois aaked by the Murphyaboro telephone company were granted by the state utilities commission today, effective December 1. Stop' Crews From Deserting Here By Associated Press. Washington, Nov. 24--Enactment of legislation designed to prevent the desertion of crews of foreign ships at American pointe and entry into this country as stowaways on vessels will be asked of the next Congress by the House: Immigraeion Committee nocording to a statement of Representatire Johnson, chairman of the Desertiona, he sald, had reached serious proportions, Military Officers Take Priest By Associated Assembly Wants Aid League By Associated Proms. Xork, Nov.

84. -The Assembly Carrick on Shannon, Ireland, Nov. 24-- rowaval ot a well known local. priest to unknown destination by military officers created excitement bare today. the of Nations has sent to asking American FIRE ENGINE TO BE SHIPPED IN FEW WEEKS Has Been Long Delayed Beyond Tine Set for Delivery of Machine to the City of Alton.

WILL EFFECT BIG CHANGES New Machine First of Radical Improvements Proposed for Alton Fire Fighting Forces. The new fire engine which the AhFox Company at Cincinnati has been had in course of construction for A long time for the city of Alton will be shipped some time between December 4 and 7, according 88 the paint may dry on. the new machine, The shipment of the fire engine bas been delayed months beyond the time originally promised when the contract for the purchase of the machine was signed. One delay after another, came due to bad conditions in the trade, and theer has been considerable disappointment over the delay, even if -the new engine was not needed for a big Are. It is hoped, when the new engine comes, to make a radical Improvement in the fire department and it is probable that another pumper will be bought later on to improve the service further.

The pumper will be used to supplement the water presaure 1n the mains whenever there is apecial need for It. In the higher parts of the "city there is. frequent trouble at times of Ares, with lack of water pressure, and it is promised. that the new engine will do away with this trouble. The engine will be installed at No.

2 hose house, which has been remodelled to recelve it. The city. of Alton owned a fire engine once before but sold it, hoping to depend on water pressure from the water mains but with the growth of the ally it has been found Impractical and unwise to depend on such pres: sure without. an auxiliary pumping machine. SENATOR WOULD DECLARE PEACE WITH GERMANY.

Knox of Pennsylvania Will Introduce Resolution Declaring State of German Peace By Associated Press. Washington, Nov. 24-Senator Knox of Pennsylvania said today tat be plans to reintroduce pat' the next Bession of Congress his resolution to declare a state of peace with Germany. This plan, the former secretary of state said, would be followed despite the presidential veto of the previous measure. Senator Knox indicated he does not expect passage ur the resolution before the special session of Congress next spring after the 1p- Auguration of President-elect Harding; Senator Knox who has been mentioned 08 possible Secretary of State under Mr.

Harding said no one had any authority to represent his vlews or those of Mr. Harding in connection with a cabinet appointment. Close 72 Saloons and Cabarets Associnted Press. Chicago, Nov. 24-Attorney General Brundage fled 72 bills for Injuretions against saloon and cabaret ownerg in the United Slates district court today asking that the places be closed as public nuisances under the prohibition act.

The defendants were ordered to appear before Judge Landis this afternoon. Washington, Nov. Moses of New Hampshire, irreconcilable opponent of the League of Natons, In a statement commenting on Gov. Coolidge's last night at Boston, said Senator Lodge had declared the League dead aud since he would huve a vote on the matter and Gov. Coolidge did not lie thought more validity attached to Senator Lodge's opiuion than to that of the Governor.

Moses Favors Vlew of Lodge On League, No lasue of the Telegraph Thursday There, will be no issue of the on Thursday, Thanks Cracked Kettle Disabled Sewer Causes Trouble some time complaints have been made that the Sanitary sewer had, joined the 1. W. It wouldn't work, and no wonder. City Engineer Schwaab has the reason over in his office in the city hall. It is a large iron pot or kettle, and it was found blocking up the main outlet of the sewer in Lucille Avenue, Just below College Avenue.

From Its looks It had been' 'there a long time, and water and slickens had covered and corroded It greatly. It was a cracked kettle, but sewers are no places to put even cracked kettles. Sewers were never intended as junk: They are unhandy places to get at junk, and besides they pay no license to operate as junk dealers. There are: regular junk dealers In the city who do pay 11- censes, and who should be given a chance to make their money back, That sewer has now abandoned the I. W.

and will stay divorced from them it. Upper Alton people. will puit trying to make it a. junk yard and general derbla dump. End of the Road For Aged Man Peddling Pins An old man, reduced to peddling pins as 1 a means of eking out.a living, came to the end of the road this noon, in front of the Ramen telephone exchange.

The old man who mall indicating that he was James Bunton of Franklin, IlL, was A typical. specimen. of the wrecks of humanity that remain derelicts, exciting pity of those whe 866 them. white haired old man evidently had little enough reason for, living and noon, as he was plying his trade, seeking to sell safety pins, he dropped from paralytic stroke. Some operators leaving the Kinloch exchange a at noon noticed the plight of the man and they caught him as he atarted to fall They propped him against a step until more help could be procured and finally they summoned surgical help and the old man was taken to 8t.

Joseph's hospital to remain until the end should come. When put to bed at the hospital it was tound that he had five shirts on his person and a great superfluity of clothing 'in general. He had no overcost however. His appearance indocated an advanced age and police officers who looked at him said they thought he. was an "old who was about down and out.

RED CROSS AIDS WILL REPORT ON DRIVE RESULTS Campagin Closing Date is Be Held Over Remainder of This Week. Campaign Chairman, Homer Hodson of the American Red Cross fourth roll call announced shortly after noon today that campaign would continue until the close of the present week. Contrary to the plans of the local workers the time extention is granted time in in order which that they may have more to complete their canvasses, The campaign in Wood River. will continue until next Wednesday. Campaign work de progressing at top notch speed today and the workers will be gratified with the kpowledge that they are to bave several additional days in which to finish up their.

work, Indications are that the close will be a typical whirlwind tor the Mitth ward, captained by Mra. Gl)lesple, with Mrs. Wmi: Smith as tenant, turned in the sum of $90.00: This report la not complete for there are many additional places to call at in this ward, however, it is was indication of success for the same ward turned in a grand total of $65.00 in laat years drive. It is predicted that this ward will turn in twice the amount this year that was raised last year, Other like examples have boon noted in thee course of the 1921 campaign, but in cases it is simply Impossible to call on all the persons. Those bot called upon are asked by the phalrman to send in their names.

and: dollar no that they may be WILL OBSERVE THANKSGIVING GENERALLY Religious Services by All Denominations in Conformity With President's Proclamation, ALL BUSINESS IS. SUSPENDED Industrial Plants Too Will Generally Observe the Holiday by Shutting Down for Day. Thanksgiving day will be generally by Alton business and industrial institutions. Some of the factorlea will suspend work until next Monday, owing to lack of pres in. their business.

There will be religious services in observance of the day. In the First Baptist church the down town Protestant churches will hold union service and in Uper Alton the Free Methodiet church. will be the place for -the services. The following program has been announced for the service in the First Baptist church, Fifth and Market streets, tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. Organ Prelude--Prof.

Richardson. God from Whom all blessings flow." Invocation Rev. D. S. Wahl Reading of the President's tion Rev.

8. D. McKenny. Praise to God, Immortal Praise." LessonRev. O.

Heggemeler. Prayer Rev. C. D. Shumard.

Selection by Choir Offering for Near gast Relief Remarks by Rev. C. C. Smith, Sermon Rev. E.

L. Gibson. beautiful for spacious skies." Benediction--Rev. C. E.

Combrink. There will be no issue of the Telegraph tomorrow, because of 1t being a holiday. All the Roman Catholic churches will observe the holiday with High Mass at 8 o'clock in the morning. Special, services bave been announced for St. Paul's Episcopal church.

GODFREY-DELHI ROUTE WINS. 'State Road will Take Shorter Route and Declaion is. Victory for GodTroy Road Boosters. The Illinois State Highway Commis-. sion has routed the State hard road between Jerseyvlile and Alton through Delhi and Godfrey, according to announcement made yesterday, this route being two and one-half miles shorter than the route through MoClusky and requiring less grading and cuts, The plea of a delegation request ing that the hard road be built through Brighton and Plasa to Alton was not considered because it was seven miles farther than the Jerseyville-Delhl-Godfrey-Alton route.

gradin of this road which 1s to be built with an apportionment of the State's $60,000,000 road bond issue, is to be started this fall, and surveyors will begin at once. Americans Change Fields to Mexico. By Associated Chicago, Nov. movement of American pleasure seekers to Cuba has been diverted to Mexico, Dr. Medrona, acting Mexican consul said.

A rush of travellers, seeking passports following the recent election, the consul. said, adding that many expect to enter business there. Plan to Close Cincinnati Breweries, Associated Press. Washington, Nov. Cincinnati brewing companies were cited to show cause by December 18 why their license to make cereal beverage should not be.

cancelled, because "they have not in good falth" conformed to the Federal prohibition act, mailed direct from headquarters. Cooperation is needed to bring the to a rallying finite cording to all advance inform day this will be given as the business districo canvassers will have Friday and Baturday to continue their work. Boothe In various stares will be mainand $12,000 Fund Follows Hard Luck Stories The task of raising $12,000 as a college fund during the present time when all one hears 18 hard luck stories doos not sound any too easy, however C. J. Jacoby of this city has just returned from a ten day paign trip accomplishing the above result.

Mr. Jacoby accompanied Dr. 0. E. Kriege, president of Central Weslayan College at Warrenville, Missouri on a trip with the primary onject of raising funds for the college.

In many instances they were confronted with the same stories from residences of farming communities--namely "We are getting 85 cents for corn ana $1.26 a buahel for wheat which is not much money." The two campaigners were undaunted by these hard luck, stories, which served only to double their efforts in seeking funds and as a result of their Intensive interest their mission was fulfilled and the sum of $12,000 real ized for the college, This sum of money raised in ten, days la by DO means a small record and tends to show that the public is realizing the of education. SHOW INTEREST IN ORGANIZED BASKET BALL Cage Players Gather at to Form Local Team. Will Hold First Practice Next Tuesday. Organized basket ball for Alton during the coming season, was assured as a result of a gathering of Interestod players at the Y. M.

C. A. Tuesday evening. A call was issued last week urging disciples of this game to get In the going for organized ball here to replace football during the winter and judging from the keen interest shown in the game Tuesday night thore will be several good teams here. The first general practice will be held next Tuesday evening while the first game to be played by the veterans of former games will be on the following December 8, against the Brown's Business College team.

There- was a good attendance at the special meeting called for organization and many local players are putting forth every effort to see Alton go down on the basket ball map as represented by a strong team. Among the prospective players who will step out on the floor next. Tuesday evening to trim down season games are: Rothacher, McDonnell, Wandling Brothers, Woods, Poole, Stilwell, Jacoby, Sagle and Caywood, also Osborne and Bell of Wood River. This will give ample opportunity for a. good work out and after the first call it la expected that thero will be a number of other players to get in on the game.

In former years Alton has had! strong quintets to compete with teams from surrounding towns and thus far this fall a number of requests havo been received from various teams, both near and remote for games when A schedule is made out. After the teams leer are sized up next week, work on the schedule of games will be started and plenty of fast games will bo assured local fans in which they can center their interest as a followup for football. Alton Boys Hold To Grand Jury Turner, 21 years old; his brother, George Turner, 24, and Willam Lemon, 22, of Alton, in Jail since Friday charged with stealing harness and tar papor valued at $500 from the Brooks General Store at West Alton, Nov. 6th, waived prelimInary hearing at St. Charles and were bound over to the Circult Court.

Utilities Board Suspends Increases. By Associated Press. Springfield, ov, of proposed advances in gas and elec trio rates in eight Illinois cities served by the twelve subsidiary companies of the Illinois Traction Co. to the middle of next April was ordered today by the Utilities. Board.

Wilson Commutes Rintelon Sentence. By Assoclated Press, Washington, ov. Wil8 onhas commuted the sentence of Franz von Rintelen, German, convicted of war time conspiracy on condition that he leave the United States before January 1. Rintelens, a former officer of the German navy, was three: times. nad tenged to month SCARLET FEVER CLAIMS FOUR IN SHORT TIME Two Families Afflicted Second Time Each Within Few Days by Fatalities From Dread Scourge.

HEALTH OFFICER NOT ALARMED Says That Diseases are Not Making Any Alarming Spread in the Community At Present. The death of a. second child in. the Ringering family and a second also in the Bick family in Wood River township, from scarlet fever, today, aroused apprehensions on the part of a number of people who feared that there might be chance for a widespread contagion. in this vicinity.

It was said today by Dr. D. F. Duggan, city health officer, that ao. far the conditions with regard to scarlet fever and diphtheria, two dread scourges of childhood, were much improved and, he did not anticipate much: trouble.

with the malady. Co-operating with the city' health department the school nurses and the visiting nurse have been doing; very. effective work in detecting and guarding against a spread of the contagion. Probably the most effective agency is the school nurse organization which. has first chance to: come 'in contact with many cases.

Ringering Child's Death. Lucy, the three-year-old child of Mr. and Mre. Albert Ringering, died at noon today from scarlet tever. This the second death from the disease in the family and there were five members, including the father, who were down with the disease.

funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock and will be private. Interment in City Cemetery. WESTERN UNION CABLE LANDING PLAN HALTED Crew From U. S. Sub.

Chaser 154 Prevents Cable Company from Landing Wire to Miami. pie By Associated Press. Miami, Nov. was regarded as an attempt by the Western Telegraph 'Co. to connect its cables from the Barbadoes to a cable from Miami at the west end of the causeway today, was stopped by an armed force from the United States submaripe chaser 154.

Orders to' prevent the connection of the two cables were received by. the commandant of this district from the Navy Department some time ago and the commander of the submarine chaser had been ordered to prevent any such attempt. When the work of laying the cable WEB stopped a portion of the cable which had not yet been connected at the west drawbridge of the causeway was left on barge anchored in Bigcay Bay. A force of fifteen men went out to a barge supposedly with the tention of connecting the cable where work had ceased. A few minutes later the submarines tied up to the barge and a crew of armed sailors headed by the naval commander went aboard ordering work suspended.

Nationalists Enter Erziman. By Associated Press. Constantinople, Nov. is re ported from a Turkish source that Erziman, capital of Armenia, has been entered by the Turkish Nationalist forces. WEATHER FORECAST Highest yesterday, 48, at 4 p.

m. lowest 82 at 6 a. mi. Official forecast for St. Louls and vicinity, Fair tonight and tomorrow; not much change in temperature; low.

est tonight will be about the freezing point. Illinois. Somewhat unsettlad In north ortion; fair in south portion and tomorrow: not much change 10.

Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois (2024)
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