Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois (2025)

a WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1943 ALTON EVENING TELEGRAPH Society. PARTI RECEPTION TEAS REDDINOI Dinner at Garden tinte Staff Sergeant Wilbur F. Little of Mount Dora, and Miss Marian Whittleman, whose mar-: riage will take place this evening at 7 o'clock in the First Methodist Church, were guests of honor al dinner given last night at the a Carden Gate. Guests included Mr. and Mrs.

Norman L. Richey, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Little, Miss Juanita Ritchey and Miss Virginia Littie, Frank Family Reunion Annual reunion of the Frank family was held Sunday at the home of Mrs. Nellie Frank in God(rey, and a basket dinner was served.

Attending were Mr. and Mrs. John Frank and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. O.

A. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.

Walker, Mrs. Mary GerniMrs. Jessie Hodson. Mrs. Ella can, Richey, Miss Hilda Mahee, Mr.

and Mrs. John D. Gernigin and family: Mr Mrs. Elmer Gernigin and daughter; Mr. and Mrs.

John Loy and family; Mrs. Earthy Huff and family; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coon1z, Mr. and Mrs.

Russell Malson, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Frank, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Cope.

Mr. and Mrs. Orville Rogers and daughter; Mrs. Gerva Kadell, Miss Alice Loy, Mrs. Nellie family; George Rogers, Christen, Mr.

and Mrs. George Comstock, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Loy and family, and Mrs. Melvin Loy and sons.

Married in St. Charles Russell Foster and Miss Viola Thompson of East Alton were mar- ried in St. Charles, before Justice of the Peace Kurt Achelpohl August 29. Sidney De Long of East Alton was best man and Miss Virginia Juneau was the bride's attendant. Miss Thompson wore 8 white street dress, made along torso lines, and corsage of white flowers.

Her bridesmaid was in a flowered frock. Mr. and Mrs. Foster will reside in Wood River. Mr.

Foster son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Foster, Jennings avenue, Wood River, and Is in charge of Foster lunch stand during the illness of his father.

He plans to leave for service within a short time. Mrs. Foster is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson of East Alton.

Wallace- Wedding Wallace- Wedding W. L. Wallace of Bethalto and Mrs. Bess Lloyd of Owensboro, were married in the Walter Street Baptist Church, Owensboro, Sunday evening. The double ring ceremony WAS performed by the Rev.

W. S. Coakley, and the bride's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. D.

P. Grider ol Bowling Green, were the couple's attendants. Before the wedding Miss Irene Waggoner sang "At Dawning." Shortly after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Wallace left for Bethalto where they will make their home.

Mr. Wallace is an employe of the Western Cartridge Companq. Mrs. Wallace is a cousin of Mrs. W.

A. Cannon of 927 Alton street, and has frequently visited in Alton on several occasions. Women's Club Meeting Alton Young Women's Club held its first mecting of the 1943-1944 season Tuesday night at the Young Women's Christian Association, with Mrs. Kenneth E. Little presiding.

Mrs. Little, who was installed as president of the organization last May, outlined plans for the year, and announced the appointment of Mrs. J. Begnel as recording secretary. Adopting a new policy the club will have special committees 10 handle its monthly meetings this season, and Mrs.

George M. Lammer's has been named chairman of the committee for the month of October. The September meeting of the club board will be held with Charles D. Plunk on the twentyfirst, and the Novel Group will he entertained A1. the home of Mrs.

Begnel on the third Friday In October. The business session was preceded by al covered dish dinner. and was followed by a social hour. Hostesses were Mrs. Plunk, Mrs.

Thomas Flehtel, Mrs. Begnel, Mrs. E. B. McCarty, Mrs.

Firman E. Yoder and Mrs. A. W. Daly, and prizes were awarded to Mrs.

Lawmers and Miss Lillian Meyer. "Guest Day" at Club "Guest DAy" will be observed A1 the Rock Spring Country Club Tuesday, September 28, necording to an announcement made yesterday. Play against average was fen lured Tuesday by the women of the club, and prizes were awarded to Mrs. J. 'I.

Brown and Mrs. Edward Kochne. Last week's awards, in A blind bogey play, were given 10 Mus. E. E.

Endleolt and Mrs. Roy Beull. Mrs. Kochne, Mrs. C.

I. tale, Mrs. Herbert Wickenhauser and Mrs. D. J.

Knowles were hostesses Tuesday, and luncheon was served at attractively decorated tables. Mrs. O. J. Knapp, Mrs.

Duncan, Mrs. James Mahoney and Mrs. E. P. Waterhouse will be hostesses September 14.

l'arly for Danny O'Neill Mr. and Mrs. Schaefer O'Neill of 853 McKinley boulevard gave a party Saturday, honoring their son, Danny, on the occasion of his fifth birthday. Fourteen children were in attendance and alter enJoying refreshments at the O'Nelll home attended 8 performance at the Grand theater. A birthday rake ornumented the dining room table.

Small Dunny was showered with anniversary gifts, and the guests were presented 'with vOI'S ENGAGED -Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Helen Garner, daughter of Mr. and hirs. Roy Garner at 1227 East Sixth street, to Samuel Gordon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Gordon of 1205 East.

Sixth street. No for the wedding has been sct.Relas photo. Republicans Plan Group of. Clubs A plan to increase interest nndi activity of rank and file In party affairs and to their influence and voice In party councils was announced today by the Executive Committee of the Madison County Republican Celltral Committee, through the formation of an organization to bel known as the "Associated RepubliClubs of Madison County." 'The organization will be made up of representatives of various local Republican clubs which it is planned Lo organize throughout the county, Local clubs will be 01'- ganized charters Issued by the Madison 'County Republican Cen-1 tral Committee upon the application of 10 or more local persons, desiring 10 organize a Local clubs may be organized among special groups such as Women's clubs, Young Republican Colored clubs, Servicemen's clubs, or along precinct, ward, village or city lines. The officers of the various local clubs in each township will serve as representatives in a township council of clubs, and council officers will be elected.

Likewise district councils will be organized in each of the seven disfricts in which county has been divided. Such district councils will be made up of the officers of each township council in the district. The district officers of cach district will make up the council or governing body of the Associated Republican Clubs of Madison County, and officers for the ciation will he elected from such In order to fully coordinate group. the activities of the Associated Republican Clubs and. the Madison County Republican Central Committee, representatives of the Associated Republican Clubs will serve on the Executive Committee of the Madison County Republican Central Committee.

The plan organization as set up is designed to unify and consolidate the efforts of all local Republican clubs and through the of representation that has system been provided each local club, regardless of size, will have the means of taking an active ar and definite part in guiding party affairs. active effort will be made to zation of local Republican clubs in encourage the widespread order to arouse wider interest in matters of government and give a greater voice to a larger number of "grass root" citizens. Alton War Dads Will Attend Church Next Sunday has been designated War Dads Sunday by Alton Chapter No. 8 of the American War Dads and clergy of Alton who are assisting and sponsoring the event Invite every father of every boy and girl in service of the armed forces to attend the church of his choice. Msgr.

W. T. Sloan of Old Cathedral and the Rev. M. Hedger of Grace Methodist Church represent the Catholic and Protestant churches of the city on the project.

An announcement from Msgr. Sloan said, "On this day united prayer will be made Lo God to watch over and protect the boys and girls physically, mentally and morally and soon bring them home safe and sound, with a happy prospoet for all of peace and security in the days 10 come." Richard Storm is chairman of publicity of the event and c. Heppner is president of Alton Chapter No. 8, War Dads. leaf hat arranged with a veil, and an orchid corsage.

Kesinger was attired in a gray two-plece dress, and wore a black hat and a corsage formed of pink rosebuds. Mr. and Mrs. Kosinger. who spent the week-end in St.

Louis, are residing with Mr. Kesinger's parents. Mr. Kesinger is with Shell Oil Company. Club With Mrs.

Ellison Upper Alton Woman's Club will meet with Mrs. C. C. Ellison and Mrs. Wade D.

David, at the home of Mrs. Ellison, 3210 College avenue, Tuesday, September 28. 'The meeting will be the first of the 1943-1944 season. Honored on Birthday Mr. and Mrs.

Gregory L. MeClintock entertained 30 boys and girls last Saturday in honor of their daughter, Mary Lou. The occasion was Mary Lou's eighth birthday. The party was held in the recreation room of the McClintork home al 1244 State street, and the (party appointments were In green and yellow. Games were played, and towards the close of the afternoon Mrs.

McClintock served refreshments. Prizes were awarded to Muggaret Hart, Sharon Henderson, Patty Conley, Joan Leady and Martha Taul. Mary Lou recelved anniversary gifts from relatives and friends. The longest aqueduct ever built Is the 300-malle Colorado River aqueduct of Southern California. MARIE HAMPTON ol MISS (Carlinville, whose a gement.

10 Marvel LeVora, son or Mr. and Mrs. Jacob LeVora of ville, has been announced by her sister in law, Mrs. Elvis Hampton, Carlinville. Miss Hamplon! formerly resided at Wood River and allended East Wood River Community High Mrs.

C. Edwards Dies at Age 79 Mrs. Catherine Edwards, 79, of 629 East Fifth street died Tuesday at 2:30 p. m. after an illness that began last.

July. Since the Inceplion of her illness she had been A patient in both St. Joseph's Hospital and St. Anthony's Infirmary. Mrs.

the widow of William Edwards, a former glassblower, WAS born at Astoria. She came to Alton in 1886 with her husband and had resided here for 56 years. She had made her home in the East street neighborhood for the Fifth, years. She was widely acquainted in the East Fifth street vicinity and known for her hospitality and generosity. She was the last member of the family of the late Mr.

and Mrs. Michael Walsh, and her only immediate survivor is a son, William M. Edwards of 34 Grovelin street, Godfrey, She was a member of St. Patrick's parish and funeral services Friday will be conducted at the church at 9 n. 11.

Burial will be In Greenwood cemetery, The body is at Gent funeral home where friends may call Thursday evening and until time of the service Friday. The rosary will be recited at the funeral home Thursday at 8 p. 111. Mrs. Alice Maxfield Funeral Thursday Funeral services for Mrs.

Alice Benton Maxfleld, widow of J. B. Maxfield, former president of George H. Smiley Co. Agency, who died Tuesday morning in Mobile, will be held Thursday at 2 p.

m. at funeral home. The Morrow- accompanied by a daughter, Mrs. Hiram Smith of Granite City, arrived in Alton this morning and is at the funeral home where friends may call. Aftservices Thursday the body will er be taken to St.

Louis to be cremated and the ashes will be interred at a later date. Mrs. Maxfield, who had resided in Alton until about two years ago when she went to Mobile to make her home with a daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Bitter, had been ill for several months and when her condition became serious her daugh-, ter in Granite City went south to attend her. 14 Original Members Of Battery Meet A reunion of 14 of the original members of Battery 123rd Field Artillery, U.

S. Army, was held Saturday at the armory. It was the first meeting since the Alton baliery was inducted into service early in 1941. A motion picture showing activilies of the battry members at Camp McCoy, was shown and some time was spent in reminiscing. Refreshments were served during the evening.

Plans were made for another meeting to be held Oct. 17, on the sixth anniversary of the original mobilization of Battery in the Terminal building. Announcement of the place and further details of the meeting will be made later. Attending the reunion Saturday were: Lieut. Carl L.

Roberts, First Sergi. Dean Miller, Staff Sergt. Fred M. Linkogle, Sergt. Ralph Schmidt; Corp.

C. E. Silk, Corp. Edward Richardson and Privates First Class and specialists Bond, Ferguson, Romano, Hammers, Hoyt, Chinn and Greer. Buy War Bonds and Stamps.

For FAITHFUL SERVICE BULOVA! AIR WARDEN 15 jewels $2975 Louis Brandenberger YOUR JEWELER 215 Plasa St. Hospital Notes 'C'he marriage of Miss Nathalie daughter of Mrs. Eula i Gardner, Gardner of 2616 Benbow avenue, 10 Captain George E. Frost, the United States, stationed with all anti-lank battalion at Camp Hood, Temple, will take place Friday evening at 8 o'clock in the Congregational Church, Sixth And Henry streets. The Rev.

Robert C. Kemper, pastor, will perform the ceremony, which be followed by A small reception for relatives and close friends to be held at the Gardner home. Miss Gardner has chosen Mrs. C. Thomas Abbott as her matron of honor and sole attendant.

Captain Frost. who recently compicted maneuvers with in troops In Louisiana, has arrived Alton on a 15-day leave. Before ing service, Captain ballistic technician at the WAS Western Cartridge Company. Because the wedding is being planned in A short time. friends of the prospective bride and groom are invited through the Telegraph to attend the ceremony at the church.

Wed in Lawton, Okla. Wedding Date Chosen Miss Eugenia Butterworth. of Mr. and Mrs. J.

L. daughter Butterworth of Marlow, bethe bride of Lieutenant John came E. Dryden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dryden of 1601 Henry street, Saturday, September 4.

at 3 o'clock. The wedding occurred in the sonage of the Central Baptist Church, Lawton, Rev. Boyd Smith performing the ring ceremony. Lieutenant R. B.

McDaniel of Fort Sill and Mrs. R. R. Moyer, the bride's sister, were attendants. Miss Bulterworth wore a white lightweight flannel dress, blue cessories and an orchid.

Lieutenant Dryden, who is stalioned at Fort Sill, and bride are residing in Lawton. Lieutenant an Instructor In the Field Artillery School, received his Dryden, commission at Fort Sill April 1. He is a graduate of Alton High School and Blackburn College, Carlinville. Mrs. Dryden Is a graduate of the Marlow High School and of Draughons Business College in Oklahoma City.

For the past. three she has been with the years Finance Company in Lawton. Wedding at Florissant, Mo. Private First Class Calvin Dwiggins, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Sidney Dwiggins of West Alton, and Miss Margaret Foeller, daughter of Mrs. Margaret. Foeller of Florissant, were married Wednesday, September 1, at the Sacred Heart Church in Florissant. The ceremony, performed o'clock by the Rev. Father Stephen Hoehn, was followed by nuptial mass.

Lawrence Dwiggins was best man for his brother, and Miss Josephine Foeller WAS her sister's bridesmaid. 'The bridegroom's 10- year-old sister, Miss Bernice Dwiggins, was flower girl. 'The bride wore A gOWn of white satin, fashioned with a sweetheart neckline, leg o' mutton sleeves and a full skirt which formed a long train. Her veil, which extended to the waistline of the bridal gown, WAS held in place with a Juliet arranged with orange blogcap soms. The bride carried a shower bouquet of white roses and baby breath, tied with wide satin ribbon.

Miss Josephine Foeller was attired in a gown of powder blue satin and marquisette, made with a fitted bodice, full skirt, v-shaped neckline and short sleeves. She wore a Juliet cap, arranged with ostrich tips, and carried red roses and white asterettes. The, young flower girl's frock was fashioned along lines similar to those In the maid of honor's dress, and her headdress COP'responded to that worn by Miss Foeller. The flower girl carried a colonial bouquet of red roses. A wedding dinner was served 4 o'clock at the home of the bride's mother, and at 8:30 o'clock a reception was held at Coldwater ball Florissant.

Among the at the dinner were the Rev. Fathers Hochn and Robert Huder Sacred Heart Church. Florissant, Fechtel, former pastor at the Immaculate Conception Church, West Alton. Private Dwiggins has departed for Miami, where he is statoned with the Army Air Corps, and will be joined shortly hy bride, who is staying with her mother. Private Dwiggins has been in service for eight months.

Daughters of American Revolu-1 tion. will have its opening meeting of the 1913-1944 season Saturday, September 11, at the home of Mrs. B. R. Kennedy.

436 Bluff street. DAR Meeting Saturday Ninian Edwards Chupter, Resinger-Grissom Wedding The marriage of Lyle Randall Kosinger, of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Kosinger of 2419 Kohler street. and Miss But1y June Grissom, daughter of Mrs.

Russell Gibson, wore married Saturday night. Sep! lumber 1. at 8 o'clock in tho Elm Street Presbyterian Church. Marion Buckshot and Mrs. Wayne inger.

sister-in-law of the bridegroom. were attendants, and the Rev. Paul S. Krebs, pastor of the Twelfth Street Presbyterian Church. officiated.

Before and during the ceremony MI's. A. H. Hermann played a program of organ musle, her tons Including "I Love You Truly" and "Llebestraum." Mrs. Hermann played the Wedding March from Lohengrin as processional and the Mendelssohn as 8 recessional.

Miss Grissom wore brown suit, Utrimmed with A laco collar, gold WED AT FIRST CHRISTIAN PARSONAGE--Miss Evelyn Morel William Hunter were married by the Rcv. C. E. Mrs Shepard Verla and Corporal the parsonage, Sunday evening, Their attendants were Baller and Theo. C.

-Staff photo at LaSalle hotel. PERSONAL AL Seaman First Class Arline Luckor arrived Monday to visit parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al. J.

Lucker, of McKinley boulevard. Seaman Lucker, who received her early training in New York, came here from Florida where she was stationed a long period. She will leaver Alton Monday for Cleveland, where she will report for duty on Tuesday, September 14. Philip Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Charles P. Smith of 2609 College avenue, has enrolled as a pupil in the ninth grade John Burroughs school, St. Louis County, and will enter in upon his studies Monday, September 13. Smith will reside his aunt, Mrs. Franklin E.

Walton, wife of Lieutenant Colonel Walton, who is stationed in Persia, at the Walton home, 25 Clermont Jane, Clayton. Philip Eaton, son of Mrs Eliza- beth S. Eaton of. 2732 Bostwick street, will be a student at St. John's Military Academy, Delafield, this winter.

School will open Tuesday, September 14. Mr. and Mrs. George J. Thomas of 910 McKinley boulevard spent the week-end in Springfield.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Jones and children, Jo Anne and Jimmy, of Hillerest avenue departed morning for a stay at Casper, Wyo." Marriage license was issued in St. Louis to Clarence D.

Orr, San Pablo, and Lorraine M. Dettmers of Bethalto. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A.

Smith and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Smith and son, and Mrs. Caroline Smith attended a dinner Sunday in St. Louis at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. A. W. Kirchhoff. The dinner was planned in honor of Joseph Smith who is leaving Thursday for San Diego, for service in the Marines.

Twenty guests attended the farewell party, Corporal Maurice Rosenberger of Hunter Field, Savannah, arrived Sunday on a 15-day furlough and is visiting relatives and friends. He is the son of Archie Rosenberger of 807 Alby street. Student A. David Hofmann arrived in Alton Tuesday afternoon to spend a short furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Alvin E. Hofmann of 449 Bluff street, beton University, Louis, where fore reporting Friday, to Washinghe will attend an advanced mechanical engineering course under supervision of the Army Specialized Training Program. Student Hofmann recently was transferred frob a basic engineering star unit at Colorado State College, Fort Collins. Mr. and Mrs.

Horace A. Calame of 950 Herbert street are in Rochester, N. for a two weeks' visit with their son, Aviation Cadet Dixie Calame. Jack I. Zerwas, son of Mrs.

Lloyd Craddick, left Tuesday for Chicago to resume his studies at the McCormick Theological Seminary. Zerwas, who will graduate from the McCormick Seminary in June of 1944. tilled the pulpit al. the First Presbyterian Church Sunday evening. Miss Mary Malone of 611 East Fifth street has returned from Rockford, where she spent the week-end with Miss Mary Gigilis.

Mr. and Mrs. William Halstenberg and daughter, Mary Lou. have returned to their home 011 Sunford avenue from a week's visit with relatives and friends in Chicago and Arlington Heights. John Burton, seaman second class, has returned to Great Lakes after a brief visit wth his mother, Mrs.

Harry M. Burton. Births Births Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lutleton of 2018 Country Club drive are announcing the birth of a daughter.

The baby was born at 6:32 H. today in St. Joseph's Hospital. A daughter, weighing six pounds, was born at 7:18 a. 111..

today in St. Joseph's Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph St. Peters of Brighton.

Announcement has been made of the birth of a daughter 10 Mr. and Mrs. Henry DeForest of 77 Alsace street. Buffalo, N. formerly of Alton.

'The baby, their second child and first daughter, was born Saturday and weighed eight pounds. The infant Is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald DeForest of 833 McKinley boulevard. LADIES' SHOES REPAIRED 64 you 00l br asianard to wear them Mail Orders Filled Promptly W.

J. REEDER SON College and Washington Ave. Leola Waller, wife of PoMrs. Licutenant Louis Waller, has lice returned to her home. 3213 Belle street, from St.

Joseph's Hospital where she underwent an operation for removal of her appendix. Bobby Thaxion, 5, son of Mrs. Elijah White of 620 East Eighth received emergency SUrgical street, treatment. Tuesday evening St. Joseph's Hospital for a at.

laceration above the left eye curred when he WAS accidently struck by a baseball bat while playing with a group of children in the neighborhood. The children were attempling to knock a golf ball from a lee with a baseball bat at time of the mishap, his mother explained. Two sutures were required to close the wound. Miss Rosemary Dean, 19, of 705 Sering avenue, an employe of an industry, suffered burns, to her face carly this morning when some hot. paraffin with which she was working splashed from tainer and hit her.

She was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital and remained there today under observation today. Mrs. Alti Ballard of 431 Whitelaw avenue, Wood River, a clerk at International Shoe Hartford, entered St. Joseph's Hospital this morning for medical treatment.

Mrs. Christine Wheaton, wife of William Wheaton of Fieldon, Jersey County, was admitted to St. Joseph's Hospital Tuesday for medical treatment. Mrs. Flora Ramsey of 117 East Elm street, Hartford, is a patient In St.

Joseph's Hospital for medIcal treatment. She entered the hospital Tuesday afternoon. Richard Deem, 5, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Deem of 307 Carroll street, wAs admitted to St.

Joseph's Hospital Tuesday evening for medical treatment. Miss Betty Huebener, 18, of Brighton, a student nurse at St. Joseph's Hospital, entered the hospital Tuesday evening for medical treatment. Janet Weese, seven-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Weese of Brighton, was brought to St. Joseph's Hospital Tuesday at 10:45 p. for medical treatment. Edgar F. Riffey of 517 Whitelaw avenue, Wood River, a druggist, was admitted to St.

Joseph's Hospital Tuesday night for treatment of a respiratory ailment. Charles Grills, 80, who resides at 602 East Third street, was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital Tuesday al 6:40 p. for treatment of an infection that developed after being bitten by a rat. Richard Narup, 4, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Leonard Narup of 226 McCasland avenue, East Alton, underwent an operation this morning in St. Joseph's Hospital for removal of his tonsils. Mrs. Tillie Smith of 224 Carson street, Godfrey, is a patient (in St.

Joseph's Hospital for surgery. Oscar Fulkerson was moved from his Alton residence, Memorial 420-A Belle street, to Hospital Tuesday Tor medical treatment. Herbert McCormick of Bethalto was brought to Alton Memorial Hospital Tuesday for medical treatment. Coy Jenkins of East Delmar road is a patient in Alton MeHospital for medical treatment. He was admitted to the hospital Tuesday.

John Malloy, 3, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Malloy of 227 St. Louls avenue, Wood River, entered St. Joseph's Hospital this mornIng for surgery.

Mrs. Marie Perscha, wife of Frank Perscha of Brighton, is A patient meldcal in St. treatment. Joseph's Hospital for She tered the hospital Tuesday. Mrs.

Willard Kelsey of 51 Madison avenue, Wood River, entered Alton where she Memorial will Hospital Tuesday undergo an operalion. Miss Edith Kuchnel WAS moved from street, to her Alton residence, Memorial 412 George Hospital Tuesday for surgery. Mrs. Charles Fisher of Apartment 542, Whitelaw avenue, East Alton, is a patient in Alton morial Hospital for surgery. She entered hospital Tuesday, Mrs.

Cleo Bethalto, Jenkins Logan street, was admitted to for Alton medical Memorial treatment. Hospital Tuesday Ross Dorworth of 869 East Penning avenue, Wood River, has enteredo she Alton will Memorial undergo Hospital surgical treatment. Mrs. Robert Kimmery of 143 East Alton avenue, East Alton, patient in Alton Memorial Hospital for medical treatment. She entered the hospital Tuesday, Ralph Drury, 10, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Ralph Drury of Godfrey, Ruraly Route 2, was taken to SI. Joseph's Hospital shortly after midnight Tuesday for medical treatment. Mr. and Mrs.

Roy A. Blair and daughter, Barbara, are enjoying a stay at their cottage in Pilgrim, Mich. Mrs. May Patterson of Ventura, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Sarah Wigger, and sister, Mrs.

John Brunner of Holland street. Private Drek Dunnagan, Army Air Corps, stationed at Clovis, N. is on a seven-day furlough and is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dunnagan, 1309 Pearl street.

Mrs. John Bruno of 1717 Main street will leave Friday for New York to visit her husband, who is stationed al Mitchel Field, Y. Private and Mrs. Spencer Brown of Minneapolis, left today after spending week in Alton visiting Private Brown's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Gilson Brown of Euclid place. Private Brown will resume his studies at the University of Minnesota School of Medicine. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Panapinto of 211 Allen street have as guests their nieces, Mrs.

Sam Lazzetto, and daughter, Carman, and Mrs. Joscph Castro and daughter, Mary Grace, of Chicago. Mrs. Ray Brickey, Jerseyville, Dies JERSEYVILLE, Sept. Mrs.

Nellie Brickey, wife of Ray Brickey, died at 8:40 p. 111. Tuesday at her home southcast of here. She is survived by her husband; a son, Ray Brickey. and her mother.

Mrs. Jennie Darr. The body will be at the Gubser funeral home after 7 p. mY. today.

Mrs R. Whitlock, Jerseyville, Dies JERSEYVILLE, Sept. Mrs. Rose Whitlock, widow of Jesse Whitlock, died at her home here at 7 p. m.

Tuesday. Funeral rites will be conducted at 2 p. m. Thursday at the Jacoby funeral home by the Rev. M.

C. Foltz. Burial will be in Oak Grove Cemetery, Whitlock is survived by three sons, Waller and George of Jerseyville and Gilbert of Dow; a sister, Mrs. L. Turpening of Car.

rollton. 18 Edwardsville Men Accepted EDWARDSVILLE, Sept. 8. (Speclal) Recent induction and ceptance by the armed forces Edwards- of 18 registrants from the ville draft district was announced today at the local board headquarters, as follows: Army Elmer George Engelmann, Outmar Charles Frey, Theodore Ronald Ketcham, ville; Meredith Richard Rhoades, Krohn, Bernard Albert Godfrey; Suritz, John John William Henry Biarkls, Russell Lloyd Oettel, Glen Carbon: Francis Anthony Drda, Highland; Vincent Paul Hess, Marine; Curtman Irving Angelo, Dow, and Frank Cyrus Williams (colored), Alton, Navy--John James Bickell, Edwardsville; Herbert Clinton Hamer, Delmar John Frey, Alton; Wilbur Donald Greeling, Godfrey: Everett Franklin Hinton, Wood River. Marine Edward Spudich, Livingston.

2 More Hotel Victims Die HOUSTON, Sept. 8. Two more deaths in hospitals today raised to fifty the toll of flames which trapped screaming, frantic men in the old, three-stury Gulf Hotel in downtown Houston yesterday. Six in hospitals and 44 never got out of the building. A dozen others remain in hospitals, some In serious condition.

MONUMENTS and MARKERS "ROCK OF AGES" And Other Bligh tirade Stones l'ho Old Bellable Firm Jacksonville Monument Co. Now la the tune to hase this work done while the ground and weather la favor. able. Don't wait unth sprina. Our prices ArD reasonable.

Our BOW fall shipinent has Just arrived. C.A. Yancey Wilnois Write or 17 Church Events Anna Morrow class will have a covered dish luncheon Thursday at 12:30 o'clock at the Twelfth Street Presbyterian Church. esses will be Mrs. Ernest LaMarsh, Mrs.

Edwin Cox and Mrs. Joseph Ash. Circle No. 3, Grace Methodist Church, will meet with Mrs. Minna Nagel, 796 Franklin avenue, at 2 o'clock Thursday, Dorcas Society of the First Christian Church will meet Thurs.

day at 7:30 o'clock with Mrs. rad Roemer on the Godfrey road. Mrs. Brazel Re-Named President of WCTU Alton Woan's Christian Temperance Union met yesterday with Mrs. William F.

Lancaster, at her home on Jersey street. The Rev. William B. Kelly of the Church of the Nazarene and Mrs. John Beloit were speakers, and Mrs.

Beloit's daughter gave a reading. Eighteen persons were in attendance. Officers for the year were named and are: Mrs. D. R.

Brazel, president; Mrs. Frank Bowers, vice-president; Mrs. C. E. guire, corresponding secretary; Mrs.

D. D. Monroe, treasurer, and Mrs. Belojt, recording secretary. Next meeting of the Union will be held with Mrs.


Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois (2025)


Where is Alton Telegraph located? ›

219 Piasa St. Alton, Illinois

What is Alton Illinois famous for? ›

Alton has been telling its story in hundreds of ways over its nearly 200 year lifetime. It was home to the world's tallest man--Robert Wadlow and the Piasa--legendary man-eating bird. It was also the site of Abraham Lincoln's one and only duel.

Is Alton, Illinois a good place to live? ›

Living in Alton offers residents a sparse suburban feel and most residents own their homes. In Alton there are a lot of bars. Many families live in Alton and residents tend to have moderate political views. The public schools in Alton are above average.

Who owns Alton Telegraph? ›

The Telegraph is owned by Hearst Newspapers, a company with more than 4,000 employees spread across 24 dailies and 64 weeklies across the nation.

Is Alton Illinois a city or town? ›

Welcome to the website of the City of Alton Illinois!

Founded in 1837, Alton is a city that is very rich in history and has a lot to offer.

Is The Telegraph conservative? ›

The Daily Telegraph is politically conservative and has endorsed the Conservative Party at every UK general election since 1945.

What is the race population in Alton Illinois? ›

Race and Ethnicity

In 2022, there were 2.65 times more White (Non-Hispanic) residents (16.7k people) in Alton, IL than any other race or ethnicity. There were 6.31k Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) and 1.62k Two+ (Non-Hispanic) residents, the second and third most common ethnic groups.

Who is the tallest man in Alton Illinois? ›

In 1918, Alton became the famous birthplace of Robert Wadlow, "The Gentle Giant." Born a normal eight pounds in 1918, Wadlow suffered from a pituitary gland problem. He was almost nine feet tall and 500 pounds when he died of complications from a foot infection at age 22.

What is the mythical creature in Alton Illinois? ›

Piasa bird, mythical monster depicted in a painting on a cliff overlooking the Mississippi River north of Alton, Illinois, U.S.

What is the crime rate in Alton Illinois? ›

With a crime rate of 40 per one thousand residents, Alton has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 25.

What is the most safest place to live in Illinois? ›

The Top 10 Safest Cities in Illinois
  • Elburn.
  • Campton Hills.
  • Manhattan.
  • Hawthorn Woods.
  • Gilberts.
  • Huntley.
  • Hinsdale.
  • Justice.
May 7, 2024

What is the cost of living in Alton Illinois? ›

The total cost of housing, food, child care, transportation, health care, taxes, and other necessities for a single adult in Alton is $34,829 a year — less than the annual cost of living for Illinois of $37,387 and less than the national figure of $38,433.

Where is the Alton Telegraph? ›

Driving directions to Alton Telegraph, 219 Piasa St, Alton - Waze.

Who founded Alton Illinois? ›

Alton was developed as a river town in January 1818 by Rufus Easton, who named it after his son. Easton ran a passenger ferry service across the Mississippi River to the Missouri shore.

Who owns Fast Eddies in Alton IL? ›

Sholar Sr. had been semi-retired in the years prior to his death. Sholar's son, Eddie Sholar Jr., currently owns and manages the tavern, restaurant and concert venue. Funeral arrangements remained pending Wednesday afternoon under the direction of Gent Funeral Home in Alton.

What town or city is Alton Towers in? ›

Alton Towers Resort is located in Staffordshire, England, near the village of Alton.

Where is Alton Aviation headquarters? ›

Alton Aviation Consultancy is privately held and based in New York, with additional offices in Hong Kong, Beijing, and Tokyo. For more information, please visit

Where is Alton Lane based? ›

Alton Lane offers modern bespoke suits, blazers, trousers, tuxedos, and shirts. The company is headquartered in Richmond, Virginia, and its suits are produced in Germany, Italy, and Thailand. Alton lane uses a combination of 3D body scanners and hand measurements to produce fully custom clothing.

Where is Alton Steel headquarters? ›

Mail to 5 Cut Street, Alton IL 62002. Email to

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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.