Poge 20, Sc 2, Capital Journoi, Solem, August 28, 1972 Beetle Bailey ITolevision Programs VOLl KNOW, TM5 A I WrUT WITM BUVN I hf I LOVE f9MM FAT-WATCH'S DET SPECIAL PLANNING (j fUC YOU BUSY -VXEnUS, PIET Cm A tMmS cALoeie I i p-F JHwm a WHERE If THAT I NOTICED 54 NOW BLASTED KID? ASKS JF- TALL REDHEAD --WEAJ71M' SHE DIDWT IN AN AIRPORT RSAPY OR BOARDING JME TWATCH THESE WHILE 0ME mDA GREEN DRESS STOP MLKED TERMINAL, MIKE mf AT 6AT 29rf BUY SOMETHING (iW 7- VRISHT THOUSH Andy Capp pex 'ow ABOUT rr's just anA I I BUT let's not PUTTIM VER MOTHER tOEA, AAINO 1 WHOSE sTO II room Hilda I wa, YOU KNOW HOVV Leac saic THAT' PARLOR THY I I tzSnOth' AAAAZIN! 1 HOUR GMH yea V. EVPfYTHJN laM.OA nntri JQ. raw with HANI? 2ZMmJ. (3) Valley View (8) High Chaparral (12) Batman 5:00 (3) Laramie (7-10) Misteroger's Neighborhood (9) News (12) Star Trek (13) It fakes a Thief 5:30 (2) Eyewitness News (6) Newscene (7-10) Electric Company (8) NW Tonight (9) Evening News Tiesday Evening 6:00 (3) News (7-10) Sesame Street (9) Felony Squad (12) It Takes a Thief (13) NW News 6:30 (2) News (3) Death Valley (6) Walter Cronkite (8-13) News (9) Coaches Corner 7:00 (2) To Tell the Truth (3) U.N.C.L.E. (6-13) Truth or Consequences (7-10) Beautiful Machine (8) Hogan's Heroes (9) News (12) Bill Cosby 7:30 (2-9) 1972 Summer Olympics (6) John Byner (8) Ponderosa (12) Jeannie (13) Imagination 8:00 (3) Video Theater "Uncertain Glory." Errol Flynn () (7-10) Gardeners Notebook (12) Dragnet 8:30 (6) Hawaii Five-O (7-10) Evening at Pops (8-13) Special: Growing Up in Tuesday Afternoon esdoy Afternoon 12:00 (2-9) Password (6) Noon Newi (8-13) NW Report (12) Parry Mason (6) Hi Neighbor -(13) Sewing Fashions 12:30 (2-9) Split Second (6) As the World Turns (8-13) Days of Our Lives 1:00 (2-9) All My Children (6) KOIN Kitchen (8-13) The Doctors (12) Matinee 12 "Rising of the Moon" 1:30 (2-9) Make a Deal (6) Guiding Light (8-13) Another World 2:00 (2-9) Newlywed Game (6) Secret Storm (8-13) Return to Peyton Place 2:30 (2-9) Dating Game (6) Edge of Night (8-13) Somerset -(12) Sewing Fashions -(2-9) General Hospital (6) My Three Sons (8) Zoo Revue (12) News 2:50 3:00 (13) Dinah's Place 3:30 (2) One Life to Live (3) My Friend Flicka (6) Love a Many Splednored Thing (8) What's My Line (9) My Friend Flicka (12) Ramblin' Rod (13) 3 on a Match 4:00 (2) Love American Style (3) Valley View (6) Mike Douglas (7-10) Sesame Street (8) 3 on a Match (9) Cheyenne (12) Addams Family (13) Wild Wild West -(3) Changing' World (2) Lost in Space (13) Mon.
Night Movie "Strange Bedfellows." 9:30 (6) Doris Day (7-10) Book Beat 9:55 (3) Our Changing World 10:00 (3) News (6) Cade's County (7-10) Masterpiece Theatre (12) News 10:30 (3) Chicano Expressions (12) No. 12 NW 11:00 (2) Eyewitness News (3) Encore Theater "Shake Hands With the Devil." (6) Nightscene (7-10) America (8-13) NW Tonight (9) Evening News (12) Movie 12 "Full of Life." Judy Holliday (2-9) Dick Cavett (6) Late Movie "The Sleepingcar I Murders." (8-13) Tonight Show 1:00 (3) Changing World (8) NewsSafrid of Trumpets Tuesday esday Morning 8:00 (2) Portland A.M. (6) Captain Kangaroo (9) Cartoons (12) Hebo Kelly (8-13) News -(8-13) Today I (9) Quiet I Adventure 9:00 (2) Green Acres I (6) Lucy Show (8) Telescope (9) Doffeetime News (12) Rusty Nails (13) Dialogue 9:30 (2) It's Your Bet (6) Beverly Hillbillies (8-13) Concentration (9) Morning Movie "Brushfire" (12) Mr. Ed 10:00 (2) Movie Classics (6) Family Affair (8-13) Sale of the Century (12) News (12) Art Crafting -(12) 12 in the Morning 10:30 (6) Love of Life (8-13) Hollywood' Squares (12) Galloping Gourmet 11:00 (6) Where the Heart Is (8-13) Jeopardy (6) News (2-9) Bewitched 11:25 11:30 (6) Search for Tomorrow (8-13) Who, What, Where 11:55 (13) News axis. si Monday 3:00 (2-9) General Hospital (6) My Three Sons (8) Zoo Revue (12) Newt (13) Dinah's Place 3:30 (2-9) One Life to Live (3) My Friend I.
Flicka (6) Love a Many Splendored Thing (8) What's My Line (9) My Friend Flicka (12) Romblin' Rod (13) 3 on a Match 4:00 (2) Love, American Style (3) Valley View (6) Mike Douglas (7-10) Sesame Street (8) 3 on a Match (9) Cheyenne (12) Addams Family 1- (13) Wild, Wild West 4:25 (3) Our Changing World 4:30 (2) Lost in Space (3) Valley View (8) High Chaparral (12) Batman 5:00 (3) Laramie (7-10) Misterogers Neighborhood (8-13) Major League Baseball (9) News (12) Star Trek (13) It Takes a Thief 5:30 (2) Eyewitness News (6) Newscene (7-10) Electric Company (9) Evening News I Monday Evening 6:00 (3) News (7-10) Sesame Street (9) The Virginian (12) It Takes a Thief 6:30 (2) News V- (3) Call of the West (6) Walter Cronkite C- 7:00 (2) To Tell the Truth (3) U.N.C.L.E. (6) Truth or Consequences (7-10) Firing Line (8) The Parent Game (12) Bill Cosby 7:30 (2) Simon Locke (6) Death Valley (9) Felony Squad (12) Spec: Magic Circus 8:00 (2-9) 1972 Olympic Games (3) Video Theater I "Fighting Father Dunne." Pat O'Brien (,,) (6) Gunsmoke (7-10) Theatre Special 8:30 (12) Merv Griffin (13) NW News 9:00 (6) Here's Lucy (7-10) Boboquivari in Today's TV highlights By United Press International 1972 Summer Olympic Games, ABC. Tonight's three hour telecast covers basketball, boxing, diving, gymnastics and swimming. (Color). 8 p.m.
Major League Baseball, NBC. Chicago White Sox at Boston Red Sox. (Color). 8 p.m. CBS Late Movie, "The Sleeping Car Murders." The first television showing of the French thriller starring Yves Montand and Simone Signoret.
(Color). 11:30 p.m. ntlio stations Rex Morgan, M.D. 11 LAURA. I PROMISE jj Wl'LL SHD SOMEONE PlASB- STAY I I CAN'T HELP IT, 1 Ssa? EVERYTHING WLL I FOR MY CAR IN THE -Ja WITH ME MARK I'M Tumbleweeds NgXTST: Qr Mary Worth I ff 1 skki-t 1 I 5HE MU6T HAVE SNAPPED I ,9 POSSIBLE CT Hty! 15 11 POSSIBLE 11 II IT ONE DAV WHEN I WAS HAT ALL TH ES THAT YOU HAVE Prison (12) Merv Griffin 9:30 (6) Cannon (7-10) Other Voices (8) Elizabeth R.
(13) Star Spangled Boots 9:55 (3) Changing World FM Stations KSLM: KWIL: KXL: KPAM: KPOK: KOIN: KINK: KJIB: 105.1 megs. 107.9 megs. 95.5 megs. 97.1 megs. 98.5 megs.
101.1 megs. 101.9 megs. 99.5 megs. IRA G. CORN JR.
TEAM CAPTAIN longest suit in the combined hands, declarer must avoid the suit, for there would be no way to both establish the suit and then get to dummy to run the suit (even with a three-three division of the outstanding diamonds). Having crossed this hurdle, declarer has only one alternative the club suit. He must finesse successfully against Bast if he is to make his contract. Many declarers, faced with the paucity of entries to dummy, would lead dummy's club ten with the mistaken impression that it is the correct play. It is not.
West covers the ten with his king and South must eventually lose his small club and, with that, his contract. Proper play of the club suit is worthy of attention. First it must be assumed that East has the king. Otherwise, the contract is doomed. If East has three or four clubs with the king, any club from dummy will yield the same result.
With three clubs the hand will be made; with four clubs the hand will go It matters only when East has one or two clubs. To cater to this holding, declarer should lead a low club from dummy and finesse the jack. A heart to the ace places him in dummy to lead another low club and East's king is captured with the ace. A low club to dummy's ten now assures four club tricks and declarer's contract. What to do is not enough.
It's how you do it that often makes the difference. Send bridge questions to The Aces. P.O. Box I23S3, Dallas, Texas 75225. Include self-addressed, stamped envelope for personal reply.
CW7 br UwHd Fwnir SywfloW, Inc. By United Press International Today is Monday, Aug. 28, the 241st day of 1972 with 125 to follow. The moon is approaching its last quarter. tl The morning stars are Venus and Saturn.
The evening stars are Mars and Jupiter. J- Those born on this date are under the sign of Virgo. American author Roger Peterson was born Aug. 28, l-ms. On this day in history: In 1833, the British Parliament banned slavery throughout the empire.
Z- In 1922, a New York City realty company paid $100 to sponsor the first radio commercial (ovef WEAF). "Z- In 1963, more than 200,000 demonstrators staged an Orderly civil rights march in Washington, D.C. In 1968, the Democratic party nominated Hubert llumphrey to run for president as anti-war demonstra-Itbrs fought police in Chicago. I j' A thought for the day: British writer Lytton Strachey 'said, "Perhaps of all the creations of man language is I Jhe most astonishing." AM Stations KBZY: 24 hrs. (ABC Contemporary), 1490 kc KGAY: 6 a.m.
sunset (ABC entertainment), 1430 kc. KSLM: 5 a.m. midnight (Mutual), 1390 kc. KROW: 6 a.m. sunset, 1460 kc.
KCCS: 6 a.m. sunset, 1220 kc. The Aces World Champions The beginning declarer often has his work cut out for him. He must learn to discipline himself to avoid playing hastily and without a reasonable plan for his contract. After he negotiates this hurdle and selects the play of one suit over another, his work is not yet done.
Still remaining is the proper way to play the proper suit. Today's hand provides an excellent example of this It also demonstrates the correct way to play a common card combination one that is played carelessly quite often. Vulnerable: North-South Dealer: South NORTH 82 4k A A63 98653 4 10 5 2 WEST EAST J982 4. 10 5 10 8 VJ952 4 10 7 2 49864 K7 SOUTH 7643 K74 AK 4AQJ3 The bidding: South 1 NT West Pass North East 3 NT All pass Opening lead: Two of spades. The bidding was over quickly.
South had a standard 16-18 opening one no trump and North, with 10 points and no interest in a major suit game, ended the bidding with a jump to the no-trump game. West led the spade deuce and declarer hopefully played the queen. West won the king and drove out dummy's ace to establish two more spade tricks for the defense. The first trap for the beginning declarer is the suit. Although it is the CLE Ft1PoriwEAK Acl jOBUE Be1 av i IdLjUom1b a pIr pit Ulje tnIq dIelja.
pPefs SIS 0T I g7w I ATI SONGS EIR tI ggfo t- a R. tTe Mrf AfTA Rl I LEO OYE DLlNIYLlBiElglN Crossword Puzzle it ACROSS 27. Trifle 28. Augment 29. About 31.
Pleasure craft 33. Compass point J. Design "4. Castigate 8. Drone 111.
Adverse "2. Formerly A3. Cassius Clay Field of ice J6. Bend Multiply a hundredfold 9. Single 51.
Style of Jj" hairdo i 2. True i 54. Name 34. Annual grass 36. Eiperts 37.
Discourse 39. Yank 41. Thoroughfares 44. Person 45. Bill 46.
Iti-, I 1 NOTHIN TO tT WUXT1 UP, JAA TEACMIN' I MCWOU HOW TO UV TIU WHAT NXT? Of- BA4V VO IT, wcLftv rr-ropcy iM I 5000 a.p. no.1: -f BA.CX 1 thousmt 0iGtcHnx.) Js( Tws )VaetcyAww7 V-Tv Vonh.J tmathoINa lT LzwereAAG Kelly II SOMEBCCV BRCXE 0XSm' 1 NQ BUT AH I X1 DOWN 1. Russian fighter 2. Everyone 3. Soothe 4.
Cut of meat S. Foreign news agency 6. Nape 7. That man 8. Robust 9.
Rubber tree 10. Blend 15. Cubicle 16. Girl's nickname 18. Victim 19.
Shoshoneans 20. Guided missile 22. London district 23. In disagreement 25. Pennsylvania seaport 27.
Shriek 30. School need 32. Va.lted alcove 34. Holder of the Covenant 35. Oil of roses 37.
Migration 38. 39. Bliss 40. Girl's name 42. Article 43.
Folly 45. Happen sr WWlZSL 2B u. mi jj5 A I vAA 1 1 Wrri.