Transcribed with Introduction and Notes by John G. Sharp
For over two hundred years the Washington Navy Yard officers have faithfully recorded the events of the day. Today these precious early station logs are important historical documents, for they contain and preserve eyewitness reports to the great and mundane events of our nation’s capital and its oldest navy yard. United States Naval regulations required all ships and shore stations to keep a daily log or chronological record of notable events which the duty watch officers or senior enlisted men were to record for administrative and legal purposes. In naval parlance any kind of running record is called a log. Another important function of the station logs was to monitor or check the activities of the watch officer. These logs were also maintained to serve as potential evidence in legal proceedings in naval or civil courts.The Washington Navy Yard was established in 1799, but the earliest surviving station logs date from 1822. The station logs for the important years 1863 and 1864 are also missing.1 What follows are selected entries transcribed from the surviving log books for the period November 1822-December 1889.
Station log entries typically state the number of personnel employed, the number of mechanics in various trades, laborers at work on a given date, and reports of work accomplished. Many entries list name of the naval and merchant vessels at the yard, the name of the ship’s captain, and the reason for a visit, such as delivery of supplies or repair. Steam engines to power the foundries and mills were first introduced in 1811 and a regular part of the work environment, by 1822 there were four steam engine operators.2 The arrival and departure of steam vessels by the 1820’s was fairly routine see 7 September 1825 for the Steamboat Mount Vernon, as were the sight of coal barges and vessels such as the schooner Rising Sun and canal boat Anzonetta see 12 March 1828 and 30 November 1855. Each of these vessels was loaded with coal and reflected the navy yard shift away from building wooden ships to armament manufacture. Increasingly anthracite coal rather than wood was the fuel for large foundries and steam engines.
Watch officers were also obligated to chronicle the weather with particular attention to wind direction and cloud formation; log entries from the mid 1860’s include the air temperature and barometric pressure. Changes in weather were crucial since most Washington Navy Yard employees worked out of doors. The nineteenth century shipyard workforce was largely composed of per diem workers. The practice at Washington and other federal shipyards was to retain only the absolute number of these men necessary for a given shop to operate or complete a ship repair. Accurate weather observations were useful in projecting the number and types of workers required. Cold weather meant that laborers unlike carpenters, painters, and blacksmiths who could work indoors in a shop or shed would be laid off until warmer weather made their work feasible.
The Navy Department typically followed the work practices of private shipyards, and hired nearly all its mechanics and laborers per diem, and then only when there were sufficient funds. The workforce could be rapidly downsized after decreases in the annual naval appropriations and also during winter months when the Potomac River froze, as it did on 29 December 1826 and 12 February 1829, or when weather conditions like strong winds and severe cold of 1 and 2 January 1827 and 14 February 1829 constrained workers to sustained periods of forced idleness. Frequent snow during the early nineteenth century period required constant removal to prevent damage to the rigging and decks of ship, see 20 December 1826 and 13 January 1830. Commodore Isaac Hull writing to the Secretary of the Navy did his best to keep workers on the pay rolls during the winter months for as he observed they “have large families, and not a cent to support to support them except what they receive for their labour at this yard; if I discharge them now, I see no way for them to live through the winter.”3
In the early nineteenth century employers almost everywhere successfully challenged strikes and work stoppages in the courts. Strikes constituted illegal conspiracies in common law and exposed strikers to criminal prosecution. At the navy yard though disputes over wages or conditions occasionally resulted in work stoppage and employees walking off the job. One early example occurred on 13 March 1827, when a dispute over wages provoked laborers to leave the yard to express their displeasure. Again on 23 March 1830, the laborers were recorded “standing out” for a week to show that their per diem wage rate should have been granted sooner. These incidents are two of the first recorded job actions at a federal shipyard.4
The navy yard watch officer was normally required to coordinate the first response to industrial accidents such as explosions at the laboratory, e.g., 7 September 1841, 12 February 1846 and 27 July 1861. Another important duty was to respond to the cry of fire and direct the initial response on the yard or the surrounding communities see 18 January 1827 where Captain Benjamin Waller Booth directed navy yard civilian employees and U.S. Marines as they moved heavy fire trucks to the city of Alexandria to extinguish fires in subfreezing temperatures, also 12 February 1846 at the laboratory, and on 9 August 1889 where mechanical fire detectors provided an early warning. The watch officer also chronicles natural disasters such as the earthquake of 9 March 1828 and Potomac River flood, see 1 and 2 June 1889.
The Civil War is also reflected in the station log entries. One of the most poignant relates the death of Colonel Ellsworth at Alexandria, Virginia on 24 May 1861. Another is an early tale of dissatisfaction the arrival of 66 mutineers from 2nd Maine Regiment for imprisonment, although the watch officer erroneously recorded these soldiers as men as from the 1st Maine Regiment see14 August 1861.5 The surrender of Robert E. Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia on 10 April 1865 was a cause of celebration on the navy yard, while the tragic news of Lincoln’s assassination on Friday April 14 1865 brought great sorrow. On 27 April 1865 the log records the navy yard received Army Transport John J. Ide with the body of assassin John Wilkes Booth and captured conspirator David Herold.
One important feature of the log entries for this period is the daily work assignments of the mostly civilian workforce, especially the mechanics, laborers and the men of the “Ordinary.” The term “Ships in Ordinary,” designated ships held in reserve, or for later need. Normally these vessels had seen hard service abroad and were awaiting restoration, but due to the small naval appropriations of the era, repairs were not possible. To maintain such ships required a substantial number of men to keep these vessels at an acceptable minimum level. The Ordinary was responsible for the maintenance of these laid up ships and was under the command of the shipyard commandant. Ordinary personnel included a small group of officers, e.g., the Commandant, Purser, Storekeeper, and Seamen assigned to the station for indefinite periods. In addition, a number of officers and men in transit were temporarily assigned to the Ordinary. In keeping with naval regulations those assigned to Ordinary were required to muster periodically for record keeping and pay purposes. At the navy yard the number of seamen assigned to the Ordinary varied, but regularly consisted of twenty to forty enlisted men. Their specific work assignments were usually listed in the log each day.6 Many of these men like Michael Shiner and Thomas Penn were contrary to naval regulations, slaves.7
The navy yard for much of its history due to its close proximity to the White House was a ceremonial center with recurrent presidential visits like those of John Tyler, James K. Polk, Franklin Peirce, and Abraham Lincoln, see 5 July 1841, 4 March 1845, and 25 July 1861. In addition, the log records elaborate firework displays staged for the Capitol such as that on 4 March 1845 created and supervised by the Gunners Mates. Dignitaries and foreign delegations visited as well, see 15 May 1860 for the Japanese Embassy and 18 May 1861 for the Brazilian ambassador.
A wide range of individual officers and civilian employees are mentioned by name, including Thomas Tingey, the first and longest serving Commandant, whose death is entered on 23 February 1829 and subsequent funeral ceremony on 25 February. Naval hero Commodore Isaac Hull’s assumption of command on 11 April 1829 is briefly described and the same day there is separate entry for an unknown seaman whose body was discovered floating in the river. African American diarist Michael Shiner, an enslaved seaman, had his movements carefully recorded; see 27 and 28 December 1828. Another enslaved seaman, Thomas Penn, is listed in an entry for 30 June 1827. Lieutenant John Kelly, a nephew of Commodore Thomas Tingey and the owner of Thomas Penn, specifically entered a request to have Penn enrolled in the Washington Navy Yard Ordinary.
The station log also notes two women: Betsey Howard and Ann Spieden, the earliest female workers documented at the navy yard, and perhaps in the federal service, see 12 and 13 March 1828. In these entries, Ann Speiden is always referred to as “the Widow Spieden.” Both Howard and Spieden were employed as horse cart drivers, and like their male counterparts employed per diem, working whole or part days as required.
Daily logs from the 1860’s include the names of marines and sailors in a disciplinary status. Occasionally there are also entries for civilian employees in a disciplinary status, for example, the three belligerents discharged for fighting on 16 June 1828.
In some station log entries, the individual voice of a watch officer becomes apparent as in the forlorn entry for 25 December 1828: “This Day fresh breezes from the N.W. and clear weather Christmas day and no body at work.” Log entries can also reflect the watch officer’s literary talents; see 1 December 1855 description of the launch of the USS Minnesota.
We are indeed fortunate that these early station logs survive, for they provide unique insights into the day to day history of the navy yard and the varied careers and work assignments of its officers, seamen, and civilian employees.
Notes on the Transcription
The majority of this transcription was made from digital images taken with a Cannon Power Shot A590 while I was researching at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), Washington DC, where flash is not permissible. Additional images for log entries dated were produced by a NARA contractor via special purchase. All images are from NARA Record Group 181.14 of the original Washington Navy Yard Station Log.
Transcribed entries are arranged chronologically, generally the later entries tend to be fuller and provide greater detail and information. All entries for a particular date are transcribed completely. My intent is to provide readers some sense of the original log which has yet to be microfilmed. To my knowledge, except for an occasional excerpt, the Washington Navy Yard Station Log has never been transcribed.
In transcribing, I have striven to adhere as closely as possible to the original log entries in spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and abbreviation (e.g., “Do” or “do” for ditto, or same as above) including the retention of dashes, ampersands, and overstrikes. Most naval officers of this era wrote well, although by custom and tradition all entries adhered to certain formulaic outlines and phrases. Fortunately for the editor, most watch officers possessed clear and discernable handwriting. Their spelling, though varied a great deal for American English, never achieved standardization in this period; consequently, I have occasionally placed a word in brackets to avoid confusion. Where I was unable to discern a word or sentence or where it was not possible to determine what was written I have so noted in brackets. Where possible, I have attempted to arrange the selected entries in a similar manner to that found in the log. The names of vessels are italicized.
Remarks & Occurrences in the Navy Yard Washington
Thomas Tingey Esq. Commander
Wednesday 4th Dec. 1822
All this day clear & cold wind N.W. Mr. Vidler and his Laboratory repairing the furnace in the chain cable shop Riggers attending survey.8
Thursday 5th Dec. 1822
All this day cloudy & Wind N.E. several vessels arrived with timber. Riggers & Labourers employ’d as yesterday shipped on board the Sloop Packet Clark, for Norfolk Shipped viz one 74lbs chain cable and 240 locust treenails of different lengths To the ship Peacock one main course, one fore top gallant sail, one spanker & one flying fifty, hammocks, sixty cots with bottoms, 1000 quilt tubes 50 black lights 50 signal rockets.
Friday 6th Dec. 1822
All this day cloudy wind N.E. Mr. Vidler and two laboratory employees repairing furnace in the chain cable shop. Riggers attending the survey.
Monday 24th March 1823
Retour Labourers Piling Timber & Cutting wood.
Tuesday 25th March 1823
All this day Clear & pleasant wind from the N. Riggers Emp fitting a new messenger for the Saw Mill & Discharging live oak Labourers piling timber
Wednesday 26th March 1823
All this day Cloudy with rain wind from the N.E.
Thursday 27th March 1823
Commences with Cloudy weather & 9 a m wind from the N. E. Middle & latter part Clear & pleasant 7 a m arrived the sch Stag Nevitt Master with quantity of iron & twelve slats of Copper for the Yard Riggers Emp Discharging the Sch Retour & making Rope Labours Discharging Sch Stag, piling Timber Cutting wood Riggers Emp drawing yarns making Rope &c
Friday 28th March 1823
All this day Clear & pleasant weather wind from the NW Riggers & Labours Emp transporting Fiber plank & cutting wood Riggers Emp drawing yarns making Rope &c
Saturday 29th March 1823
All this day clear & pleasant weather wind from the N & W Riggers & Labourers Emp as Yesterday
Sunday30th March 1823
All this day Cloudy weather with Rain Snow & hail with Strong variable wind
Monday 31 March 1823
All this day clear & cold wind from the N & W Until meridian . Labourers piling Timber making Rope &c at Noon all hands “knock” off work, in Consequence of it being Easter Monday
Thursday 16th June 1825
All this day clear and pleasant, wind S.W. at 9 A.M. the new Frigate left the her stocks, and passed into her destined element in fine stile, amidst the cheering shouts of numerous spectators having on board His excellency John Quincy Adams President of the United States, She was christened “Brandy Wine”, after which no duty was done in the yard, Draft 16ft.haft 12ft. 6in forward
Friday 17th June 1825
All this day clear and pleasant winds S.W., Riggers and Labourers employed in the Brandy Wine launching spars &c
Saturday 18th June 1825
All this day clear and warm weather wind light and variable, Riggers Laborers employed in the Brandywine, got in the Bowsprit draft 16ft aft 12ft 4in forward arrived a sloop from Richmond with coals for the yard
Sunday 19th June 1825
All this day clear and warm winds SW
Monday 20th June 1825
All this day clear and warm winds light and variable, all hands employed masting the ship, stopped the Fore & main masts Draft with the Foremast in 13ft. 1 in forward 16 ft . 5 in aft with new main mast in 13ft . 1in forward 16ft .5 in
Tuesday 21st June 1825
All this day clear and hot wind light & variable riggers & Laborers getting the ships mizzen mast carrying down Trussletrees Caps Topsails receiving coal &c draft 13ft 1in forward 16 ft . 8aft
Wednesday 22nd June 1825
All this day clear and warm, wind light and variable, all hands employed getting Trusstrees, Crosstrees Tops &c caps over the mast Head
Thursday 23rd June 1825
All this day clear & warm wind S.W. all hands employed on the Brandy Wine.
Tuesday 6th Sept 1825
All this day clear and pleasant wind S.E. Riggers Ordinary men & Laborers employed clearing up the yard, piling timber &c sent the Florida to Alexandria, with some moulds to be shipped to Falmouth.
Wednesday 7th Sept 1825
All this day clear with fresh breezes from the Southward, shipped a quantity of stores on board the steamboat Mount Vernon for the Brandywine, fired a salute in honor of the departure of General Lafayette. No other duty done in the Yard today.
Thursday 8th Sept 1825
All this day cloudy with rain, wind N.W. Riggers, Laborers and Ordinary men variously employed cleaning up the Yard &c. 7 men driving piles 3 cutting wood for engine –
Friday 9th Sept 1825
All this day clear and pleasant wind NW Riggers employed strapping purchase blocks for the Yard. Laborers employed at various duties.
Thursday 28th Dec 1826
These 24 Hours fresh gales from the N.W. attended with heavy frost and cloudy weather. The Laboratory employed in stowing Iron in the Iron House Carts hauling wood for Mr. Winn’s use and other uses in the Yard the Riggers employed in the Loft ordinary Men on various duties of the Yard. 9
Friday 29th Dec. 1826
This 24 Hours moderate wind from the S.S.E. and flying clouds Labourers employed in digging at the bank, carts hauling dirt for the wharf Riggers employ’d on various duties in the loft. Ordinary Men on various duties of the Yard. Eastern Branch frozen over and thick ice.
Saturday Dec. 30th 1826
These 24 Hours Cold weather, wind N.W. Labourers employ’d digging at the bank, carts hauling dirt for the wharf and other necessary jobs Ordinary Men in clearing snow off the Ship’s decks. Riggers employed in the Loft.
Sunday Dec. 31st 1826
These 24 Hours cold frosty weather, wind N.W.
Monday 1st January 1827
These 24 Hours strong gales from the N.W. and very cold weather no work for Labourers or Ordinary men weather being so cold.
Tuesday 2nd January 1827
The first part of this day strong gales from the N.W. very cold weather, the middle and latter part more moderate, Labourers could not work the weather being so extremely cold, Ordinary men employ’d in weighting copper bolts & doing other necessary jobs Riggers strapping blocks. All the Carpenters broke off work the weather being so cold.
Thursday Jan. 18th 1827
These 24 Hours fresh gales from the N.W. very severe cold frost morning. Labourers, Riggers, Ordinary Men, Carts & Oxen working as above until half past 11 o'clock A.M. when Bell rung a letter from the Secretary of the Navy read to the Workmen requesting Commandt Tingey to send all the force within his power to Alexandria to extinguish a large fire that took place there; the men took two fire Engines and proceeded to Alexandria where they arrived about two o'clock; at about 3 o'clock they had orders from Capt. Booth to proceed home with the fire Engines as all the fire was extinguished by the exertions of the people of Alexandria, City of Washington & George Town; they got the Engines back to the Navy Yard about 5 o'clock PM. One of the Enginins got broke in some respect in going down but was temporary mended- 10
Friday Jan. 19th 1827
These 24 Hours weather as above, Labourers employed in digging at the Banks, Riggers at work in the Rigging Loft (Ordinary Men shelling corn the weather being so cold they could not scrape).
Saturday Jan. 20th 1827
These 24 Hours fresh gales from the N.W. extremely cold weather. Laborers employed in digging at the bank. Carts hauling dirt to the wharf. Riggers darning yarns and knotting them for spun yarns. Ordinary men on various duties of the Yard. Capt. Booth mustered the workmen at the Yard in the Rigging Loft and gave them a handsome oration on the utility of organizing themselves in companies for the purpose of using the fire Engines in case of fire in any part of the city or Neighboring towns, which they cheerfully aid.
Monday 12th March 1827
The first part of this day Cloudy weather Wind Southward the middle and latter part heavy rains and cloudy weather Laborers employed in clearing the timber out of the west wing of Ship House No.1 and piling it away outside &c in the afternoon they were employed in moving ballast from the larboard side to the starboard and leveling it. The oxen in the forenoon employed in hauling timber from Ship House up the wharf carts in hauling board for the Joiners, rubbage from old buildings that were pulled down, in the afternoon neither Oxen nor carts were doing Riggers employed in getting ropes and blocks ready for painters to paint Ship House No. 2 Ordinary men in scraping Ship Potomac & doing other duties of the Yard.
Tuesday 13 March 1827
First part moderate weather the middle part strong gales from the N.W. the latter part more moderate and clear. Laborers employ’d in striking down the gun carriages of the Potomac spar deck on the gun deck and piling away timber. The last quarter of the Day 8 of the Laborers went out. Oxen moving the Carts clearing away rubbage and supplying the Joiners with boards hauling sand from Blagden’s bank for the brick-layers whose wall fell down Ordinary men scraping Potomac Received 14.3.14 of Hay
Friday June 29th 1827
This day breezes & sultry weather, arrived the sloop [illegible] J. D. William Master with knees for sale, which were bought from him & discharged by the Ordinary man Riggers employed making wind sails & scraping blocks piling staves & loading carts with staves, sawing wood, hauling timber to and from Saw Mill. Oxen hauling staves supplying steam Engine with chips & other duties.11
Sunday June 30th 1827
This 24 hours moderate breezes and sultry wind S.W. Riggers and Labourers did not come work such as were to do militia duty, hauled the mud scow under the sheers, oxen & carts as yesterday the following letter was neglected in its purpose wherefore it is entered now.
Washington June the 29th 1827
Sir, The term for which my man ( Thos Penn ) was shipped in the Navy in Ordinary, having nearly expired and being informed that you are about to enter men again in that service, may I solicit the favor of you to have Thos Penn entered again and oblige your Obt Servt.12
Lieut. John Kelly13
(Signed) Wm. E. Howard14
Sunday July 1st 1827
This day warm and sultry weather, wind variable S.W. S.E.
Monday July 2, 1827
This day warm & sultry, at 5 p.m. cloud rose to westward, half round to the Southward & Westward with some heavy drops. Arrived, the Schooner Dispatch, F. C. Chilton, master with Oak & Pine lumber. Riggers employed in getting anchors out of mud machine & transporting to her anchorage, hauled the new launch round 6 to the east wing of the Ship House, Labourers in the above work, stowing tanks & other duties, oxen hauling from the wharf & chips & steam engine & from different shops.
Sunday Dec. 23rd 1827
This day clean & cold weather little wind from N.E. cleared the snow off the Ships ports and deck.
Monday Dec. 24th 1827
This day light airs and very variable. Riggers employed at the Potomac Rigging. Some of the Ordinary men clearing snow off the Congress decks others went in a boat to Alexandria. Laborers piling timber on the carts. Oxen hauling timber from the South side to the North side of Ship House No. 2 Horse Cart employed in carrying materials, to the Magazine for filling powder to prove Cannon at the Columbia Foundry at 3 P.M. the boat returned from Alexandria.
Tuesday Dec. 25th 1827
This day moderate & variable winds from N. to S.E.
Wednesday Dec. 26th 1827
This day begins with cloudy, misty weather; Riggers employed in carrying cannon down to the Arsenal along with Mr. Marshal the Gunner. Ordinary men in boats to bring the Scow with the Guns, Labourers employed planting trees. Horse Cart hauling dirt. Oxen at various duties of the Yard.
Thursday Dec. 27th 1827
This day rain at intervals, wind N.E. Riggers employed carrying gun carriages & other materials to the arsenal to mount Guns for proving Ordinary men with Mr. Catalana at Columbia Foundry proving guns, Labourers employed the forepart of the day, in filling of dirt about the trees, this latter part in clearing ships from under the Ship Houses No. 1 & 2. Carts hauling dirt and silt in the afternoon, Oxen hauling chips of wood to steam Engine.16
Monday Dec. 31st 1827
This day moderate breezes and fair weather, wind S.E. Riggers employed at the Potomac’s rigging Labourers and Ordinary men digging holes. Carts hauling dirt Oxen supplying steam engine with wood and other duties.
Tuesday January 1st 1828
This day air light and variable. Riggers not at work Labourers and Ordinary men employed in the for noon putting molds in boxes on board of a scow which was delivered to Rosenneck wood and discharging a long boat or scow that came from Columbia foundry with sixteen cannonades Oxen hauling timber to the saw pit and saw mill supplying steam furnace with wood Bell did not ring after dinner consequently no work in the afternoon being new year’s day.
Wednesday January 2nd 1828
For the first part of the day moderate breezes from the South West and heavy rains at intervals in the after part more moderate with light rains Riggers employed at the Potomac rigging Ordinary men getting some water casks for rain casks from the officers dwelling labourers did not work today.
Thursday Jan. 10th 1828
The first part of this day heavy rains & cloudy weather, the latter part cloudy and moderate breezes from N.E. Riggers employed working Tarpaulin for covering cannon at Green Leafs Point, Labourers putting planks into the scow to be sent to Alexandria & left the wharf at about Noon. She returned at midnight, after delivering the molds. Oxen hauling timber to and from Saw Pit and Saw Mill, Oxen and Horse Carts hauling dirt & in other duties of the Yard &c.
Saturday March 8th 1828
This day moderate breezes from the N.E. Riggers, Labourers, Ordinary Men, Oxen and horses employed as yesterday, send 1200 lbs. of junk to E. Simms to be picked into oakum.
Sunday March 9th 1828
This day moderate breezes from the N.E. and cloudy, misty weather a slight shock of an earthquake about 11 o’clock, P.M.17
Wednesday March 12th 1828
The first and middle part of the day cloudy weather and variable winds, at sun set commenced raining. Riggers employed as yesterday, labourers, some employed trimming coals which were set out of the Schooner Rising Sun, some cutting junk to be sent out to be picked into oakum. Ordinary men on various duties of the Yard, sent out to E. Simms 3424 lbs. junk to be picked into oakum. Hired Betsy Howard’s horse and cart and Widow Speiden’s horse and cart, oxen and horses on various duties and of the yard, hauling coals from the Rising Sun.18
Thursday March 13th 1828
This day pleasant and clear weather, wind variable from N.W. to N.E. Riggers employed about the Potomac, rigging, detailed four labourers scraping the sloop of war St. Louis, the remainder of the labourers working about coals oxen hauling timber the bull being sore was taken out of the yard. Widow Spieden’s horse and cart and Mrs. Howard’s horse and cart hauling coals from the schooner Rising Sun, yard cart hauling from the Rose In Bloom Ordinary men went to Alexandria with Mr. Kelly, at two they returned, rec from Mr. Simms 239 lbs of oakum).19
Friday March 14th 1828
The first and middle part of the day, moderate breezes from the S.W. and flying clouds, at 4 p.m. Heavy squall of wind and rain from the S.W. at 5 the wind shifted around to the N.E. With heavy rain, thunder and lightning at 8 p.m. pleasant and clear weather, Riggers, Labourers oxen and carts employed as yesterday, send out 2504 lbs. of junk to Mr. Simms and rec. 258 lbs of oakum, and in discharging the Rose in Bloom of her cargo of coals. Carts employed as yesterday.
Monday March 24th 1828
This day cloudy weather, wind from N.W. to S.W. at 7A.M clear weather, Riggers employed strapping blocks to Sloop of War St. Louis. Labourers clearing the wharf of rubbish & getting chips out of the Frigate Columbia. Ordinary on various duties of this yard, Oxen and Horse clearing away chips from different parts of the Yard for the steam engine.
Tuesday March 25th 1828
This day moderate breezes and fair weather, excepting heavy showers of rain in the night time, Riggers employed strapping blocks for the sloop of war St. Louis. Ordinary men piling gun - stocks in the Navy Cellar. Labourers at different kinds of work cleaning up & Oxen and carts hauling away chips and dirt from different parts of the Yard. Howard’s Cart at work all day Comm. Bainbridge & Chauncey and civil engineer inspected Rec’d from Mr. Simms 922 lbs., of oakum & from the poor house 255 lbs.15
Wednesday March 26th 1828
This day moderate breezes from the N.E. & S.E. and clear weather, Riggers Ordinary men, Labourers, Oxen and carts employed as yesterday. Rec’d 922 lbs. of oakum from Simms and 200 lb. from the Poor House. Mrs. Howard’s Cart ¾ and Mrs. Spieden all day.20
Friday March 28th 1828
This day warm sultry clear weather, wind, Southward & Westward, Laborers Riggers, Ordinary men, Ox and Horse Carts employed as yesterday. Mrs. Howard & Mrs. Speiden’s horses and carts employed to day Rec’d 576 lbs. of oakum from Simms.
Saturday March 29th 1828
This day moderate breezes from the N.E. and fair sultry weather Riggers employed in strapping blocks for the sloop of war St. Louis, Labourers piling timber, getting out the St. Louis, new spars for painting & Some Labourers at various duty of the Yard, agents for the Cooperation took charge of the mud scow to get her ready for clearing the bar, all the carts employed as yesterday. Mrs. Howard and Mrs. Spieden carts working all day discharged them in the evening. Rec’d 1957 lbs of oakum to day from Mr. Simms.
Sunday 18th May 1828
This day fresh breezes from the N.W. and fair weather Teppit has not made his appearance.21
Friday June 13th 1828
This day light winds from the SW and NW cloudy weather at intervals. Riggers employed as yesterday, Labourers piling spars, timber with some ordinary men, ox carts hauling timber up to the wharf for piling. Horse carts hauling chips and other duties of the yard – Entered some of the Ordinary men.
Saturday June 14th 1828
This day clear weather, wind from the Southward Riggers Labourers & Ordinary men employed as yesterday Ox Carts, hauling timber Horse carts hauling sand for the foundry.
Sunday June 15th 1828
This day light winds from the Southward and clear sultry weather.
Monday June 16th 1828
The first part of this day cloudy weather, wind from the SE to SW the middle and ladder part sultry weather with light rain about midnight we were appraised by the beating of the drum and ringing of the yard bell of a fire, took out one Engine, there not being enough men to take out the other, at about 1 AM discovered the fire to be in George Town, at 2, the Engines returned, Riggers employed knotting yarns and wove one tenth of rope. Labourers stowing timber and docking knees. Ordinary men moving tin from the Cooper Shop to the Sail Loft over the Navy Store, Oxen hauling timber & knees, horses hauling and three Labourers discharged for fighting in the Yard.
Thursday July 3rd 1828
This day weather as above, Riggers Labourers Oxen Carts and Horse Carts employed as yesterday, the Ordinarymen preparing the Yard Boats to go to the procession, the 4th of July.
Friday July 4th 1828
The day moderate breeze and flying clouds from the N.W. cool for the Season, the Bell did not ring to day and all the Yard Boats went to the procession, in the evening returned.22
Thursday Sept. 25th 1828
Ordinary men on various duties of the yard Carts hauling wood, sand into the yard & out at other duties –
Friday Sept. 26th 1828
This day moderate breezes from the N.W. and fair weather Riggers Mizzen topsail yard across got Mizzen topsail yard a & Four T.G. mast and main top gallant mast pointed through the trees and cap Laborers assisting Riggers and piling plank – Carts on various duties of the yard – Ordinary men assisting Riggers – Mud machine &c at the yard -
Saturday Sept. 27th 1828
This day moderate breezes and fair weather Wind West to N.W. got the fore and main top gallant mast on ends, in the morning. No Riggers at work in the afternoon being musterday Laborers and Carts on various duties of the yard -
Sunday Sept. 28th 1828
The first and middle part of the this day moderate breezes and fair weather Wind S.W. inclining to N.W. about 6 P.M. a heavy clouds rolled out of the N.W. About 8 o’clock there was a heavy rain accompanied with thunder and lightning, it cleared up about midnight Wind at N.W.
Monday Sept. 29th 1828
This day moderate breezes from the N.W. and fair weather Riggers employed at the St. Louis Riggers got mizzen topsail yard across fitting & rigging mizzen top to sail yard across , fitting to rigging mizzen top sail mast & royal mast, Laborers storing live oak timber in Coopers shed Ordinary men and carts at different duties –
Tuesday Sept. 30th 1828
This day moderate breezes and fair weather Wind N.W. to S. W. Riggers got mizzen top gallant mast an end yard turning main stay hart and fitting mizzen by the main stay Hart & fitting mizzen stay by the main mast
Saturday December 27th 1828
This Day light variable winds and fair weather Laborers employed in planting trees bank Laborers and hired carts working at the bank yard carts hawling dirt and other duties of the yard Ordinary men clearing about the officers dwellings Michl Shiner who had liberty out from Wednesday till Friday morning has not came in yet.
Sunday, 28th December 1828
This day pleasant airs from the SW and fair weather. Michael Shiner got home this evening.23
Friday January 9th 1829
This day fresh breeze and flying clouds from the N.W. and very Cold weather Sent carts down to Long Bridge Carts hauling timber from the Saw Mill and wood to Steam Engine Ordinary men baling water out of the boat [illegible] off the Frigates Decks.
Monday February 2nd 1829
This day Cloudy weather and rain in the forenoon wind variable from the East No Laborers to work in the forenoon except a few in doors in the Loft. Labourers employ’d in cleaning the Snow off the road from the office to the Gate. Ordinary men employ’d cleaning snow off the Potomac & Congress’s decks & on various duties of the Yard & supplying Steam Engine with fire wood.
Tuesday February 3rd 1829
This day cold weather, wind N.W. Labourers employ’d in piling spar timber in Ship House No. Ordinary men cleaning the Potomac & Florida’s decks of Snow Carts various duties of the Yard.
Wednesday February 4th 1829
This day Cloudy weather N.E., at about 10 A.M., wind shifted around with Sharp Cold weather. Laborers piling Spar Timber, Ordinary men on various duties of the Yard Carts clearing away Cole Carrying them to the Foundry.
Thursday February 5th 1829
This day light winds from the N.W. and Cold weather. Labourers Employed in Cleaning Snow off timber getting Timber out of the pile of pine Timber for the New Shed One cart hauling Copper from the Navy Store to the Master Plumbers Store the other Cart and Ordinary men on various duties of the Yard.
Friday February 6th 1829
Moderate Breezes and Cloudy weather and likely for rain wind N.E. Labourers Employ’d piling live Oak Timber in Ship House No.1 Ordinary Men drawing and Knotting yarns and other duties of the Yard. Carts hauling dirt from different parts of the Yard up to the Banks by the Foundry.
Tuesday February 10th 1829
This day cloudy weather with some snow and rain. Labourers Employed in piling wood. Some men employed in splitting wood for Steam Engine. Cart on various duties of the Yard. Ordinary men drawing & Knotting yarns moving molds and mending sails.
Wednesday February 11th 1829
This day moderate breezes and fair weather wind N.E. Arrived Sloop Express Joseph Noost, Master, with Brick, Sands, and Pig Iron on Freight from Baltimore Labourers & Ordinary & Carts employed as Yesterday in the Afternoon Hauling Bricks
Thursday February 12th 1829
Day very cold weather N.W. the Branch was frozen across this morning Labourers to Owners wharf for some board brough them over in the scow in the afternoon scow hauling bricks from the Sloop Express Ordinary men in the Rigging loft darning & knotting yarns.
Friday February 13th 1829
This day some snow wind from the N.W. to N.E. and Cold Weather Labourers Employed moving board and live Oak Carts on various duties of the Yard Ordinary men in the Rigging Loft.
Saturday February 14th 1829
This day Extremely Cold Frosty weather gales from the N.W. such of the Labourers who worked outside had to break off and go out. Carts on various duties of the Yard. Ordinary men as Yesterday.
Thursday February 19th
This day as above wind varying from N.W. to N.E. Laborers Ordinary men& Carts as above.
Friday February 20th 1829
This day begins with heavy snow wind N.E. at about 10 A.M. the weather Cleared up after a fall of snow 9 inches deep, wind shifted round to N.W. Labourers & Ordinary men Clearing away snow about the dwellings & Streets. At about 4 P.M. a Cry of Fire which turned out to be the Center House of the Barracks which was consumed to the ground by 8 P.M. The Engines and hose from the Yard was taken out at the Cry of Fire.
Saturday February 21st 1829
This day Strong gales from the N.W. and frosty weather in the fore noon Labourers and Ordinary men & Carts Employed in bringing in the Fire Engines Hose ladders fire hooks &c., in the afternoon Employ’d in Cleaning Snow.
Sunday February 22nd 1829
This day fresh breezes from the S.W. and shifted around to the N.W. at noon.
Monday February 23rd 1829
This day strong gales from the N.W. and clear weather 10 A.M. Died Commodore Thomas Tingey Esq. at the advanced age of Seventy nine years the Bell did not ring in the after noon, in the forenoon the Labourers & Ordinary were Cleaning away snow from the different streets abreast of the dwellings in the yard in the afternoon the Labourers were Kept in to work.
Tuesday February 24th 1829
This day moderate breezes from the N.W. and Cloudy weather at A.M. sent the Steer Carts out to haul fire wood from the Capitol for the Poor the Ordinary men Employed in getting Flag staffs up on board the Potomac & Congress and hoisted Colors half-mast at the meridian and fired 13 minute guns by Order.
Wednesday February 25th 1829
This day Constant rain Cloudy weather wind N.E. at one P.M. the Funeral Started from the Late Commandants Quarters to the place of Interment in the Eastern burying Ground.
Thursday February 26th 1829
This day fresh breezes from the N.W. and Cloudy Weather at night Cleared away attended with black frost Laborers Employed in piling Live Oak Timber under Ship House No. 1Ordinary men drawing and knotting yarns and other duties on board ships in Ordinary Carts on various duties.
Friday February 27th 1829
This day moderate breezes from the N.E. and Cloudy weather likely for rain or snow. Snow in the Course of the Night Labourers piling live oak in ship house No. 1 Ordinary men spinning yarn Carts on various duties of the Yard
Saturday 28th 1829
This day fresh breezes from N. W. and flying Clouds Labourers Cleaning snow of the roads & Ships decks Ordinary men clearing away snow about the dwellings Carts Employed as Yesterday
Sunday March 1st 1829
This day fresh breezes from the N.W. and Cold weather
Monday March 2nd 1829
This day moderate breezes from the westward towards night shifted to the N.W. Labourers Employ’d in getting black walnut plank out of the dock and piling live Oak in ship House No. 1 and rising up the Launching ways to stow plank in the Ship House Ordinary men and carts in various duties of the Yard.
Tuesday March 3rd 1829
This day weather as above wind N.W. men Employ’d as above
Wednesday March 4th 1829
This day moderate Breezes from the S.W. and fair weather fir’d a National Salute at 12 oClock. Noon being the Inauguration of Andrew Jackson as President of the U.S. of America There ware no men at work today the bell not being rung
Thursday March 5th 1829
This day Commences with some rain Showers wind Variable from the N.E. to S.E. during the day Labourers Employ’d in piling Selecting boards ordinary men at the burying of Peter from the Hospital in the Afternoon
Friday March 6th 1829
This day fresh Breezes from the N.W. clear weather Labourers Employ’d as yesterday horse Cart employed in hauling sand. Ox Carts at sundry duties of the yard Ordinary men sundry duties in yard. William Bruton was discharged to day being one of the St. Louis Crew from the Hospital
Friday March 27th 1829
This day moderate Breezes from N. W. and fair weather Labourers Employ’d in doing jobs on duties of the yard and sorting anchor Irion in the Iron store and weighing a parcel of it Carts hauling fire wood for steam Engine and hauling manure from the stable yard to grass plat at 9 an alarm of fire up in the City Carried the Engines as far as the gate when the alarm subsided.
Remarks and Occurrences in the Navy Yard Washington
Isaac Hull Esq. Commander
Saturday April 11, 1829
The first part of this day moderate breezes from the S. W. and fair weather the latter part fresh Breezes and squally weather wind N.W. at 11 oClock A M Commodore Isaac Hull came into the yard to take charge as commander fired a salute of thirteen guns – Laborers employed at breaking out prime timber to get some timber for building timber House Carts employed at different duties of the yard hauling timber to and from Saw Mill and dirt up to foundry picked up a dead body afloat in the river had an inquest over him supposed to be one of the St. Louis men and had a coffin made for him in the yard and had him buried in potters field by the magazine.24
Monday April 21st 1829
This day fresh Gales from the S.W. and fair weather until about Sundown a squall rose from the N.W. attended with some rain at 10 p m & Gales from the N.W. Laborers Some working in the Commandants Cellar and working at streets Bank Laborers and Carts working at the Banks until 12 oClock Meridian Bell rung to break off work for this being Easter Monday and very few people being in at work
Wednesday June 10th 1829
This day pleasant cool weather wind N.E. arrived two Boats and scow load of stone (was landed) moved the mud machine from water hauled her on the Bank near Ship house No. 1 Laborers employ’d in Navy Store Cellar and loft, ordinary men carrying coils of rigging from Rigging Loft to Navy Store Cellar horse carts hauling coals, Ox carts Masons and Laborers working at the new Building.
Thursday August 1st 1829
This day Breezes from the N.W. & fair weather Laborers employed working on board of the Florida and a cable which had been refused on board the schooner Eliza June Thos Crowel master to be carried to Alexandria up in the new building Ordinary men assisting Laborers of the day in the after part getting the Florida off which got a ground in on a party of pleasure under the command of Captain Dallas succeeded in getting down part of the way in the night, there was 31 ½ cords of wood out of the Schooner Eliza June & Snap Dragon Ox & horses on various duties of the yard
Friday January 1st 1830
This day clear pleasant weather light winds from the N.E. to S.E. Laborers digging at the Bank and filling up the Wharf ordinary men employed in cleaning up the Yard carrying beds to the timber shed to be ready to put under the timber when stowing ox carts & horse cart hauling timber old & plank to the Wall Hired Carts hauling Iron to the Boundary
Saturday January 2nd 1830
Weather as above ordinary men stowing live oak in New Shed Laborers & Carts employed as Yesterday arrived New Cart Stone 29 ½
Sunday January 3rd 1830
This day moderate Breezes from S.W. and fair weather
Monday January 4th 1830
This day moderate Breezes and Variable from the S.W. to the N.W. & N. ordinary men some stowing live oak some at Greenleaf’s Point with Gunner Laborers digging at the Banks & filling up the Wharf Some trimming coals horse Cart hauling Sand oxen on various duties of the Yard.
Wednesday January 6th 1830
The first part of this day moderate Breezes and fair weather at 9 am cloudy up from W.S.W. and commenced with Wet Snow at 7 P.M. Clearance up Wind N.W. ordinary men & Laborers employed at Yesterday the Gunner with his crew employed in transpiring Cannonade Beds & Slides over from Ship House No. 1 to the New timber sheds.
Thursday January 7th 1830
This day moderate Breezes from S.W. and fine weather ordinary men employed in Stowing Timber in new timber shed Laborers digging at the Bank & filling up the wharf the Gunner with Some men transporting Cannonade Bed & Slides from Ship House No.1 to New Shed ox Cart hauling Timber House Carts on Various duties.
Friday January 8th 1830
This day fresh Breeze from N.W. and fair weather ordinary and Laborers employed as Yesterday Carts the Same Fired a Salute at 12 o Clock
Saturday January 9th 1830
The first part of the day moderate Breezes & cloudy weather winds from the N.E.& S.E. & South at 12 Noon Commenced Snowing at Virginia at 1 ½ P.m. Commenced Snowing and continued until about 6 p.m. commenced raining and continued so at intervals the reminder of the nigh Ordinary men & Laborers & ox Cart Employed as Yesterday horse cart hauling sand
Thursday January 14th 1830
This day moderate Breezes and fair weather wind N.E. fore part of the day Some ordinary men and Gunners crew loading carts and stowing copper in the navy store cellar in the afternoon Getting Gun Boats & Slides out of the Ship House No.1 rest of the ordinary men Stowing Plank in the Shed & Lumber in the wing of Ship House No. 1 Laborers & Carpenters employed as Yesterday Carts hauling Copper & other Duties of the Yard.
Friday January 15th 1830
This day drizzly cloudy weather all Day wind N.E. the ordinary men stowing chain cables in the proving machine shed & stowing Ballast on Board the Potomac to right her Carts non Laborers were at work to Day.
Saturday January 16th 1830
This day light winds from N.W. and fair weather Ordinary men Stowing ash Plank and other old Timber in the Yard two Laborers Sawing old timber for Steam Engine it being good for Nothing Else ox Cart hauling ash Timber horse Cart hauling fire wood & Sand.
Sunday January 17th 1830
This day cloudy weather light winds from N.E.
Monday January 18th 1830
This day first part light winds from N.E. & Cloudy Cold weather the aft part wind shifted round to N.W. clear weather Ordinary men & Gunners crew clearing the wharf and Stowing Gun Beds & Slides in New Timber Shed Laborers digging the Bank and filling up the wharf ox cart hauling Timber horse cart hauling fire wood for Steam Engine Carpenters Fitting Capping for the Wharf two men sawing old wood for Fire wood.
Friday Jan. 29 1830
This day Cloudy weather wind S.W. Gunners employed in Oiling and stowing gun Carriages Ordinary men getting ice in the icehouse Carts it up to the ice house.
Saturday January 30th 1830
This day strong gales from N.W. cold weather Ordinary men & Gunners Crew employed in loading ice in the ice house at 3 p.m. the Cold being excessive they had to break from work for the remainder of the day.
Sunday January 31th 1830
This day moderate Breeze from N.W. fair weather heavy frost
Monday February 1st 1830
The first part of this day Snowy & Sleety weather wind N.E. the latter & pleasant weather Ordinary on various duties of the yard the Carts did not work the forepart of the day and the latter on different duties of the yard.
Tuesday February 2nd 1830
This day moderate breezes from N.W. & Cold Weather Ordinary men & Gunners men getting ice of the river carts hawling it up to the ice house in the afternoon on different of the Yard
Wednesday February 3rd 1830
This day moderate Breezes from N.W. to S.W. & fair weather Ordinary men & Gunners employed in receiving Cypress timber from the lower end of the warf and Slowing its away in timber Shed send the cart up with the Old Harnesses for cart horses up to Mr. Myers to be Repaired Carpenters employed in proving machine floor, in the forenoon getting some ice for the ice house.
Thursday February 4th 1830
This day moderate Breezes Cloudy weather wind N.E. Ordinary men & Gunners employed in Stowing timber in the timber shed & mast head caps Oxen hawling the timber horse cart hawling caps & one horse hawling Sand from the [wharf?]
Friday February 5th 1830
This day Moderate breezes & Cloudy weather wind N.E. attended with some snow Ordinary men employd in Stowing Cypress timber in the timber shed & getting Potomack spars out of the ship house & putting them in the timber shed ox cart hawling timber & spars horse cart on various duties of the Yard.
Saturday February 6th 1830
This day moderate Breezes fair weather wind N.E. & Cloudy Ordinary men & Gunners Crew painting the Potomack spars with oil varnish and stowing those in the timber shed carts hawling wood the engine &c
Wednesday February 11th 1830
This moderate breezes from the S. W. & clear weather Ordinary men employed in the Potomack spars getting them ready for oiling Gunner paying them with varnish and Oil carts hawling pine wood to steam engine
Thursday February 11th 1830
This day very cold weather fresh breezes from N.W. hard frost Ordinary getting out the Columbia spars to have them paid with varnish & oil Gunners crew paying the Potomack spars carts were not at work to day being so cold
Friday February 12th 1830
This moderate Breezes from S.W. fair weather Ordinary men & Gunners crew working on the Potomacks spars in Removing from ship house No 1 to the new timber shed and painting with Oil and Varnish & stowing them away Ox cart hawling pine wood from the wharf to the steam engine, horse cart hawling sand to the foundry
Saturday February 13th 1830
This [day] moderate Breezes from the S.W. and fair weather Ordinary Cleaning snow from the road and Potomac decks and Stowing the Potomac spars Gunners painting spars with oil & varnish & stowing them away horse carts hawling sand ox cart hawling pine wood of the wharf.
Sunday February 14th 1830
This day moderate breezes from S.W. and fair weather
Monday March 15th 1830
This day pleasant weather wind N.W. ordinary and Gunners men employed in Stowing Live oak and plank in the new timber shed some Laborers digging at the Bank and filling the Wharf Some Laborers digging and Graduating outside the Navy Yard Wall as every Rain was undermining the Foundation ox cart hawling fire wood to Steam Engine the other hawling dirt from outside into the Yard for improvement.
Wednesday March 17th 1830
This day cloudy and Rainy weather at intervals Wind in the Night Blowing a Gale from the S. to S. W. ordinary men clearing out plank from under Joiners Shop and Stowing it in the West wing of Ship house No. 1 Gunners men white washing of the of the new mould Loft very few Laborers in this day Carts hawling Gravel down the wharf and coals up to the foundery in the afternoon Carts came with charcoal to the Yard.
Thursday March 18th 1830
This day fresh Breezes from the N.W. and clear weather at 10 A.M. arrived at the wharf the U.S. Sloop Florida Lieut Morris Commd ordinary men cleaning out the timber shed under the Joiners Shop and some Working on Board the Florida in the afternoon Gunner crew white washing Laborers Working outside the wall filling up Gutter and Graduating the Street or side way for preservation of the wall Cart hawling manure from the Stable and spreading on the Lots
Tuesday March 23rd 1830
This day fresh breezes from the N.W. and clear weather Laborers employed in digging and filling up the Gutter outside the wall until 12 o’clock when they broke off work standing out for higher wages which the commandant had previous given orders to raise it to the old standard from the first of next month ordinary men some in the forenoon getting trees some planting trees until 12 oClock when they were ordered outside filling up the gutter and graduating street ox cart hawling firewood for steam engine horse cart on various duties of the Yard25
Thursday March 25th 1830
The first half of this day moderate breezes from the Southard and Cloudy weather at noon commenced raining and blowing from S.E. which continued the remainder of the Day & Night ordinary men in the forenoon graduating outside of the wall in the afternoon men sweeping and clearing out un the Ship House No 2 gunners men whitewashing the new mould loft Carts hawling dirt in the afternoon were not out
Friday March 26th 1830
This day fresh gales from the N.W. and cloudy cold weather ordinary and gunners men employed in getting plank on the rafters and stowing away moulds in the new mould Loft in the afternoon ordinary men Bailing out scow and dumping out Mud scow and the Florida gunners men whitewashing the roof inside of the new timber shed ox cart hawling dirt down the Yard and coals to the Foundry, horse cart hawling Sand for the Foundry in the afternoon
Saturday March 27th 1830
This day fresh gales from the N.W. and cloudy weather the Tide being very low the ordinary gunners men and Stone Masons was employed early in the morning and late in the evening (the Tide out at that time) in cleaning out the foundation for the Stone Wall and building the wall the rest of the day working outside graduating streets and Masons repairing the wall
Sunday March 28th 1830
This day fresh breezes from the N.W. and fair weath
Monday March 29th 1830
This day moderate and variable breezes and fair weather
Remarks and Occurrences in the Navy Yard at Washington, D.C.
Danl T. Patterson, Esq. Commandant26
Friday 27th Jan 1837
Commences with clear and pleasant weather with light breezes from the Southward Seven laborers employed at yard duty getting out timber from the saw mill &c two laborers at the Gunners Dept. Ordinary men employed at cutting up old wood &c two carts hauling timber wood &c latter part of the day cloudy with strong breezes from the Southwest.
Saturday 28th Jan 28 1837
All this day clear and pleasant weather with moderate breezes from NW eleven laborers employed at yard assisting and piling plank &c Ordinary men sawing and splitting up old wood, two in the Rigging plating yards yard carts hauling wood &c timber and cleaning the yard, in the afternoon Ordinary men sweeping out shop stores &c
Sunday 29th Jan 1837
All this day cloudy with light breezes from Eastward and mild.
All this day cloudy with light breezes from the westward and warm weather seven laborers assisting and piling away plank & timber six sawing and splitting up old wood &c two at the Gunnery Dept, Ordinary men employed in the Rigging loft knotting and making rope for yard use Horse carts hauling wood for the EngineOx teamsters, employed with laborers
Remarks and Occurrences in the Navy Yard Washington
Capt. B. Kennon Esq. Commandant
Monday 5th July 1841 27
First & middle of this day clear cool and pleasant wind from SW The Bell did not ring in consequence of the Celebration of the 4th of July – At Meridian fired a national salute of 26 guns in honor of this day – All PM the Ordinary men and Boatswain carts and fireworks left the yard under the charge of the Laboratory Officer for the Public Square North of the Presidents house –
The fireworks consisted of the following , Viz, 1st American Star with wheels of fire & flights of rockets 2nd John Tyler President of the United States, two wheels of fire brilliant lights and grand flight of rockets – 3rd Grand Cross wheels of fire, and flight of rockets, 4th Showering 10,000 stars and flight of rockets, 5th Flight of Balloon Rocket serpents, squibs, & flight of Rockets Numerous Roman candles, Red lights, Blue lights and Grand display of Rockets Serpents &c &c Evening cloudy with lighting to the N.
Wednesday 1st Sept 1841
All this day clear and warm weather with light breeze from the westward Mechanics, employed as yesterday Laborers transporting water tank cleaning out timber shed &c
Ordinary men white working Ship House N 2 & Carts hauling wood. Mr. Palmer Master Mate left the Yard on orders.
Thursday 2nd Sept 1841
All this day clear and warm light breeze from the SW Mechanics employed as yesterday Ordinarymen employed hauling timber in to Laboratory painting the Gate way &c Carts hauling wood &c
Friday 3rd Sept 1841
All this day clear and pleasant weather wind SW. Mechanics employed as yesterday Laborers taking out timber from the Mould Loft, Ordinarymen white washing Gate Way & Cart Hauling wood timber &c.
Tuesday 7th Sept. 1841
All this day clear and warm and light winds from SE mechanics employed as yesterday eight laborers employed hauling chain cable tanks &c One man & one boy attend on the survey. Ordinary men white washing yard walls &c carts hauling wood chain cable &c At ½ passed 9 A.M. Mr. Jacob Bright, Master Armorer of this yard was instantly killed in this yard by the explosion of an exploding shot while at work. After a Jury of inquest was held the body was removed to his family, three joiners making a Coffin for Mr. Bright.
Sunday 26th June 1842
All this day warm with winds high cloud winds SW At 9 AM mustered the men no church the Chaplain being sick At 1 PM a squall from the NW with little rain and cloudy wind light and variable.
Monday 27th June 1842
All this day clear and warm weather wind light from SW. 94 blacksmiths on Anchor chain cables New Engine block shops. Steamer Union & - 71 Plumbers on water Tanks Galleys Iron & Brass casting &c &c 20 block makers on blocks & deadbolts. 4 Joiners repairing stable yard fences &c. 6 Ship carpenters on the Steamer Union, 107 machinists on various jobs Engineers laborers & Ordinarymen Painting wood working, iron &c. Carts hauling wood, iron &c At 6 AM Capt. G. J Pendergast returns to the yard after visit to the west. At 5 PM an Explosion took place in the Laboratory in this Yard by which Mr. Thos Barry Gunner of the Yard & David Davis was Killed and Corp Lasky of the Marines severely wounded also very much injured the building & sent the [Parole ]to the Magazine arrived ashore [Richd with// Hospital]28
Tuesday 28 June 1842
All this day clear and warm wind from the west Mechanics employed as yesterday except the joiners employed making Mr. Barry & Davis coffins. Laborers and Ordinary men employed in transporting gunnery to and from the Laboratory to the mould loft cleaning up the rubbish Carts employed transporting stores rubbish
Thursday 30th June 1842
All this day clear and warm weather Steamer Anna arrived with casks and samples of coal Mechanics employed as before. Laborers and Ordinary men employed transferring stores. Carts on various duties.The funeral of the late Mr. Barry from his residence.29
Remarks and Occurrences In the Navy Yard at Washington, D.C.
Beverely Kennon Esq. Commandant
Tuesday 6th Sept 1842
All this day clear and pleasant with breezes from E. Mechanics Laborers Ordinarymen & carts employed as yesterday.
Wednesday 7th Sept 1842
All this day clear and warm SW. Mechanics, Laborers Ordinarymen and carts employed as yesterday. 3 Bricklayers employed setting boiler &c.
Thursday 8th Sept 1842
All this day clear and warm with light breeze from the SW mechanics employed as yesterday 26 Laborers employed 22 stowing timber and 4 attending on the Bricklayers setting boiler &c Ordinary whitewashing fences &c carts hauling timber, wood and iron, arrived a vessel with oak wood for the officers of the yard, also arrived the Schooner Plutarch Stanford master from Richmond with chain cable iron.
Remarks and Occurrences In the Navy Yard at Washington, D.C.
John H. Aulick Esq. Commandant 30
Sunday November 5th 1843
These twenty four hours commences with Strong winds & from the Southward & Cloudy & squally, at half past A.M. the Ordinary men were mustered and all accounted for at 10 A.M. attended the Divine service at the chapel in the yard after which one half of them had liberty until tomorrow bell ring
Middle part Strong winds & cloudy
Latter part – Cloudy & cold
T. Brownell31
Monday November 6th 1843
These twenty four hours commences with moderate winds from NW & Clear weather Ordinary men and laborers employed in getting out cargo from the Dock for the St. Mary Stripping the Bowsprit of the Steamer Union preparing the steamer Engine to start for Norfolk … put on board of her 1 Anchor 45 fathoms of small chain and 75 fathoms of hawser that belong to the latter. Carts employed Carting Mud Timber & mechanics employed as follows in the Boiler department 69 making boilers for the Steamer Union making bolts. tools Attending Steam Engine & 20 spar makers 4 Steamer Union 2 St Mary’s Block makers 13 - 8 making Blocks & 5 making boarding pikes & Joiners Department 11 – 5 laying floor saw mill 2 men at the Steamer Pittsburgh 4 Steamer Union Anchor department 90 – Chain Cables Sloop St. Mary’s bolts for Steamer Engines -painters Steamer Union spar anchor stocks – Crane & Plumbers department 35 making powder tanks Coopers department 6 making new crane taking down old one Middle part Light airs and pleasant - Latter part pleasant wind SW on Sick list Thomas Martin . William Brown. Ordinary
T. Brownell
Tuesday November 7th 1843
These twenty four hours commences with Cloudy weather and light winds. Ordinary men & Labourers employed in getting timber out of the Dock on the St. Mary’s and getting up a lathe in the Plumbers Department Cleaning up about ship hauling out & stowing away in the East Ship House the chains that have been proved from the Chain Factory. Carts employed carting wood and timber. Mechanics employed in their respective departments under the direction of the master mechanics. 10 Ship Carpenters were taken on the St. Mary’s Middle part of the day snow storm wind SW weather rather mild on the Sick List William Brown Ordinary.
T. Brownell
Saturday November 18th 1843
These twenty four hours commences with moderate winds from the Northeast thick hazy weather. Ordinary men & Laborers employed about the Ship St. Mary, Cleaning out their Quarters & Chapel, unloading Schooner Susan Capt. Signer from Norfolk received by her at the yard 10 coils of cordage for Gunners Department from St. Mary’s - 1 Box of Ordnance stores and plant Mechanics employed in their respective Departments under the direction of the Master Mechanics. Carts employed in Carting Wood and Coal to the Naval Observatory & Cleaning up the Yard.
Middle part pleasant wind west - Charles Hop Ordinary in the sick List
Latter part pleasant wind N.W. and clear-
T. Brownell
Sunday November 19th 1843
These twenty four hours Commence with calm wind pleasant weather wind W at the half –past A.M., the Ordinary men musters all accounted for at 10 A.M. they attended Divine service at the chapel in the Yard. After which time half of them had liberty until tomorrow morning at Bell ring
Middle part pleasant moderate breezes from NW - Charles Hop Ordinary on the Sick List
Latter part pleasant with flying clouds -
T. Brownell
Monday November 20th 1843
These twenty four hours Commences with light winds from the Westward Ordinary men employed about the Ship St Mary cleaning chips and light duty Boat with 8 men away in the launch to the Baltimore Steam boat for flour by orders of the Commander. Sundry Laborers employed in hauling out plank for the St Mary. Carts employed Carting Coal to the Naval Observatory. Carting plank to the Steamer at the steam boat dock for Commdt. Mechanics in the Blacksmith department 92 men on chain cables St Mary’s Union Keel &c In the Plumber department 31 for the Union. Ordinance department & powder tank, 3 priming guns, on boarding pikes = Painting department 3 in Steamer
T. Brownell
Monday December 11th 1843
These twenty four hours Commences with Breezes and Rain. Ordinary men employed about the Ship St Mary’s and loading Copper and hauling up the yard Launch and boat Duty at the Magazine – Carts employed in Carting Wood & Chips and the Old Boiler Down the Schooner Susan Eliza. Mechanics employed as follows as per Reports from the Master Mechanics, In the Blacksmith department on the Hull St Mary’s and in the Union and in the Gun Carriage Shop. In the Coopers department 5 men making snow shovels, hammer handles and whetting saws, making gun Carriages 10 In the Boiler Department 76 - attending Steam Engine 7 making bitts cleaning shop 7 – making patterns 3 making Boiler Steamer Union – 47 Boiler for commission in Explosion 2 Gun Trucks, St Mary’s 3 – Painters varnishing St. Mary’s & Setting glass for Steamer Union – Joiners 13 Sloop St. Mary’s & making boxes for experimenting in Coal 37 men in Plumbers Department on Spratley galley 9 Steamer Union 5 in Powder Tank 17 for St. Mary’s pump 6 on the sick list Henry, Johnson, William, Brown, Johns, Ambrose Middle part Cloudy winds SW Schooner’s Phebe & Eliza left the yard.
T. Brownell
Tuesday March 4th 1845
Commences with moderate breezes from the West and cloudy weather. This day the term of the President of the United States having expired His Excellency James K. Polk of Tennessee was duly inaugurated for the next four years. At the close of his inaugural address a Salute of 28 guns was fired from the Battery of the Yard. The Gunner of the Yard Mr. Myers with two ordinary men assisted in firing the Salute at the Capitol and had the following Articles by order of the Secretary of the Navy from the Yard 65 Cartridges 6 Pot Fires 12 Potts of Blue Fire 12 Potts Rose Fire 12 Potts White Fire 100 Rockets 2 lbs.32 Priming Powder and 30 Tubes The Yard Bell was not rung , and all work being suspended in the Yard in honor of the inauguration. Middle and Latter Part fresh breezes from the South West and rainy Sick report Wm. Brown.
Thursday February 12th 1846
Commences with fresh breezes from the North and at 9.30 AM an explosion occurred in the Laboratory building killing James Dailey and wounding Charles Mitchell also injuring the floor and roof of the Building.33 The following is a copy of the account of the Coroner’s jury in the case of James Dailey.
That James Dailey came to his death by an accidental explosion of about ten pounds of powder while the said powder was drying and jury believes that the explosion was accidental and that no blame can be attached to any person associated with the Laboratory and all the workmen were repeatedly cautioned to be very careful while at work.
Signed Thos. Woodward
On the alarm being made of the explosion the Yard bells were rang and the Engines of the Fire Dept., Dispatched to the Laboratory the fire was extinguished by the workmen engaged in the Laboratory with fire buckets attached to the establishment. Labor and Ordinary men employed cleaning up and moving the rubbish out of the Laboratory Caulkers at work on board the Union
Middle and latter part fresh breezes from the N.W. and fine weather Sick report the same
Friday February 13th 1846
No work going on in the Laboratory on account of the explosion yesterday Laborers hauling boxes and proving chains Caulkers at work on board the Union
The body of James Dailey was moved from the Yard Chapel by his friends to the cemetery outside the Yard In consequence of the funeral of James Dailey the men were given the afternoon off Caulkers were the only persons working in the afternoon Sick report as yesterday
Tuesday February 24th 1846
Fore and middle parts of this day light breezes from the North and Cloudy weather. Laborers proving chains Officers as yesterday testing Cannon Caps. Caulkers at work on the Union. Latter part light breezes from the North and East and Cloudy weather. Sick report the same.
Wednesday February 25th 1846
Commences with light breezes from the north and Eastward with Snow. Laborers proofing chains and hauling tanks Officers testing Cannon Caps.
At meridian Captain William Shubrick took command of this Yard.
Middle and Latter parts fresh breezes from the North and clear cold weather. Sick report the same.
Saturday March 9th 1846
Commences with fresh breezes from the N.E. and heavy rain at the intervals and heavy rain at intervals At A.M. discovered a Smoke in the South Building at the Laboratory occasioned by some boxes and Demijohns of Nitric Acid taken fire the Yard Bells were rang and all hands in the yard together with the “Anacostia Fire Company” from outside repaired promptly to the Building which was immediately deluged with Water by the Engines and Fire put out with but little damage Laborers proving Chains and Cleaning away the Building for repairs.
Middle and latter parts fresh breezes and variable from the N.E. with showers rain occasionally Brought of Middleton & Beall 9 Bundles of Hay weight as follows 348lbs; 408lbs; 343lbs; 360lbs; 378lbs; 370lbs; 360lbs; 400lbs, Sick report Henry Better.
Remarks and Occurrences in the Navy Yard Washington
Charles W. Morgan Esq Commandant
Tuesday December 14 1852
During these 24 hours calm fine weather. Laborers at work on the Marine Railway weighting Water Witch Sails &c
The following General Order was issued.
From and after the 15th inst.
The work at this yard is to commence at Sun rise and end at Sun Set, when there are less then Eleven hours between Sun Rise and Sun Set, allowing one hour for dinner: and ten hours of Labor to be required when eleven hours elapse between Sun Rise and Sun Set. The Bell to be rung ten minutes before the time for commencing work, to give the clerk time to prepare for Muster and the Muster to commence on the time before stated. Navy Yard Washington December 13, 1852
Signed, Charles W. Morgan, Commandt.
Wednesday December 15, 1852
During these 24 hours Calm & fine weather Rung the Bell and mustered the Hands at Sun Rise agreeable to the order of the 13th about 27 men answered to their names. The following order was issued at 12.00 o’clock Copy Navy Department December 14, 1852 Commandant Morgan
You will Suspend the execution of the recent order as to the hours of work at the yard until the subject is fully considered and notice is given to you of the result.
December 15, 1852
Signed, Charles W. Morgan, Commandt.
Remarks and Occurrences in the Navy Yard Washington
H. Paulding Esq Commandant
Wednesday December 14, 1853
During these 24 Hours Calm fine weather The President of the United States [Franklin Pierce] visited the Yard in an unofficial manner and witnessed some experiments in Howitzer shooting &c
Thursday December 15, 1853
During these 24 hours calm fine weather. At 12 meridian a Board of Examiners was organized for the purpose of examining Midshipman Walter Queen U.S. Navy consisting of Captains C.S. McCauley, F Forest, H. Paulding Commandant and E.G. Tilton. At 6 P.M. The Engineer arrived E.F. Almstead Master Commandant with old Iron & Patterns from Norfolk Navy Yard Received from Schooner Mary Elizabeth a lot of bolt iron also received a scow from Georgetown with a lot of pig iron also by G. Otterbach Long Boat of Pine Board.34None Sick
Wednesday June 7th 1854
Fore part of this day light breezes from the SW and light showers of rain at intervals Received by schooner B Vandiver a lot of Pine Timber from Norfolk Middle & Latter Parts light breezes from SE and cloudy
Thursday June 8th 1854
During these 24 hours light breezes from the SW and fine weather Laborers employees as usual
Friday June 9th 1854
During these 24 hours light breezes from the W and cloudy weather At 8.30 A M George Noble a Rigger fell from the top of the New Ordinance Foundry stack and was severely injured35Received by Schooner Forward a lot of old guns & broken shot &c Arrived Schooner Statesman with Lead &c from New York
Saturday June 10, 1854
During these 24 hours moderate breezes from the WNW and fine weather Stm Wilmouth went over to the Bargue hoisted in her foremast it had been repaired in the yard Arrived Steamer Hamilton and supplies from New York Six Large Barges for the Light House Board. At 5.30 PM Departed this life George Noble caused by the fall received yesterday.
Friday Nov. 30th 1855
During these 24 hours moderate breezes from the S.W. & pleasant weather, arrived Canal Boat Anzonetta with Cumberland Coal.
Sick report the same
Saturday December 1st 1855
During these 24 hours moderate breezes from the S.W. & pleasant weather, at 10 A.M. arrived the U.S. Steamer Engineer from Norfolk, at 12.30 P.M. His Excellency the President of the United States & Suite arrived in the Navy Yard to witness the launch the U.S. Ship “Minnesota” & were received under a salute of 21 Guns & escorted on board the Engineer by Comm: Forrest. At 2.20 P.M. The “Minnesota” went off in a splendid manner, under a National Salute and the cheers of thousands of people in the yard & congregated in the adjacent shores into the bright waters of the Potomac; after which a plentiful Collation was partaken in the Mould loft , the Ship ran aground & was left there for the night; Draught of Water of the Minnesota Forward 12 feet 4 inch: Aft 17 feet 6 inch & difference 5 ft. 2 in:
Sick report the same.36
Thursday July 14th 1859
First part Clear and warm with light breezes from the South East. Arrd. Smt C.C.Alger and after taking on board some Iron & Brass work &c left.
At 10 ½ O’Clock while experimenting at the Battery on the Wharf a 64 Pound Gun Burst and killed Jas. Wilson & Wm. Nokes. Badly wounded Chas. Stewart, Roderick McMillian, Pierre Ludwig, Jas. Roach and Elijah Beacham, & slightly Wounded Richd. Gromley, Andr. Wilson, Dennis O’Leary, Jno. Cronner & Jno Holmes.
At 12 M Thermometer 91 Clear with light wind from the Sth East. Latter part clear and warm with light breeze from the South East.37
None Sick
Friday July 15th 1859
First part Clear and pleasant with light breeze from the Eastward. At 12 M Thermometer 82 Clear with light breeze from the East. At 10 O’clock P.M. the Men were mustered as usual and passed out of the yard to allow them to attend the funeral of young Nokes & Wilson killed yesterday and soon after their bodies were taken from the yard to their respective late residences. – Latter part Cloudy with Thunder Storm and Heavy Rain – Wind Eastward.
Thursday August 11, 1859
First part clear and pleasant with light breeze from the West. Arrd. canal boat with loads of Cumberland Coal for the Yard. At 12 m thermometer 79˚ clear with light breeze from the South. Arrived Stm Alger with a lot of copper chain fishhooks & Brass work for Philadelphia, after which she left.
Latter part clear with light breeze from East
Remarks and Occurrence’s in the Navy Yard Washington
Franklin Buchanan Esq Commdt.
Tuesday 15th May 1860
First part clear with light breeze from the North East. At 12 A.M. Thermometer 72d Clear & Pleasant with light breeze from the East. At 1.45 P.M. Arrived U.S. Stm “Anacostia” Lieut. Gillman Comd from Norfolk with Baggage &c of the Japanese embassy. Latter part clear & pleasant with light breeze from the South east. Charles Simms.
Sick: Wm. Hague, Jas. Lucas & Wm. Brown
Tuesday April 23rd 1861
All this day clear & warm with light SW winds At 900 A M Sch A.B. Meyer with cement for Public Buildings from New York Also at 4 Steamer Keystone State with Marines & Sailors from Norfolk Also at 9 U.S. Stm Suwannee anchored off wharf
At Noon Capt. Buchanan took leave of the Yard & Commdt Jno A. Dahlgren entered on duty as Commandant
Lieuts G Spenser – G Donaldson Jno Irwin Danl Amon performing duty at the yard M Russell of Ord.dept detained for yard duty None Sick
Remarks and Occurrence’s in the Navy Yard Washingto
Capt Jno. A. Dahlgren Esq Commdt.
Saturday May 18th
All day clear & Pleasant with light N.W. wind. Arrived at 8 A.M. Stm Baltimore from Fortress Monroe. Arrived at 2 P.M. Sch Hare with anthracite coal from Phila. Also U.S. Stm Elisabeth with army stores for Marine Barracks, Also at 3 P.M. U.S. Stm Anacostia. At 12 A.M. Fired a Salute of 21 Guns in honor of his Excellency the President, also at 4.15 P.m. a salute of17 guns & hoisted Brazilian Flag in honor of the Brazilian Minster.
Thursday May 23rd 1861
All this day clear & warm with light N.E. wind. Cleared at 10A.m. Stm Catty coal for New York, also at 1 P.M. Stm Ice Boat of Phila with Sch Jones & Ocean Bird in tow with coal from Phila Stm Jas Guy went down the river at 4 P.m. & returned at 7 P.M.
Friday May 24th 1861
All day clear & warm with light Sth Winds. About 1 A.M. Stms Mt. Vernon , Baltimore & James Guy left for Alexandria , Mt. Vernon returned at 6.20 A.M, at 8 A.M. James Guy arrived from Alexandria with the remains of Col Ellsworth of the N.Y. Zuaves, killed at Alexandria. All flags at ½ off yard immediately half-mast in memory of Col. Ellsworth38
Arrived at 5 P.M. Schr. M.G. Ely with Phila. Coal also at 2 P.M. Stm Philadelphia returned from New York, also at 3 P.M. Stm Baltimore with 36 prisoners from Alexandria, captured by the Michigan Regiment of Volunteers, 1st Reg Col Wilcox. None Sick
Saturday June 1st 1861
For most of this day clear & warm light clouds with S.W. breezes
Resolute arrive from N York. At 7.15 P M fired a salute of 11 guns for his Excellency V.P.
H. Hamilin.39 None Sick
Thursday July 25th 1861
At 1 PM Robert Leslie returned to the wharf.
At 630 PM Stm Yankee left the wharf At 7 AM Stm Philadelphia returned to the wharf.
At 830 PM Stm Mt Vernon returned. This part of the day clear & warm.
Fired a salute of 21 guns in honor of the President who was in the Yard.
None Sick
Saturday July 27th [1861]
Fore part of the day cloudy stiff Western Breeze at 3 AM Schooner Sarah Reilly Captain George Dawes from Harve de Grace with coal At 8.30 AM Schooner Marian with coal from Harve de Grace arrived. At 8.30 AM arrived Steamer Mt. Vernon
2.30 P.M. an explosion took place in the Rocket House by which 3 men injured 2 of which died during the evening. At 3.15 PM arrived propeller C.R. Alger40
Robert Leslie left the yard at 6 PM Stm. Flynn left the yard and returned at 7 PM At 8.15 Philadelphia worked down the river and returned at 9.30 PM At 6 AM Steamboat Philadelphia left the Yard. Latter part of the day clear & warm. None Sick.
Sunday July 28th 1861
Fore part of the day clear and warm with wind from W. At 9 AM arrived long-boat Greyhound without load from Morgens Rosenharts, at 9.45 AM Robert Leslie returned from down the river. At 11 AM Steamboat Philadelphia returned from down river. At 1 PM arrived Steamer S.R. Spaulding with 10th Regmt. of Mass Volunteers. At 4 P.M. tug Robert Leslie left the yard with Lieut F.A. Parker on board returning the naval rations. At 4.20 P.M. Mt. Vernon left the yard with Capt Dahlgren on board at 6 P.M. Steamboat Philadelphia went to the foot of 6th Street to take Baggage of the 25th N. York Regiment to Alexandria. At 7 P.M. Mt Vernon returned with Capt Dahlgren on board. At 7 P.M. Robert Leslie returned to the wharf. At 11.30 P.M. Stm Philadelphia returned from Alexandria –
Monday July 29th 1861
Fore part of the day clear and warm with wind from the W. At 8.30 AM Tug Robert Leslie left the yard. At 2 PM Steamboat Gipsey arrived at the yard. At 8.30 Pm Tug Robert Leslie returned to the yard.
Weekly Reports of Master Workmens Depts July 27th 1861
142 Hands employed in the Plumbing Dept
70 “ “ “ “ Iron Foundry
2 “ “ “ “ Saw Mill Naval Battery
62 “ “ “ “ Joiners Dept Ammunition Boxes
137 “ “ “ “ Blacksmiths Anchors and chain cable.
Latter part of the day cool with clear wind from W. None Sick
Monday August 12, 1861
Fore past of day clear and warm with wind from the West. At 7 ½ A.M. Tug Robert Leslie left the yard and returned at 10 A.m. At 11.30 A.M. Tug Robert Leslie left for 6th St Warf with 5 prize vessels to be delivered to the U.S. Marshall and returned at 4 P.M. At 5.40 P.M. Tug Robert Leslie left the yard and returned at 7.45 P.M. At 8.20 arrived Tug Resolute. Latter part of day cloudy with showers of rain. At 6.15 Rallem left for Fort Monroe. None Sick.
Tuesday August 13th 1861
Fore half foray cloudy with rain and wind from the S.W. At 7 A.M. arrived Propeller Jas Jerome At 7.30 A.M. Tug Robert Leslie left the yard. At 7.30 A.M. arrived John H. Thomas with Lumber. At 7.30 P.M. arrived the Schooner A.S. Piercy Low and escort with piles. At 7.30A.M. The canal Boat Pen Mitchell with Cumberland coal. At 8 A.M. Propeller Jas Jerome left the yard. At 10 A.M. Robert Leslie returned to the yard. At 2 P.M. Steamboat Mt. Vernon left the yard for Fort Monroe. At 2 P.M. Tug Reliance arrived at the yard. At 4.50 P.M. Robert Leslie left the yard. At 8 P.M. Resolute left the yard. Latter part of day cool and rainy with wind from North. None Sick.
Wednesday August 14th 1861
Fore part of day cloudy and very cool wind fresh from the N.E. At 7 A.M. Steamboat Philadelphia left the yard and returned at 10 A.M. At 11 A.M. Tug Robert Leslie returned. At 11 A. M. Steamboat Mt. Vernon left the yard and returned at 8 ½ P.M. At 5 .15 P.M. Tug Robert Leslie left the yard taking down with her the Prize Pellys second cutter. At 6.30 P.M. Steamboat Philadlphia left the yard and returned at 8 P.M. At 9 P.M. Robert Leslie left the yard. Latter part of the day cool and clear with wind from the N.E. At 12. P.M. 66 Mutineers arrived her for imprisonment belonging to the 1st Maine Regm. None Sick41
Remarks and Occurrences in the Washington Navy Yard
A. A. Harwood Esq Commdt.
Tuesday Sept. 23rd 1862
All day clear and cloudy with wind from the S S . At 5.30 A M the Steamboat Delaware left the yard. At 2.30 P M the Ella left the yard At 3.00 P. M. Leslie returned with coal barge. At 5 P.M. Seager returned with a prize Schooner Southern 3 Sail Boats 2 Cannons 4 Prisoners 6 Contrabands and a lot of Merchandize.42
Wednesday Sept.24th 1862
All this day clear and pleasant with wind from the S At 5 A M Schooner Lucile arrived with [ ] on board. At 9 A M Propeller Chamberlin arrived with 26 Barrels of hard coal. At 11.30 A M Cornelia arrived At 1 P M Schooner Hazard arrived with 160 Barrels of lead At 3 P M Leslie left with coal barge Jn Gorman in tow. At 3 P M Stm Chamberlin arrived with ammunition on board. At 5.30 Schooner Hazard left the yard at 10 P M returned. At 11 P M Stm Tiger left the yard Actin Master Charles E. Baldwin was detached to the U.S.S. Coeur de Leon Sent 4 Prisoners and 6 Contraband to the Provost Marshal.
None Sick
Thursday Sept. 25th 1862
All day clear and cool with wind from the N. At 12.30 A.M. the Stm Ella left the yard. At 2.30 P.M. the Ella returned transferred 12 men to the U.S. S. Eureka. Received 19 Caulkers from Baltimore to work on the Stm Port Royal.
None Sick
Monday Sept. 29th 1862
All day clear and pleasant and wind from the S W Stm Dragon left with a lighter in tow. 5 PM returned with 4 Prisoners some cotton and some merchandize Transferred 3 men to the U.S.S. Chippewa also 12 men to [ ]
None Sick
Tuesday Sept. 30th 1862
All day clear and pleasant and wind from the West. Stm Eureka left the yard Stm Dragon43 returned with a wounded sailor. At 5.30 PM Acting Master Joseph Burton left this yard being ordered to U.S. S. Chippewa. Acting Master Chas H. Brown reported for duty in this yard.
Monday April 10th 1865
At 12.10 A.M. the weather raining,, the wind North East.
At 6 A.M. the U.S. Stm “Bat” arrived at the yard.
At 10.45 A.M. There was a Salute of twenty one guns fired at the yard, in honor of the surrender of the army of Northern Virginia Commanded by Robert Lee to Lieutenant General U.S. Grant, Commanding the army of the United States.
At 1.50 P.M. the U.S. Stm “Baltimore” left the yard with Honorable’s Chandler, Wade, Brown and others on board.44
At 4 P.M. the U.S.Stm “Ella” arrived at the yard.
Binnacle List 20 reported.
Friday April 14th 1865 (Image)
At 12.05 A.M. the weather clear Wind West.
At 11.00 A.M U.S. Stm “Fushsia” was taken on the ways.
At 2.00 P.M. U.S. Stm “Leslie” left the Yard with the prize Sloop in tow.
At 3.00 P. M. U.S. Stm “Leslie” returned.
At 7.00 P. M. U.S. Stm “Baltimore” arrived at the yard with U.S. Senators, Wade, Chandler, Brown & others..
Binnacle list 18 reported.45
At 10.15 P.M. His Excellency President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated at Ford’s Theatre by being shot in the head by a revolver.46
Saturday, April 15th 1865
At 12.10 A.M. The weather cloudy Wind South West.
At 6.00 A.M. U.S.Stm “Ella” left the Yard.
At 8.00 A.M. U.S.Stm “King Phillip” returned to the Yard.
At 10.00 A.M. Hoisted the colors half mast, as mark of respect for the Death of His Excellency President Abraham Lincoln. All work was suspended in the Yard & the various buildings draped in Mourning!
Binnacle List 18 reported.
Sunday , April 16th 1865
At 12.10 A.M. weather clear wind South West.
At 9.45 A.M. Brig Wasp arrived at the yard with lumber.
At 6.30 P.M. Stm William McCabe arrived at the yard with lumber.
Binnacle List 16 reported
Wednesday April 19th 1865(Image)
At 12. 10 A.M. the weather clear Wind N.E.
At 6.10 A.M. U.S. Stmr “Ella” left the yard.
At Noon, Twenty one guns were fired in the yard, in respect to our lamented President Abraham Lincoln.
At 5.40 P.M. U.S. Stmr. “King Phillip” left the yard.
All work was suspended in the yard this day, the Employees attending the Funeral of our late President Abraham Lincoln.
Binnacle List 18 reported.
Thursday April 27th 1865.
At 12.10 A. M. the weather clear, Wind South.
At 1.30 A.M. Army Transport Stmr. “John J. Ide” arrived with the remains of John Wilkes Booth, and the person of Herold.
At 6.00 A.M. Schr. “Hope” arrived with Pine Lumber.
At 6.30 A. M. Stmr. “ John J. Ide” left the yard.
At 8.50 Schr. “Joseph N. Bitting arrived with Piles.
At 1.20 P.M. Stmr. “Philadlphia” arrived with iron.
At 4.45 P.M. U.S. Stmr. “Ella” arrived at the yard.
At 4.50 P.M. Barge “ J.F. Brown” arrived with soft coal.
At 5.00 P.m. Barge “Col. Freeman” left the yard.
At 7.00 P.M. Schr. “Hope” left the yard.
At 7.20 P.M. Stmr. “ Philadlphia” left the yard.
Binnacle List 15 reported.
Friday July 14th 1865
This day commences with clear weather wind N
At 6.30 A.M. the Stm Packet E.L. Knight arrived at the Yard for freight
At9.20 A.M. the Barge Col. Freeman arrived at the Yard with soft coals
At 9.35 A. M. the U.S. Stm Ella arrived at the Yard
At 10.35 A.M. the Barge J.A. Brown left the Yard
Middle part clear weather wind S.W.
At 2 P.M. the Barge Mattie Hanseleman arrived at the yard with soft coals
At 6.15 P.M. the Packet S. L. Knight left the Yard
Prisoners confined in Brig 3
Total Mechanics and others employed 1094
Barometer at 7 A.m. 30 25/100 at Meridian 30 22/100 at 5 P.M. 30 20/100
Thermometer at 7 A.M. 68˚ at Meridian 70˚ at 5 P. M. 74˚
This day ends with clear weather wind S
Wednesday January 1, 1868
This day commences with moderate wind from the NE Middle part cloudy weather, light winds from the NW Prisoners confined to the Brigg 1. Binnacle list as reported.
Barometer at 8 a.m. 29/100 At Meridian 29/100 at 4 p.m. 29/100 Thermometer 26 degrees, 30 degrees and 32 degrees.
This day ends with clear weather light winds from the South West.
Operations in the Yard
The Bell does not ring, it being a General Holiday
Thursday Nov. 26th 1868
This day commences with rainy weather light wind from the S.W.
At 9.35 AM the Barge Lloyd M. Mayer arrives with soft coal for Equipment.
At 10.15 A M the USS Tallapooosa left the Yard with freight for Annapolis Norfolk New London & Boston
Prisoners confined in the Brig 0. Binnacle List as reported.
Thermometer at 12 noon 49 at 3 AM 44 at 9AM 59 at 3 PM 54 at 9 PM 46
Barometer 30.5 29.89 29.78 29.84 30.10
This day having been set apart by his Excellency the President of the United States as day of National Thanksgiving there is on work in the Yard.
This day ends with clear weather light wind from the North West.
Monday 4 October 1869
Swan arrives at the Yard with oak timbers from Newcastle Delaware for construction. Middle past, clear weather with moderate wind from the North West. At 1216 p.m. the Barge W. Hutchens arrived at the Yard to try a Patent Boat. At 0110 p.m. the U.S.S. Tug Rescue left the Yard to try a Patent Boat. At 0115 the Packet Anne left the Yard at 2.00 p.m. The schooner Monmouth arrived at the Yard from New York with stone flagging for Yards and Docks. At 3.00 p.m. the tug Rescue returned to the Yard.47
Operations in the Yard
Reported Sick: Jones, William, Heugh and McCleang provost marines. J.M Megee and George Eldridge Landsman.
Civil Engineers Department: working on Ordnance Museum, repairs to dredge, water pipes, wharf and tools, and hauling coal and water.
Ordnance Department: working on fuse stocks, howitzer, field carriages, elevating screws, scraping and painting shot and shell. Fitting howitzers, packing metallic cartridges, and overhauling ammunition. Removing freight from Steamer Anna setting fuses, laboratory boxes and howitzer wheels.
Sailmakers Department: working on hammocks and bags for Mare Island Navy Yard Calif., Awnings for, Yacht America’s sails for Navigation Office.
Painters Department: working on Ship House roof, Commandants and Officers Quarters, Water Closets, Clothes making putty and grinding paint. Yard Laborers Department: working on moving Kansas boilers, handling coal
Carpenters Department: working on Nipsic, Kansas and Yacht America.48
Caulkers Department working on the Nipsic.
Riggers Department: working on the Nipsic yards, stopping blocks.for galley shop, discharging coal from U.S.S. Kansas, cleaning Monitors machinery.
Saturday December 25th 1869
This day commences with cloudy weather and light winds from the Westward.
Thermometer: at mid. 31 at 3 AM 28 at 7AM 32 at mid 36 at 3 PM 37 at 9 PM 29.
Barometer: 30.72 30.62 30.67 30.57.
This day ends with cloudy weather from Eastward.
The yard was closed on account of it being Christmas.
Monday December 27th 1869
This day commences with cloudy weather and light wind from the Northwest.
At 8.00 AM the colors were hoisted at half-mast and the yard was closed by order of the Navy Department in honor of the funeral of Edward M. Stanton.
Middle part Rising weather and light winds from the Northeast.
Thermometer: at mid. 43 at 3 9AM 32 at 52 at 3 PM 29 at 9 PM 46.
Barometer: 30.27 30.23 30.76 30.09..
This day ends with cloudy wind r from Southwest.
Saturday June 1, 1889
Captain R.W. Meade USN Commandant1
Wind : S
Velocity 4 to 5
Temp. 57˚
Department of Yards and Docks No. of Men No. of Days worked Officers in Charge
Construction and Repair232232Civil Engineer F.O. Maxon USN
Steam Engineering79 79Naval Constructor R. Hitchborn USN
Recruiting and Equipment1 1Lt A. Dunlap Acting Engin Off. USN
Ordinance503 503Commander W.M. Folger USN
Navigation1 1 Lieutenant A. Dunlap USN
Paymaster4 4 Paymaster A.W. Bacon USN
Provision and Clothin18 18 Paymaster R. Wallace USN
Medicine and Surgery2 2
TOTAL 840 840
Prisoners; C Wheeler & R.H Stribling (privates). Sick: two. Water rising slowly although apparently, at a standstill during the middle of the day. At 8 a.m. the height of the water was such as to prevent work going on in the Laboratory, Breach Mechanism & Pattern Shops. At 5 p.m. the floors of the breach Mechanism and Laboratory were under water and water was just below the floor of the Pattern Shop. At 6.30 p.m. the Water was into all the shops & in the Ship Houses had filled the shrinking pit of the New Gun Shop. A few men in the Ord & Yard & Docks were kept in during the night to serve such articles as might get adrift & boats were kept from the Dale patrolling the Water front and others from the Ord Dept, looking after the Security of articles in the yard. Booms were placed around lumber, wood &c to prevent it drifting away. Asst. Surgeon J.B. Bailey reported for temporary duty on the Dale. 50
[Signed] A. Dunlaff, Lieutenant
Sunday June 2, 188951
Wind : W
Velocity 3Weather, o.c.
No. of Men No. of Days workedOfficers in Charge
Department of Yards and Docks 5 5
Construction and Repair 0 0 Civil Engineer F.O. Maxon USN
Steam Engineering0 0 Naval Constructor R. Hitchborn USN
Recruiting and Equipment0 0 Lt A. Dunlap Acting Engin Off. USN
Ordinance 51 51 Commander W.M. Folger USN
Navigation 1 1Lieutenant A. Dunlap USN
Paymaster 4 4 Paymaster A.W. Bacon USN
Provision and Clothing7 7 Paymaster R. Wallace USN
Medicine and Surgery2 2
TOTAL 70 70
Prisoners; C. Wheeler & R. H. Stribling (privates). Sick; one. Water still rising. About 3 a.m. the lime in the lime shed getting hot ignited that structure and it was partially demolished and the flames subdued by the fire tug Rescue. Men from the Ordinance and yards & docks looking after material in the yard & shops until 10 a.m. & boats from the Dale patrolling the Water front all day & night At 12 O’clock meridian the water reached its highest point 7ft. 8 ¾ inches above mean high water, and 2 feet 10 ¾ inches above the high water mark of Nov. 26th 1877. At noon the water began to receding and had receded 2 ft. at 10 a.m. During the Day boats from the Dale and Dispatch landed at the steps of the Commandants Office and at noon a skiff landed on the steps of the North East corner of the shell houses. Water was 3 feet deep in the Ordinance Office, covering tables, &c
[Signed] A. Dunlaff, Lieutenant
[Attachment to Station Log entry for 2 June 1889]
Civil Engineer Office
U.S. Navy Yard, Washington, D.C.
June 3rd 1889
Sir :
In obedience to the Commandant’s order of today, I respectfully report, that the extreme height of the flood of yesterday, was reached from 10 to 11: 30 in the morning, at 2.’ 1 ¼ “above the high water mark of 1877, or 7.’ 8 ½ above mean high tide. A tabular statement is enclosed giving the height of the flood above the various buildings.
Very respectfully
(Signed) Frank O. Maxon,
Civil Engr. U.S.N.
Captain, R.W. Meade, U.S.N.
Friday August 9th 1889
Captain R.W. Meade USN Commandant
Wind : E
Velocity 3 to 4
No. of Men No. of DaysWorkedOfficers in Charge
Department of Yards and Docks 103 103 Civil Engineer F.O. Maxon USN
Construction and Repair 84 84 Naval Constructor R. Hitchborn USN
Steam Engineering 15 15 Chief Engineer R.E. Denalin USN
Recruiting and Equipment 3 3 Ensign H.C. Poundstone USN
Ordinance 937 937Commander W.M. Folger USN
Paymaster 4 4 Paymaster A.W. Bacon USN
Provision and Clothing 17 17 Paymaster R. Wallace USN
Medicine and Surgery 2 2 P.A. Surgeon F.S. Mash USN
TOTAL 1165 1165
At 5 PM commenced raining. From 8:30 P.M. until 10:20 P.M. Thunder & lighting. Prisoners T. Healey & Wm. Kingsley (privates). Sick; two at 8 A.M. Sand scow left the yard empty. At 9:30 and Sand Scow arrived with sand for New Ordinance Building. At 8: 10 P.M. a second Sand Scow left the yard empty. Chief Engineer P. Inch was ordered to continue in the discharge of present duties until No. 15th 1889. At 6: 30 P.M. Private Marine Joseph Murphy, patrol man on No.1 post discovered the lime stored in Building No.3 to be on fire in consequence of the rain dropping through sky light on it. The alarm was instantly sounded from No. 4 fire alarm box. The men for from the Dale and Marine Barracks of the yard were promptly on hand with engines and ladders &c. The burning lime in barrels and bags was promptly taken out doors & fire extinguished removed to a place of safety. The Fire Detector worked perfectly throughout the yard. The Commandant ordered Captain Pope to commend Private Murphy for his vigilance. Chief Engineer Denalin ordered to continue in the discharge of his present duties until Dec 31st 1889.
Examined H. C. Poundstone
Wednesday November 6th 1889
Captain R.W. Meade USN Commandant
Barometer 30:44
Wind :NW
No. of Men No. of Days Worked Officers in Charge
Department of Yards and Docks 54 54Civil Engineer F.O. Maxon USN
Construction and Repair84 84 Naval Constructor R. Hitchborn USN
Steam Engineering 15 15 Chief Engineer R.E. Denalin USN
Recruiting and Equipment 2 2 Ensign H.C. Poundstone USN
Ordinance 862 862 Commander W.M. Folger USN
Paymaster 5 5 Paymaster A.W. Bacon USN
Provision and Clothing 17 17 Paymaster R. Wallace USN
Medicine and Surgery 2 2 P.A. Surgeon F.S. Mash USN
TOTAL 1041 1041
Clear & cool. Fresh & moderate breezes from the NW Prisoner E. Caine (private). Wm. Ball a laborer in the Ord Dept while employed in breaking ion was injured by the fall of a large hook that is used in hoisting and sustained several severe scalp wounds which were dressed at the Dispensary and he was sent home in Ambulance.
Examined A. Stulaf Lieutenant
Saturday December 7th 1889
Captain R.W. Meade USN Commandant
Wind :E
Velocity 3 to 4
No. of Men No. of Days Worked Officers in Charge
Department of Yards and Docks 78 78Civil Engineer F.O. Maxon USN
Construction and Repair 88 88Naval Constructor R. Hitchborn USN
Steam Engineering 18 18Chief Engineer R.E. Denalin USN
Recruiting and Equipment 2 2 Ensign H.C. Poundstone USN
Ordinance 913 913 Commander W.M. Folger USN
Paymaster 5 5 Paymaster A.W. BaconUSN
Provision and Clothing 16 16 Paymaster R. Wallace USN
Medicine and Surgery 2 2 P.A. Surgeon F.S. Mash USN
TOTAL 1122 1122
Cloudy then clearing, Calm to moderate breezes from S. moving to SW Prisoners E.L. Longworth & J. Carmody (privates). At 10 a.m. steam Launch Cricket left the yard for magazine & returned at 11 am At 10:20 am coal barge arrived with Cumberland coal for Y & D Dept and coal barge left empty. At 1:15 pm Steam Launch Cricket left the yard with a coal barge in tow for magazine & at 4:15 Cricket & Coal launch returned with five lbs. of sulphur. Wm. J. McClelland machinist had his right hand caught between the gearing of one of the tools in the South Gun Shop this morning resulting in the loss of four fingers near the hand joint.
Examined H. C. Poundstone Ensign
End Notes
All information for the dates of appointment or rank of naval and warrant officers mentioned in the station log unless otherwise noted was taken from Officers of the Continental and U.S. Navy and Marine Corps 1775 - 1900 Officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps in the War of 1812 Naval History and Heritage Command, accessed 28 July 2014.
[1] “Request for Station Log 1863 and 1864”. Message to the author, 14 August 2014, E-mail.
[2] Sharp, John G. History of the Washington Navy Yard Civilian Workforce 1799-1962. Stockton, CA: Vindolanda Press, 2005 online at Department of the Navy, Naval History and Heritage Command, accessed 31 July 2014, p6.
[3] Linda M. Maloney, The Captain from Connecticut: The Life and Naval Times of Isaac Hull Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1986, 422.
[4] The station log for 1835 has not survived consequently we have no entries for the great strike which began in the navy yard on 31 July 1835, when three - quarters of men employed in August 1835, 175 of 231 left the Yard and joined their colleagues on strike. See Maloney, p. 437 and Hull to Dickerson, 12 August 1835 with two enclosures, titled: “Number & Occupations of men Now Employ’d in Washington Navy Yard” RG 45/M125, NARA.
[5] 66 mutineers of the 2nd Maine Regiment are on the steamer Powhatten not in close confinement but prevented from holding communication Evening Star (Washington DC) 15 August 1861, p.2 also Newark Daily Advertiser 16 August 1861.
[6] Early naval regulations discouraged the recruitment of African Americans, free or enslaved see Secretary of the Navy, Benjamin Stoddard to Lt. Henry Kenyon, 8 August 1798, Naval Documents Related to the Quasi-War Between the United States and France, Washington, 1935, I, p.281. “No Negroes or Mulatoes are to be admitted, and as far as you can judge, you must be cautious to exclude all Person whose Characters are suspicious,” however, the practice continued. In 1817 the Board of Naval Commissioners, restated this policy “Abuses having existed in some of the navy yards by the introduction of improper Characters for improper purposes, the Board of Navy Commissioners have deemed it necessary to direct That no Slaves or Negroes, except under extraordinary Circumstances, shall be employed in any navy yard in the United States, & in no case without the authority from the Board of Navy Commissioners.” See BNC Circular to Commandants of Naval Shipyards, 17 March 1817, Record Group 45, National Archives and Record Service.
Many of these naval directives, were simply ignored since the profits to the shipyard officers and senior civilian employees was large and the practice obscured by subterfuge and “gentleman’s agreements,” which “escaped normal legal contractual arrangements for goods and services.” Slave Rentals to the Military Pensacola and the Gulf Coast Civil War History, Vol. 23, No. 2 (June, 1977) p.103. For the employment of slaves at Washington Navy Yard, see Sharp, African Americans in Slavery and Freedom on the Washington Navy Yard 1799 -1865, Morgan Hannah Press 2011.
[7] National Archives and Records Administration, Record Group 45, Entry, T829, Miscellaneous Records of the Office of the Navy Records and Library, Microfilm Roll 163: Washington Navy Yard p.48 - 52.
[8] Maloney, p.422. Edward Vidler, Overseer of the Laborers and Laboratory (see the muster of 1811)
[9] Timothy Winn Purser USN 1773-1836, see
[10] Shiner Diary, p. 19
[11] “Knees”, naturally grown timber, or bars of iron, bent to a right angle, or to fit the surfaces, and to secure bodies firmly together, as hanging-knees secure the deck-beams to the sides. They are divided into hanging-knees, diagonal hanging-knees, lodging-knees or deck-beam knees, transom-knees, helm-post transom-knees, wing transom-knees, connect the ship beams to the sides and a knee of the stern-post, united it to the vessels keel. See The Sailors Word Book an Alphabetical Digest of Nautical Terms, including Some More Especially Military and Scientific, but Useful to Seamen;,W. H. Smyth.
[12] Thomas Penn, Ordinary Seaman, enslaved to Lt. John Kelly. Shiner, records, that following a large fire in Alexandria which members of the Ordinary had help suppress, Tom Penn was placed on report for insolence and came close to being whipped. See endnote 2 and “Shiner pp. 19-20.
[13] Tingey to Benjamin Crowinsheilds, 4 Sept 1815, RG 45/M125, NARA: re midshipman John Kelly, “he being nearly related to the family of my first wife”.
[14] William Edwin Howard 1812-1888 the son Navy Yard Clerk Thomas Howard.
[15] Ship House Number 1 and 2, these two Ship Houses were built to insure a safe area for the building of naval vessels. This space kept the ship being built or repaired somewhat secure from the weather and gave the ship carpenters and caulkers a relatively dry space to work. The first ship house was located somewhat South East of where Building 1, the historic Commandant’s Office is today.
[16] Salvatore Catalano Sailing Master USN 1767-1846, for more information see,_SALVATORE_M
[17] The earthquake of 9 March 1828 was felt over a wide area, including seven Eastern States and the District of Columbia. Although no damage occurred, it was reported to be "violent" in D.C. and Baltimore, Maryland. John Quincy Adams, then President of the United States, left the following account in his diary of the occurrence as he observed the shock at the White House:
March 9, 1828. “There was this evening the shock of an earthquake, the first which I ever distinctly noticed at the moment when it happened. I was writing in this book, when the table began to shake under my hand and the floor under my feet. The window shutters rattled as if shaken by the wind, and there was a momentary sensation as of the heaving of a ship on the waves. It continued about two minutes, then ceased. It was about eleven at night. I immediately left writing, and went to my bedchamber, where my wife was in bed, much alarmed.”
United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, Earthquake hazards program,
[18] Betsey Howard, Horse and Cart Driver, is recorded on the 1819-1820 employee listing, see,1819-1820. Howard was the first women to be employed by Department of the Navy for which we have documentation. She is most likely a relation of Thomas Howard, Clerk of the Yard.
[19] Ann Spieden or “Widow Spieden”,born Ann Williams in Melrose, Scotland, 1773, married 1797 in the District of Columbia to Robert Spieden. Robert Spieden died young and their son, William Spieden (1797-1861), went to work at WNY for Naval Purser Timothy Winn. Winn mentored William and perhaps helped Ann secure jobs. Her son, William, later served with the Commodore Perry’s expedition to Japan.
[20] The Washington Asylum, popularly known as the “poorhouse” or “almshouse”, was a government-run facility supervised by the District Aldermen and the “Guardians of the Poor.” The first District poorhouse was established in 1814, and was similar and patterned after those in most large 18th and 19th century English and American cities. Washington D.C. Ordnances of 1821 specified, that the Asylum was “for the accommodation of the poor, infirmed and diseased persons, vagrants and other purposes.” The Asylum had a standing agreement with the navy yard to supply finished oakum for caulking ships,
[21] This entry is probably Thomas Teppit. Teppit previously was entered on the rolls of the Ordinary, September 19, 1827 and discharged 17 May 1828. See Muster Book of the U.S. Navy in Ordinary at the Navy Yard Washington City, from 1 January to 31. December, 1828, NARA RG 45, Entry, T829, Miscellaneous Records of the Office of the Navy Records and Library, Microfilm Roll 163: Washington Navy Yard p.51-52.
[22] July 4, 1828 began with artillery salutes from the Washington Arsenal and Navy Yard and most employees had the day off. This was followed by an elaborate and celebratory procession for Independence Day and ground breaking for the new Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. The parade featured dignitaries, members of civic and political organizations and workers from the Washington Navy Yard marching with specially built large boat displays. Alexandria Gazette, Alexandria Va., 4 July 1828, p 3.
[23] For Shiner’s late return and its consequences, see p. 30-33.
[24] Shiner p.39 , “the day that comerder Hull taken command of the Washington Navy yard they Wher a seamen by the name of Wells one of the Crew of the St louis that had bein missin ever since the 19 of December 1828 on friday and it Was surposed that he run a way and they never could here anny thing from him until the 4 day of april 1829 and he came up at the north west Corner of the lower Ship house he came up right under the frigate congress laorboard Bow it was sersposed that he went to go a shore that night before the St louis went a way and got hung under the Chain cable Wells wher a Welchmen by birth and they wher a inqust [inquest] held over him and he was bured in the potters field.”
[25] Commodore Hull was sympathetic to the laborers financial plight and chose to take no disciplinary action against them, and they soon returned to work. Serious labor protests however occurred in 1835; see Maloney, Linda M. The Captain from Connecticut: The Life and Naval Times of Isaac Hull. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1986, p 421-422 and Shiner p.60.
[26] Daniel Todd Patterson (March 6, 1786-August 25, 1839) was an officer in the United States Navy during the Quasi-War with France, the First Barbary War, and the War of 1812. As acting midshipman, he joined sloop of war Delaware, June 11, 1799, to cruise against French privateers and warships in the West Indies to August 1800. Appointed Midshipman, U.S. Navy, August 20, 1800 (warrant subsequently altered to take rank from date of his original entry, June 11, 1799). After the war, was one of the Midshipmen retained in the Navy under the Peace Establishment Act, signed by President Adams in one of his last official acts, on March 3, 1801. On close of the Quasi-War with France, he resumed nautical studies, then had blockade duty off Tripoli in famed Constellation and Philadelphia. On October 13, 1803 he fell prisoner upon capture of Philadelphia, commanded by William Bainbridge, when the vessel ran aground on an uncharted reef of the coast of Tripoli, and remained a captive of the Barbary pirates until the American victory over Tripoli in 1805. Upon returning home, he spent much of his following years on station at New Orleans, Louisiana, where he took command after the outbreak of the War of 1812. On September 16, 1814, Patterson raided the base of the pirate Jean Laffite at Barataria, Louisiana, capturing six schooners and other small craft. In that same month, he refused Andrew Jackson's request to send his few naval units to Mobile Bay where Patterson knew they would be bottled up by a superior British fleet. Foreseeing British designs against New Orleans almost two months before their attack, Patterson, not Jackson, was the first to prepare to defend the city. The victory resulted as much from his foresight and preparations as from Jackson's able fighting. His little fleet delayed the enemy until reinforcements arrived, and then gave artillery support in defense of the entrenchments from which Jackson was never driven.
Patterson, highly commended by Jackson, received a note of thanks from Congress, and was promoted to Captain on February 28, 1815. Patterson remained on the southern stations until 1824. Because of failing health, Thomas Macdonough relinquished command of the USSConstitution whereupon Patterson then assumed command and became fleet captain and commander of this flagship in Commodore John Rodgers' Mediterranean Squadron.
Home in 1828, he was appointed one of the three Navy commissioners. He commanded the Mediterranean Squadron from 1832–1836. He then took command of the Washington Navy Yard in 1836, an office he held until his death at Wilmington, New Jersey, August 25, 1839. Daniel Todd Patterson and his wife are buried in Congressional Cemetery, Washington, D.C.
[27] Daily National Intelligencer 5 July 1841, reports the customary salute was fired from the Washington Navy Yard and U.S. Arsenal.
[28] National Intelligencer, June 29, 1842: “The Late Fatal Explosion on the Navy Yard. We are sorry to learn that this terrible explosion, besides causing the death of Mr. Barry (who had charge of the ordnance and was a master in the Navy) and Mr. Davis, his fellow laborer and sufferer at this dangerous work, three other individuals were severely if not dangerously, wounded by the explosion—Mr. Bynum, an attorney from North Carolina, and Mr. Watson, who were both strangers and viewing the Navy Yard at the time of the sad event, and corporal Lusky of the Marine Corps, who happened to be near the unfortunate men when they lost their lives. Yesterday morning it was reported that Mr. Bynum had died of his wounds, but this is erroneous; the gentleman, though severely hurt, being in no present danger. It is extremely gratifying to learn that Mr. John F. Tucker and Mr. Thomas Goss, members of the Anacostia Fire Company who nobly rushed into the laboratory to extinguish the flames, which were within a few feet of the power magazine, were favorably reported yesterday to the Commandant, and it is to be hoped they will not go unrewarded, as they will certainly not go undistinguished, for their dauntless bravery and disregard of personal consequence during so appalling an emergency. Commandant Kennon does no more than justice to the Anacostia Fire Company for their “heroic exertions” on this trying occasion. Never, that we can recollect have any Firemen more distinguished them, or more richly deserved the thanks and approbation of their fellow citizens. We subjoin the statement of Commandant Kennon, politely furnished at our request, and the verdict of the jury who were summoned by the Coroner late on Monday night, to investigate the circumstances which led to the dreadful catastrophe.”
[29] Daily National Intelligencer on 30 Jun 1842: “Departed this life at the U.S. Navy Yard in this city by the explosion of detonating shells on Monday, the 27th instant, Mr. Thomas Barry, a master of the U.S. Navy, aged 63 years. His funeral will take place this day from his late residence in the Navy Yard, at 12 o'clock. Officers of the Army and Navy and the friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend.”
[30] The Evening Star, Washington DC April 29, 1873: “Commodore John H. Aulick, U.S.N., died yesterday at his residence in this city, corner of 18th and I streets, in the 85th year of his age. The deceased was a Virginian by birth, but was appointed an officer in the navy from Maryland, Nov. 15, 1809. In 1812 he served on the Enterprise in all her actions, and carried her captures, the Boxer, and the privateers Flyer and Mars, into port. He afterwards served on the Saranac, Ontario, Constitution, and Brandywine and was in command of the Washington Navy Yard from 1843 to 1846. He returned from his last cruise in 1853, and has since 1864 been on the retired list. His funeral will take place from his late residence tomorrow, at 12 a m.” Commodore John H. Aulick is buried in the Congressional Cemetery R/52/93.
[31] Brownell, Thomas. Sailing Master, 30 October, 1840. Lieutenant, 26 December, 1843. Reserved List, 26 December, 1843. Captain on Retired List, 4 April, 1867. Died 5 January, 1872.
[32] Myers, William H. Gunner, 16 July, 1841. Resigned 15 December, 1847.
[33] The National Intelligencer, 13 Feb 1846: “Distressing and Fatal Accident. We are sorry to learn that another fatal accident occurred yesterday, about ten o'clock in the morning, by an explosion in the laboratory at the Navy Yard. It appears that while the workmen were engaged in the dangerous operation of preparing detonating powder, an explosion took place which caused the immediate death of a person named Dailey, from Philadelphia, whose skull and head were shattered in a dreadful manner. A son of Captain Mitchell, of the steamboat Oceola, had also an arm broken by this distressing occurrence. We understand the concussion was very great, so as to raise the roof of the building and otherwise injure it. Coroner Woodward held an inquest over the body of the deceased in the course of the day; but we could not obtain, at a late hour last night, the verdict of the jury.”
The National Intelligencer, 16 Feb 1846: “The Late Fatal Accident at the Navy Yard. Which was briefly noticed by us in the National Intelligencer of the 13th instant, was fully investigated by the jury which was summoned on that day by Coroner Woodward. After due deliberation and the hearing of one witness, who seemed to entertain the opinion that carelessness had led to the fatal explosion, the jury returned a verdict in which they declared it as their belief that the explosion was purely accidental and that no blame can attach to any person connected with the laboratory.
It seems to be almost providential that only one person was killed. If the explosion had taken place a day or two earlier there would undoubtedly have been a greater sacrifice of human life, as there were many more persons at work in the laboratory. Nineteen hands had been discharged on the previous day. We learn that Mr. James Daily, the unfortunate person who was killed by the explosion, was a young man of excellent character, and his premature death has been generally regretted.”
[34] Queen, Walter C. Midshipman, 7 October, 1841. Passed Midshipman, 10 August, 1847. Master, 15 September, 1855. Lieutenant, 16 September, 1855. Lieutenant Commander, 16 July, 1862. Commander, 25 July, 1866. Captain, 4 June, 1874. Commodore, 9 February, 1884. Rear Admiral, 28 August, 1886. Retired List, 6 October, 1886. Died 24 October, 1893.
[35] Evening Star, June 10, 1854: “Accident, a man of the name of George Noble, a rigger at the Navy Yard, fell from the top of the stack of the ordnance building yesterday afternoon, and was so dreadfully injured that it was thought he could not survive.”
Evening Star, June 13, 1854: “The Accident at the Navy Yard. The rigger at the Navy Yard who met with the accident last week, mentioned at the time in the Star, has since died of the effects of the injuries received and was buried the other day. There was quite a large attendance at his funeral.”
[36] Daily National Intelligencer 3 December 1855: “Launch of the Steam Frigate Minnesota. The day was mild and balmy, and during the forenoon the streets and avenues of Washington were crowded by our citizens and vast multitudes whom the approaching session of Congress has attracted hither; but toward the hour of noon every possible means of conveyance to the Navy Yard was put in requisition. The Steamboats from the wharfs as well as from the wharfs of Alexandria were heavily freighted with cargoes of people in their holiday attire; the omnibus and every species of vehicle were employed to their utmost capability; and still the highway was thronged with a curious and excited multitude. At the hour of noon, while the central portions of the city presented and almost desolate appearance the Navy Yard and every point around it eligible as a place from which to view the anticipated spectacle was literally thronged with men and women and children. … At 12 o’clock precisely a small army of workmen commenced removing the props and at one o’clock the stairway which connected the ship with terra firma was cut loose… A few hundred yards from the wharf the United States steamer Engineer was station for the accommodation of the President of the United States, members of his Cabinet, and invited guests. At one o’clock the President and his party arrived. He was loudly cheered by the assembled multitude was received with appropriate salute and escorted to the wharf by a detachment of marines, preceded by a fine band of music. .. At twenty minutes past two o’clock the last impediment was removed, and amid the booming of cannon the loud exalting of the assembled thousands first slowly and hesitantly, and then with one graceful dash the Minnesota embraced the element of which she is destined to be so distinguished an ornament. In accordance with time honored usage, before the ship reached the waters MISS SUSAN L. MANN, a young lady of this city, approached the bow and in due form baptized the noble vessel giving her the name “ Minnesota”.”
[37] Evening Star 14 July 1859: “A Dreadful Accident - This forenoon, between 10 and 11 o’clock, while the gunners crew at the Washington Navy Yard were engaged in this usual battery practice, a sixty four pounder – an army gun – which had been fired once only there (though it had evidently been fired before) burst killing James Wilson and William Nokes. The former was a seafaring man, married with one child. The latter was a married man and was preparing to become a gunner in the service. He leaves no children.
The accident also wounded ten men – eight severely and two slightly – as follow: Richard Gormley (cut about the head); Charles Stuart (badly cut about the head ); Roderick McMilliam (collar bone broken); P. Ludwig, (splinter in the side); Andrew Wilson (cut about the face and head); J. Roach(ditto); Elijah Beachman, (badly hurt); Dennis Leary, John Conner, and John Holland, (slightly hurt).
Mr. Wilson was killed instantly, half his head being blown off: and Mr. Nokes lived but five or ten minutes after the accident; the lower part of his body a distance of thirty feet, and Mr. Nokes and Mr. Beacham ten or twelve feet. All who were injured were on the gun platform, which is elevated ten feet from the ground. Some of the fragments of the gun were cast more than two hundred years, to the great danger of the workman around.
At 1 P.M. in the presence of the coroner to hold and inquest over the remains of Messrs. Wilson and Nokes (who were most estimable and valuable men in their relations in life) was momentarily expected. Indeed all the gunner’s crew are necessarily picked men. Hopes of recovery of all the wounded men are entertained by Dr. A.W. Miller and the medical officers in the yard in attendance. Everything possible has been done to relieve the condition of the wounded has been done by the officers of the yard.”
[38] Elmer Ephraim Ellsworth April 11, 1837-May 24, 1861 was a friend of President Lincoln he had studied law in Lincoln’s office. Ellsworth a militia officer was killed while leading the 11th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment into Alexandria, Virginia, to take down a rebel flag. His death was the subject of wide public mourning in the North and quickly made him a martyr for the Union.
[39] Hannibal Hamlin 1809 -1891 Vice President of the United States 1861 -1861.
[40] Daily National Intelligencer July 29, 1861: “TERRIBLE EXPLOSION AT THE NAVY YARD – A terrible explosion took place in the rocket house, at the Washington Navy Yard, on Saturday afternoon, killing two men and wounding two. Francis C. Brown was burnt to a crisp, and died shortly after the explosion. He was twenty-six years of age, and a native of Philadelphia, but has resided in Washington for about six years. He was a plasterer by trade, and leaves a wife and one child. John P. Ferguson was badly burnt, and died on Saturday evening. He was unmarried, twenty-six years of age, and a native of Washington. William Martin was badly burnt, and will probably recover. He was taken to his residence near the yard. Nicholas Ray was severely burnt, but will recover. The first explosion occurred in a large mortar suspended from the ceiling, in which there was a quantity of use powder and a large copper ball for crushing the composition when the pot was swung to and fro. This caused a second explosion of a tank of powder nearby. Fortunately, a barrel of powder and several boxes of cartridges, which were in the room, escaped explosion. The roof of the building was lifted clear from its place, the windows all blown out, and the brick walls cracked in several places. The workmen in the yard were quickly on the spot, and extinguished the fire before it has made much headway. The cause of the explosion is not known, but it is supposed that the ball in the mortar became heated by constant motion so as to ignite the composition.”
[41] See Endnote 4.
[42] Contraband, a term commonly used to describe a new status for certain escaped slaves or those who affiliated with Union forces. The United States Congress determined that the army would not return escaped slaves who went to Union lines and classified them as contraband. In the Washington area contrabands picked up by the Navy were brought to the navy yard and then turned over to the U.S. Army Provost Marshall. The Army provided rudimentary housing for contrabands in camps such as the District’s “Camp Brightwood” and nearby Alexandria, Virginia, “Freemans Village.” Contrabands were used as laborers to support Union war efforts and federal were eventually paid wages. During this period the army helped support and educate both adults and children among the refugees. Thousands of men from these camps enlisted in the United States Colored Troops when recruitment started in 1863. See the National Park Service, Living Contraband Former Slaves in the Nation’s Capital during the Civil War For the estimated population in the District see Berlin, Ira, Freedom: Volume 2, Series 1: The Wartime Genesis of Free Labor ..., Volume 2, p. 78.
[43] The U.S.S. Dragon, a screw steamer, was purchased at New York City in December 1861; outfitted at New York Navy Yard; and sailed 20 December 1861. On 8 March 1862 Dragon participated in the famous engagement in Hampton Roads, Virginia, between United States and Confederate naval forces during which Cumberland and Congress were sunk by the ironclad CSS Virginia. She patrolled the Potomac and Rappahannock Rivers helping enforce the blockade between Maryland and Virginia until 25 April 1865.
[44] Republican Senators, Benjamin Gratz Wade 1820-1885 of Missouri, Benjamin Franklin Wade 1800-1878 of Ohio, and Zachariah Chandler 1813-1879 of Michigan were on their way to Richmond, Virginia, to inspect the war effort, see Daily National Intelligencer 11 April 1865.
[45] “Binnacle List” The Binnacle is defined as the stand or housing for the ship's compass located on the bridge. The term “binnacle list,” in lieu of sick list, originated years ago when ships' corpsmen used to place a list of the sick on the binnacle each morning to inform the captain about the crew's health. After long practice, it came to be called binnacle list. See Smyth.
[46] Daily National Intelligencer April 14, 1865, p.8: “At an early hour yesterday morning the yard bell rung the fact of the terrible tragedy became fully known around the Navy Yard and many of the workmen … It was not generally known until that the bell would not ring at 1 P.M. for the afternoon muster until that hour when it was announced that an order had been received from the Navy Department to cease operations until after the funeral obsequies. The several heads of departments, mast-workmen, &c, will have a meeting; it is expected, tomorrow, to make the necessary arrangements for the participation of the yard employees at the funeral solemnities.”
[47] The second USS Rescue, built 1861 by Harlan and Hollingsworth, Wilmington, Del., was purchased for the Navy on 21 August 1861; fitted out at Philadelphia; and ordered to join the Potomac Flotilla. Rescue remained in the Potomac Flotilla through the end of the Civil War. She then proceeded to Washington, where for the next 24 years she served as a district craft, first as a tug, then as a fireboat. The Rescue was declared unserviceable in 1889, and condemned and sold on 25 March 1891.
[48] USS Nipsic was laid down 24 December 1862 by Portsmouth Navy Yard; launched 15 June 1863, and commissioned 2 September 1863. In November 1863 she joined in the blockade of Charleston, where she served until the end of the Civil War. After the war the Nipsic served primarily with the South Atlantic Squadron off the coast of Brazil, and in the West Indies, protecting American commerce and interests until 1873 when she was decommissioned and subsequently broken up. Rebuilt as a new, and substantially larger, Adams-class gunboat, Nipsic was recommissioned 11 October 1879. She served again in the West Indies until March 1880 when she sailed for the European Station. After three years of service in the Mediterranean and along the north and west coasts of Africa, Nipsic returned to the South Atlantic Squadron in June 1883. She served there until March 1886 when she sailed to Washington for overhaul. In January 1888 she sailed for Cape Horn and Callao, Peru, whence she departed 23 September for duty as station ship in Apia Harbor, Samoa. On 15 March 1889, Nipsic rode at anchor in Apia Harbor with Vandalia, Trenton, HMS Calliope, and three German naval vessels, Adler, Olga, and Eber, along with six merchantmen. Gale-force winds arose, and preparations for leaving harbor were begun, but departure was delayed in the hope that conditions next morning would be more favorable for the sortie. However, by early morning 16 March the harbor was a mass of foam and spray as hurricane-force winds battered the ships. Only Calliope, larger and more strongly powered than the others, was able to leave the harbor. Vandalia, Trenton, the three German ships, and the merchantmen were all sunk; Nipsic’s captain, Comdr. D. W. Mullin, was able by superb seamanship to beach his ship. While severely damaged by the pounding she received on the beach, Nipsic’s hull was intact, although much of her topside structure was battered, all of her propeller blades damaged, two boilers spread and useless, and eight of her crew lost. Refloated and her engines repaired, Nipsic cleared Apia 9 May for Auckland, but was turned back by heavy seas. On 15 May she again sailed, for Pago Pago, Fanning Island, and Honolulu, arriving 2 August. Nipsic was completely rebuilt in Hawaii, her length and beam extended and her tonnage increased. From 3 January 1890 she cruised in the Hawaiian Islands guarding American interests. She arrived in San Francisco Bay 30 September, and decommissioned at Mare Island Navy Yard 2 October. In 1892 she sailed to Puget Sound Navy Yard to serve as receiving ship and prison. On 13 February 1913 she was sold.
[49] Richard Worsam Meade III was born in New York City on 9 October 1837. He entered the U.S. Naval Academy in 1850. Graduating in 1856, he served in the steam frigate Merrimack in 1856-1857 and off Africa in 1857-1859 on board the corvette Cumberland and the sloop of war Dale. Promoted to Lieutenant in 1858, Meade was an officer of the steamer Saranac and sailing sloop of war Cyane, both units of the Pacific Squadron, during 1859-1861.
After returning to the East Coast from the Pacific in mid-1862, Lieutenant Meade was hospitalized for a few months for a tropical illness, then provided gunnery instruction to volunteer officers as the Navy expanded to meet the challenges of the Civil War. In January 1862 he became Executive Officer of the steam sloop Dakota and later held the same position on the new gunboat Conemaugh. Lieutenant Commander Meade's subsequent Civil War service was distinguished, including participation in the suppression of the July 1863 New York draft riots, plus active combat and blockade enforcement work while commanding the Mississippi River ironclad Louisville in the latter part of 1862 and the gunboats Marblehead in South Carolina waters in 1863-1864 and Chocura in the Gulf of Mexico during 1864-1865.
Meade's post-Civil War career marked him as one of the Navy's most prominent reformist and technologically-minded officers. Duty at the Naval Academy in 1865-1868 was followed by promotion to Commander and service along the Alaskan coast as Commanding Officer of the steamer Saginaw. Captain Meade was Commandant of the Washington Navy Yard in 1887-1890. Promoted to Commodore in 1892 and Rear Admiral two years later, his final service was as commander of the North Atlantic Squadron in 1894-1895. Rear Admiral Richard W. Meade retired in May 1895 and died at Washington, D.C., on 4 May 1897.
[50] The first USS Dale, a sloop-of-war, was launched 8 November 1839 by Philadelphia Navy Yard, and commissioned 11 December 1839, Commander J. Gwinn in command. She was taken to Norfolk Navy Yard to be readied for sea. Dale arrived at Key West 10 December 1862 for duty as ordnance store ship until 3 July 1865. She was decommissioned at Philadelphia 20 July 1865, and was in ordinary at Norfolk until recommissioned 29 May 1867. She served as training ship at the Naval Academy until 1884, then as receiving ship at Washington Navy Yard until 1894. Transferred to the Maryland Naval Militia in 1895, she was renamed Oriole 30 November 1904, and transferred to the Coast Guard at Baltimore 23 July 1906.
[51] Ambrose, Kevin, Henry Dan, Weiss, Andy. Washington Weather The Weather Sourcebook for the D.C. Area Historical Enterprises, Washington DC 2002, p.203. Labeled “The Great Flood of 1889” flooded large areas of the District, and flooded the downtown to a depth of seven feet; the entire length of Pennsylvania Ave. was covered to four feet of water. The Potomac River reached its crest in Washington D.C., on 2 June 1889 at 11.5 feet above flood stage. This is the unofficial record for Washington only the floods of 1936 and 1942 have approached this level. The flood of 1889 is not included in modern flood records for the District of Columbia.