landlichen raums mikro: Topics by (2024)

  • Innenstädte im ländlichen Raum - Wirksame Maßnahmen zur Revitalisierung zentraler Einzelhandelslagen im ruralen Umfeld

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hilpert, Markus; Völkening, Niklas; Beck, Christin


    In contrast to the retail sector in metropolises and medium-sized towns, its counterpart in rural regions is far less examined and described in scientific geographic literature. As many rural communities face similar challenges (e. g. growing vacancy rates, insufficient accessibility and unresolved succession in businesses), this article expounds fundamental mechanisms for strengthening or at least stabilizing their attractiveness as environments for living and for economy. Next to "hard" facts, as for example accessibility and parking spaces, less tangible themes like quality of stay, multicontextuality or service as well as comprehensive concepts like city marketing or place branding take on greater significance.

  • A miniature low-cost LWIR camera with a 160×120 microbolometer FPA

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tepegoz, Murat; Kucukkomurler, Alper; Tankut, Firat; Eminoglu, Selim; Akin, Tayfun


    This paper presents the development of a miniature LWIR thermal camera, MSE070D, which targets value performance infrared imaging applications, where a 160x120 CMOS-based microbolometer FPA is utilized. MSE070D features a universal USB interface that can communicate with computers and some particular mobile devices in the market. In addition, it offers high flexibility and mobility with the help of its USB powered nature, eliminating the need for any external power source, thanks to its low-power requirement option. MSE070D provides thermal imaging with its 1.65 inch3 volume with the use of a vacuum packaged CMOS-based microbolometer type thermal sensor MS1670A-VP, achieving moderate performance with a very low production cost. MSE070D allows 30 fps thermal video imaging with the 160x120 FPA size while resulting in an NETD lower than 350 mK with f/1 optics. It is possible to obtain test electronics and software, miniature camera cores, complete Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and relevant documentation with MSE070D, as MikroSens want to help its customers to evaluate its products and to ensure quick time-to-market for systems manufacturers.

  • R 14 (Au, M) 51 (R = Y, La–Nd, Sm–Tb, Ho, Er, Yb, Lu; M = Al, Ga, Ge, In, Sn, Sb, Bi): Stability Ranges and Site Preference in the Gd 14Ag 51 Structure Type


    Celania, Chris; Smetana, Volodymyr; Provino, Alessia; ...


    Twenty new ternary representatives of the Gd 14Ag 51 structure type have been synthesized within the R-Au-M family (R = Y, La–Nd, Sm–Tb, Ho, Er, Yb, Lu; M = Al, Ga, Ge, In, Sn, Sb, Bi) using solid state synthesis techniques. The list of post transition metals (M) involved in the formation of this type of structure could be augmented by five new representatives. All compounds crystallize in the hexagonal space group P6/m (#175) with the unit cell ranges of a = 12.3136(2)–12.918(1) Å and c = 8.9967(3)–9.385(1) Å, and incorporate different degrees of Au/M mixing. The involvement of themore» post transition element in the structure varies from one to another compound both qualitatively and quantitatively. A rather significant phase width can be expected for the majority of compounds, however, not without exclusions. The distribution of the post transition metals within the structure has been analyzed via single crystal X-ray diffraction. While the positional disorder of one near-origin Au position is expectable for all compounds due to steric reasons, two specimens show an obvious deviation from the others including another Au position split along the c axis. Lastly, possible factors affecting this behavior are discussed.«less

  • R 14 (Au, M) 51 (R = Y, La–Nd, Sm–Tb, Ho, Er, Yb, Lu; M = Al, Ga, Ge, In, Sn, Sb, Bi): Stability Ranges and Site Preference in the Gd 14Ag 51 Structure Type

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Celania, Chris; Smetana, Volodymyr; Provino, Alessia

    Twenty new ternary representatives of the Gd 14Ag 51 structure type have been synthesized within the R-Au-M family (R = Y, La–Nd, Sm–Tb, Ho, Er, Yb, Lu; M = Al, Ga, Ge, In, Sn, Sb, Bi) using solid state synthesis techniques. The list of post transition metals (M) involved in the formation of this type of structure could be augmented by five new representatives. All compounds crystallize in the hexagonal space group P6/m (#175) with the unit cell ranges of a = 12.3136(2)–12.918(1) Å and c = 8.9967(3)–9.385(1) Å, and incorporate different degrees of Au/M mixing. The involvement of themore» post transition element in the structure varies from one to another compound both qualitatively and quantitatively. A rather significant phase width can be expected for the majority of compounds, however, not without exclusions. The distribution of the post transition metals within the structure has been analyzed via single crystal X-ray diffraction. While the positional disorder of one near-origin Au position is expectable for all compounds due to steric reasons, two specimens show an obvious deviation from the others including another Au position split along the c axis. Lastly, possible factors affecting this behavior are discussed.«less

  • The I-Raum: A new shaped hohlraum for improved inner beam propagation in indirectly-driven ICF implosions on the National Ignition Facility

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Robey, H. F.; Berzak Hopkins, L.; Milovich, J. L.; Meezan, N. B.


    Recent work in indirectly-driven inertial confinement fusion implosions on the National Ignition Facility has indicated that late-time propagation of the inner cones of laser beams (23° and 30°) is impeded by the growth of a "bubble" of hohlraum wall material (Au or depleted uranium), which is initiated by and is located at the location where the higher-intensity outer beams (44° and 50°) hit the hohlraum wall. The absorption of the inner cone beams by this "bubble" reduces the laser energy reaching the hohlraum equator at late time driving an oblate or pancaked implosion, which limits implosion performance. In this article, we present the design of a new shaped hohlraum designed specifically to reduce the impact of this bubble by adding a recessed pocket at the location where the outer cones hit the hohlraum wall. This recessed pocket displaces the bubble radially outward, reducing the inward penetration of the bubble at all times throughout the implosion and increasing the time for inner beam propagation by approximately 1 ns. This increased laser propagation time allows one to drive a larger capsule, which absorbs more energy and is predicted to improve implosion performance. The new design is based on a recent National Ignition Facility shot, N170601, which produced a record neutron yield. The expansion rate and absorption of laser energy by the bubble is quantified for both cylindrical and shaped hohlraums, and the predicted performance is compared.

  • Mehr Mathematik Wagen in der Medizin

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Deuflhard, Peter; Dössel, Olaf; Louis, Alfred K.; Zachow, Stefan

    In diesem Artikel wird an drei Erfolgsmodellen dargestellt, wie das Zusammenwirken von Mathematik und Medizin eine Entwicklung hin zu patientenspezifischen Modellen auf Basis moderner medizinischer Bildgebung angestoßen hat, die in naher Zukunft dynamisch weiter Raum greifen wird. Dabei existiert ein Gleichklang der Interessen von Medizin und Mathematik: Beide Disziplinen wollen die Resultate schnell und zuverlässig. Für die Klinik heißt dies, dass notwendige Rechnungen in möglichst kurzer Zeit, und zwar auf dem PC, ablaufen müssen und dass die Resultate so genau und belastbar sein müssen, dass medizinische Entscheidungen darauf aufbauen können. Für die Mathematik folgt daraus, dass höchste Anforderungen an die Effizienz der verwendeten Algorithmen und die darauf aufbauende Software in Numerik und Visualisierung zu stellen sind. Allerdings ist es noch ein weiter Weg, bis anatomische und medizinisch brauchbare funktionelle Modelle auch nur für die wichtigsten Körperteile und die häufigsten Krankheitsfälle verfügbar sein werden. Führende Universitätskliniken könnten, als Zentren einer interdisziplinären Kooperation von Medizinern, Ingenieuren und Mathematikern, eine Vorreiterrolle dabei übernehmen, mehr Mathematik in der Medizin zu wagen. Dies wäre zweifellos ein wichtiger Schritt in Richtung auf eine individuelle quantitative Medizin, bei dem Deutschland die besten Voraussetzungen hätte, die Rolle des "Schrittmachers“ zu übernehmen.

  • Fractal Loop Heat Pipe Performance Comparisons of a Soda Lime Glass and Compressed Carbon Foam Wick

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Myre, David; Silk, Eric A.


    This study compares heat flux performance of a Loop Heat Pipe (LHP) wick structure fabricated from compressed carbon foam with that of a wick structure fabricated from sintered soda lime glass. Each wick was used in an LHP containing a fractal based evaporator. The Fractal Loop Heat Pipe (FLHP) was designed and manufactured by Mikros Manufacturing Inc. The compressed carbon foam wick structure was manufactured by ERG Aerospace Inc., and machined to specifications comparable to that of the initial soda lime glass wick structure. Machining of the compressed foam as well as performance testing was conducted at the United States Naval Academy. Performance testing with the sintered soda lime glass wick structures was conducted at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Heat input for both wick structures was supplied via cartridge heaters mounted in a copper block. The copper heater block was placed in contact with the FLHP evaporator which had a circular cross-sectional area of 0.88 cm(sup 2). Twice distilled, deionized water was used as the working fluid in both sets of experiments. Thermal performance data was obtained for three different Condenser/Subcooler temperatures under degassed conditions. Both wicks demonstrated comparable heat flux performance with a maximum of 75 W/cm observed for the soda lime glass wick and 70 W /cm(sup 2) for the compressed carbon foam wick.

  • Mobilitätslösungen für den ländlichen Raum. Das Beispiel VSB Verkehrsverbund Schwarzwald-Baar in Baden-Württemberg

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mager, Thomas J.


    The current public transport situation in rural areas is characterized by strong changes in legal, economic, demographic and above all political influence factors. In Baden-Württemberg, student transportation funding has changed as part of the municipalization of compensation payments pursuant to § 45a of the Public Transportation Act. This will affect public transportation in rural areas, especially in the southern Baden region, which accounts for 80% of all rural public transportation. In order to maintain public transportation in rural areas, new models of long-term financing independent of student numbers should be developed and applied in combination with alternative and less traditional service offerings. This article discusses the example of the VSB transport association Schwarzwald-Baar, which offers mobility solutions in rural areas.

  • MT3825BA: a 384×288-25µm ROIC for uncooled microbolometer FPAs

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Eminoglu, Selim; Gulden, M. Ali; Bayhan, Nusret; Incedere, O. Samet; Soyer, S. Tuncer; Ustundag, Cem M. B.; Isikhan, Murat; Kocak, Serhat; Turan, Ozge; Yalcin, Cem; Akin, Tayfun


    This paper reports the development of a new microbolometer Readout Integrated Circuit (ROIC) called MT3825BA. It has a format of 384 × 288 and a pixel pitch of 25μm. MT3825BA is Mikro-Tasarim's second microbolometer ROIC product, which is developed specifically for resistive surface micro-machined microbolometer detector arrays using high-TCR pixel materials, such as VOx and a-Si. MT3825BA has a system-on-chip architecture, where all the timing, biasing, and pixel non-uniformity correction (NUC) operations in the ROIC are applied using on-chip circuitry simplifying the use and system integration of this ROIC. The ROIC is designed to support pixel resistance values ranging from 30 KΩ to 100 KΩ. MT3825BA is operated using conventional row based readout method, where pixels in the array are read out in a row-by-row basis, where the applied bias for each pixel in a given row is updated at the beginning of each line period according to the applied line based NUC data. The NUC data is applied continuously in a row-by-row basis using the serial programming interface, which is also used to program user configurable features of the ROIC, such as readout gain, integration time, and number of analog video outputs. MT3825BA has a total of 4 analog video outputs and 2 analog reference outputs, placed at the top and bottom of the ROIC, which can be programmed to operate in the 1, 2, and 4-output modes, supporting frames rates well above 60 fps at a 3 MHz pixel output rate. The pixels in the array are read out with respect to reference pixels implemented above and below actual array pixels. The bias voltage of the pixels can be programmed over a 1.0 V range to compensate for the changes in the detector resistance values due to the variations coming from the manufacturing process or changes in the operating temperature. The ROIC has an on-chip integrated temperature sensor with a sensitivity of better than 5 mV / K, and the output of the temperature sensor can be read out the

  • Fontinalis antipyretica as a bioindicator of environmental conditions in freshwater ecosystem from Sava River watershed and Cerknişko Lake, Slovenia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kanduč, Tjaša; Mechora, Špela; Stibilj, Vekoslava


    Polluted waters recharging from agriculture water systems into watersheds have influence on water quality and living habitat. Stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen in combination with other minor and trace elements are often used to trace biogeochemical processes and contamination of water systems. The aim of the study was to assess state of environment with minor and trace elements and stable isotopes of C and N in selected Slovenian streams. Ten locations in Notranjska region, Slovenia, with different land use in the catchment (town, village, agricultural areas, farms, dairy farms), including reference point considered as non-polluted site, were sampled. Samples of water and aquatic moss F. antipyretica in Slovenian fresh waters were taken in all four seasons during years 2010 and 2012, but for stable isotope analyses of C and N only in three seasons during years 2010 and 2011. The water chemistry of investigated locations is dominated by hydrogen carbonate - calcium - magnesium, concentrations of nitrate seasonally range from 2.07 mg/l to 6.4 mg/l and at reference site does not exceed 1.3 mg/l. Total alkalinity of water at investigated locations ranges from 2.9 to 6.02 mM. The pH of investigated water range from 7.2 to 8.5, waters are saturated with oxygen (up to 134%) and conductivity ranges from 295 to 525 mikroS/cm, while at reference site conductivity is up to 180 mikroS/cm. The content of minor and trace elements in F. antipyretica ranged for Ni 4-38 mikrog/g, Zn 17-105 mikrog/g, Pb 2-28 mikrog/g, Cd 220-1953 ng/g, Cu 4-27 mikrog/g, Cr 4-49 mikrog/g, As 1-6 mikrog/g and Se 0.33-3.24 mikrog/g. The most polluted watershed was Pšata stream (agricultural areas, cattle farm) with highest values for Ni, Cr, Pb, Zn and As. The highest content of Se, was found in village (dairy farms) in Žerovniščica stream. The highest values were measured in February and October. Isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic carbon seasonally range from -13.3 to -8.1‰, and

  • The cardioprotective efficacy of TVP1022 against ischemia/reperfusion injury and cardiac remodeling in rats.


    Malka, Assaf; Ertracht, Offir; Bachner-Hinenzon, Noa; Reiter, Irina; Binah, Ofer


    Following acute myocardial infarction (MI), early and successful reperfusion is the most effective strategy for reducing infarct size and improving the clinical outcome. However, immediate restoration of blood flow to the ischemic zone results in myocardial damage, defined as "reperfusion-injury". Whereas we previously reported that TVP1022 (the S-isomer of rasagiline, FDA-approved anti-Parkinson drug) decreased infarct size 24h post ischemia reperfusion (I/R) in rats, in this study we investigated the chronic cardioprotective efficacy of TVP1022 14days post-I/R. To simulate the clinical settings of acute MI followed by reperfusion therapy, we employed a rat model of left anterior descending artery occlusion for 30min followed by reperfusion and a follow-up for 14days. TVP1022 was initially administered postocclusion-prereperfusion, followed by chronic daily administrations. Cardiac performance and remodeling were evaluated using customary and advanced echocardiographic methods, hemodynamic measurements by Millar Mikro-Tip ® catheter, and histopathological techniques. TVP1022 administration markedly decreased the remodeling process as illustrated by attenuation of left ventricular enlargement and cardiac hypertrophy (both at the whole heart and the cellular level). Furthermore, TVP1022 inhibited cardiac fibrosis and reduced ventricular BNP levels. Functionally, TVP1022 treatment preserved cardiac wall motion. Specifically, the echocardiographic and most of the direct hemodynamic measures were pronouncedly improved by TVP1022. Collectively, these findings indicate that TVP1022 provides prominent cardioprotection against I/R injury and post-MI remodeling in this I/R model.

  • Vom Urknall zum Durchknall

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Unzicker, Alexander

    Lautstarker Applaus erhob sich im Salon III/IV des Marriott-Hotels von Crystal City im amerikanischen Bundesstaat Virginia. In dem überfüllten Konferenzraum starrten alle wie gebannt auf die Leinwand, wo nicht mehr zu sehen war als ein nüchternes Diagramm aus zahlreichen Punkten und einer geschwungenen Kurve. Nureine eigenartige Personengruppe konnte sich davon zu Emotionen hinreißen lassen - Physiker auf der Jahrestagung der Astronomischen Gesellschaft, die ihren Begeisterungssturm noch minutenlang fortsetzten. Was war geschehen? Die im Diagramm aufgetragenen Daten bestätigten mit einer nie da gewesenen Genauigkeit ein fundamentales Naturgesetz zur Wärmeabstrahlung von heißen Körpern. 1900 von Max Planck entdeckt, leuchtete es nun in geradezu mathematischer Reinheit auf. Noch sensationeller war der Ursprung der Daten - Mikrowellensignale verschiedener Frequenzen, die nicht aus einem irdischen Labor stammten, sondern von einem heißen Urzustand des Universums! Ein Feuerball aus Wasserstoff und Helium, noch ohne jegliche Strukturen, die irgendwann Leben ermöglichen sollten, ließ damals seinem Licht freien Lauf. Mehr als zehn Milliarden Jahre war es bis zu den Detektoren des vom Menschen gebauten Satelliten COBE unterwegs, der wenige Tage zuvor die Daten übertragen hatte. Wenn ich das alles wie einen Film in meiner Vorstellung ablaufen lasse, bekomme ich immer eine Gänsehaut, als würde ich die inzwischen extrem abgekühlte Strahlung tatsächlich spüren. Ihre Gleichverteilung im Raum macht uns auch deutlich, dass wir uns nicht einbilden dürfen, an einem besonderen Ort im Universum zu leben - intelligente Aliens könnten sich seitdem überall entwickelt haben! Sollten sie - was nicht wahrscheinlich ist - uns wirklich von Zeit zu Zeit über die Schulter schauen, dann hätten sie an jenem Nachmittag des 13. Januar 1990, als der Vortrag stattfand, bestimmt anerkennend mit ihrem großen Kopf genickt.

  • Beneficial effects of a Coriolus versicolor-based vagin*l gel on cervical epithelization, vagin*l microbiota and vagin*l health: a pilot study in asymptomatic women.


    Palacios, Santiago; Losa, Fernando; Dexeus, Damián; Cortés, Javier


    To assess the effect of a 12-day treatment using a vagin*l gel based on niosomes containing hyaluronic acid, ß-glucan, alpha-glucan oligosaccharide, Coriolus versicolor, Asian centella, Azadirachta indica and Aloe vera on vagin*l microbiota, cervical epithelization and vagin*l health. Open-label, prospective pilot study conducted in asymptomatic women in daily practice. Cervical epithelization was evaluated by colposcopy using an ectopy epithelization score (from 5: no ectopy to 1: severe ectopy and bleeding), vagin*l microbiota using the vagin*Status-Diagnostic test (Instiüt für Mikroökologie, Herborn, Germany) and further rated by the investigator using a 5-point Liker scale (from 5: normal to 1: very severe deterioration in which all evaluated species were altered), and vagin*l health using the vagin*l Health Index. In 21 women, a positive effect to improve epithelization of the cervical mucosa, with a mean score of 4.42 at the final visit as compared to 3.09 at baseline (P < 0.0001) (43% improvement). In 10 women, there was a trend of improving of vagin*l microbiota status, with a mean score of 4.0 at the final visit vs. 3.3 at baseline (P = NS) (21.2% improvement). In 11 women, the vagin*l Health Index increased from 19.0 at baseline to 22.3 at the final visit (P = 0.007). The concentration of Lactobacillus spp. increased 54.5% of women and pH decreased from 4.32 to 4.09. These encouraging preliminary results provide the basis for designing a randomized controlled study, and for potential use in human papilloma virus infection. ISRCTN77955077 . Registration date: February 15, 2017. Retrospectively registered.

  • Intramedullary pressure changes in rats after spinal cord injury.


    Dong, X; Yang, D; Li, J; Liu, C; Yang, M; Du, L; Gu, R; Hu, A; Zhang, H


    The objectives of this study were to explore the change of intramedullary pressure over time in rats after different degrees of spinal cord contusion injury and to verify the hypothesis that the more serious the injury, the higher the intramedullary pressure. The control group rats underwent laminectomy only, whereas the rats in the three experimental groups were subjected to mild, moderate or severe 10th thoracic cord (T10) contusion injury after laminectomy. In addition, an intramedullary pressure of T10 was measured by a Millar Mikro-Tip pressure catheter (Millar Incorporated Company, Houston, TX, USA) immediately in the control group or at different time points after injury in the experimental groups. The average intramedullary pressure of the rats in the control group was 6.88±1.67 mm Hg, whereas that of the rats in any injury group was significantly higher (P=0.000). There was statistical difference among the different time points in the mild or moderate injury group (P=0.007/0.017), but no in the severe (P=0.374). The curves of intramedullary pressure over time in the mild and moderate injury group were bimodal, peaking at 1 and 48 h after the injury. The intramedullary pressure after injury was positively correlated with the injury degree (r=0.438, P=0.000). The intramedullary pressure of the rats increased after traumatic spinal cord injury. If the injury was not serious, the intramedullary pressure fluctuated with time and peaked at 1 and 48 h after injury. If the injury was serious, the intramedullary pressure remained high. The more serious the injury, the higher the intramedullary pressure.

  • A 1024×768-12μm Digital ROIC for uncooled microbolometer FPAs

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Eminoglu, Selim


    This paper reports the development of a new digital microbolometer Readout Integrated Circuit (D-ROIC), called MT10212BD. It has a format of 1024 × 768 (XGA) and a pixel pitch of 12μm. MT10212BD is Mikro Tasarim's second 12μm pitch microbolometer ROIC, which is developed specifically for surface micro machined microbolometer detector arrays with small pixel pitch using high-TCR pixel materials, such as VOx and a Si. MT10212BD has an alldigital system on-chip architecture, which generates programmable timing and biasing, and performs 14-bit analog to digital conversion (ADC). The signal processing chain in the ROIC is composed of pixel bias circuitry, integrator based programmable gain amplifier followed by column parallel ADC circuitry. MT10212BD has a serial programming interface that can be used to configure the programmable ROIC features and to load the Non-Uniformity-Correction (NUC) date to the ROIC. MT10212BD has a total of 8 high-speed serial digital video outputs, which can be programmed to operate in the 2, 4, and 8-output modes and can support frames rates above 60 fps. The high-speed serial digital outputs supports data rates as high as 400 Mega-bits/s, when operated at 50 MHz system clock frequency. There is an on-chip phase-locked-loop (PLL) based timing circuitry to generate the high speed clocks used in the ROIC. The ROIC is designed to support pixel resistance values ranging from 30KΩ to 90kΩ, with a nominal value of 60KΩ. The ROIC has a globally programmable gain in the column readout, which can be adjusted based on the detector resistance value.

  • [Current Possibilities for Predicting Responses to EGFR Blockade in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer].


    Němeček, R; Svoboda, M; Slabý, O


    The combination of modern systemic chemotherapy and anti-EGFR monoclonal antibodies improves overall survival and quality of life for patients with metastatic colorecal cancer. By contrast, the addition of anti-EGFR therapy to the treatment regime of resistant patients may lead to worse progression-free survival and overall survival. Therefore, identifying sensitive and resistant patients prior to targeted therapy of metastatic colorecal cancer is a key point during the initial decision making process. Previous research shows that primary resistance to EGFR blockade is in most cases caused by constitutive activation of signaling pathways downstream of EGFR. Of all relevant factors (mutation of KRAS, NRAS, BRAF, and PIK3CA oncogenes, inactivation of tumor suppressors PTEN and TP53, amplification of EGFR and HER2, and expression of epiregulin and amphiregulin, mikroRNA miR-31-3p, and miR-31-5p), only evaluation of KRAS and NRAS mutations has entered routine clinical practice. The role of the other markers still needs to be validated. The ongoing benefit of anti-EGFR therapy could be indicated by specific clinical parameters measured after the initiation of targeted therapy, including early tumor shrinkage, the deepness of the response, or hypomagnesemia. The accuracy of predictive dia-gnostic tools could be also increased by examining a combination of predictive markers using next generation sequencing methods. However, unjustified investigation of many molecular markers should be resisted as this may complicate interpretation of the results, particularly in terms of their specific clinical relevance. The aim of this review is to describe current possibilities with respect to predicting responses to EGFR blockade in the context of the EGFR pathway, and the utilization of such results in routine clinical practice.

  • Application of the Multi-Doorway Continuum Shell Model to the Magnetic Dipole Strength Distribution in 58Ni

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Spangenberger, H.; Beck, F.; Richter, A.

    The usual continuum shell model is extended so as to include a statistical treatment of multi-doorway processes. The total configuration space of the nuclear reaction problem is subdivided into the primary doorway states which are coupled by the initial excitation to the nuclear ground state and the secondary doorway states which represent the complicated nature of multi-step reactions. The latter are evaluated within the exciton model which gives the coupling widths between the various finestructure subspaces. This coupling is determined by a statistical factor related to the exciton model and a dynamical factor given by the interaction matrix elements of the interacting excitons. The whole structure defines the multi-doorway continuum shell model. In this work it is applied to the highly fragmented magnetic dipole strength in 58Ni observed in high resolution electron scattering.Translated AbstractAnwendung des Multi-Doorway-Kontinuum-Schalenmodells auf die Verteilung der magnetischen Dipolstärke von 58NiDas Kontinuum-Schalenmodell wurde so erweitert, daß auch statistische Multi-Doorway-Prozesse berücksichtigt werden können. Hierzu wird der Konfigurationsraum unterteilt in den Raum der primären Doorway-Zustände, die direkt aus dem Grundzustand angeregt werden, und den der sekundären Doorway-Zustände, die die komplizierte Struktur der Multi-Step-Reaktionen repräsentieren. Während die primären Doorway-Zustände inclusive ihrer Anregungen mittels üblicher Schalenmodellmethoden beschrieben werden können, werden die sekundären Doorway-Zustände sowie ihre verschiedenen Kopplungen im Rahmen des Exciton-Modells behandelt. Diese Kopplungen sind durch einen aus dem Exciton-Modell resultierenden Faktor sowie durch einen dynamischen Faktor bestimmt, der sich aus dem Matrixelement der wechselwirkenden Excitonen berechnet. Die Struktur der Kopplungen definiert das Multi-Doorway-Kontinuum-Schalenmodell, das hier auf die Beschreibung der stark fragmentierten

  • Magnetic jets from accretion disks : field structure and X-ray emission

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Memola, Elisabetta


    . We also calculate the X-ray emission in the energy range 0.2--10.1,keV from a microquasar relativistic jet close to its source of 5 solar masses. In order to do it, we apply the jet flow parameters (densities, velocities, temperatures of each volume element along the collimating jet) derived in the literature from the relativistic magnetohydrodynamic equations. We obtain theoretical thermal X-ray spectra of the innermost jet as composition of the spectral contributions of the single volume elements along the jet. Since relativistic effects as Doppler shift and Doppler boosting due to the motion of jets toward us might be important, we investigate how the spectra are affected by them considering different inclinations of the line of sight to the jet axis. Emission lines of highly ionized iron are clearly visible in our spectra, probably also observed in the Galactic microquasars GRS 1915+105 and XTE J1748-288. The Doppler shift of the emission lines is always evident. Due to the chosen geometry of the magnetohydrodynamic jet, the inner X-ray emitting part is not yet collimated. Ergo, depending on the viewing angle, the Doppler boosting does not play a major role in the total spectra. This is the first time that X-ray spectra have been calculated from the numerical solution of a magnetohydrodynamic jet. Astrophysikalische Jets sind stark kollimierte Materieströmungen hoher Geschwindigkeit. Sie stehen im Zusammenhang mit einer Fülle verschiedener astrophysikalischer Objekte wie jungen Sternen, stellaren schwarzen Löchern ('Mikro-Quasare'), Galaxien mit aktivem Kern (AGN) und wahrscheinlich auch mit dem beobachteten intensiven Aufblitzen von Gamma-Strahlung (Gamma Ray Bursts). Insbesondere hat sich gezeigt, dass die Jets der Mikro-Quasare wahrscheinlich als kleinskalige Version der Jets der AGN anzusehen sind. Neben den Beobachtungen haben vor allem auch theoretische Überlegungen gezeigt, dass Magnetfelder bei der Jetentstehung, -beschleunigung und -kollimation eine

  • European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Pathobiology Group standard operating procedure for the preparation of human tumour tissue extracts suited for the quantitative analysis of tissue-associated biomarkers.


    Schmitt, Manfred; Mengele, Karin; Schueren, Elisabeth; Sweep, Fred C G J; Foekens, John A; Brünner, Nils; Laabs, Juliane; Malik, Abha; Harbeck, Nadia


    With the new concept of 'individualized treatment and targeted therapies', tumour tissue-associated biomarkers have been given a new role in selection of cancer patients for treatment and in cancer patient management. Tumour biomarkers can give support to cancer patient stratification and risk assessment, treatment response identification, or to identifying those patients who are expected to respond to certain anticancer drugs. As the field of tumour-associated biomarkers has expanded rapidly over the last years, it has become increasingly apparent that a strong need exists to establish guidelines on how to easily disintegrate the tumour tissue for assessment of the presence of tumour tissue-associated biomarkers. Several mechanical tissue (cell) disruption techniques exist, ranging from bead mill hom*ogenisation and freeze-fracturing through to blade or pestle-type hom*ogenisation, to grinding and ultrasonics. Still, only a few directives have been given on how fresh-frozen tumour tissues should be processed for the extraction and determination of tumour biomarkers. The PathoBiology Group of the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer therefore has devised a standard operating procedure for the standardised preparation of human tumour tissue extracts which is designed for the quantitative analysis of tumour tissue-associated biomarkers. The easy to follow technical steps involved require 50-300 mg of deep-frozen cancer tissue placed into small size (1.2 ml) cryogenic tubes. These are placed into the shaking flask of a Mikro-Dismembrator S machine (bead mill) to pulverise the tumour tissue in the capped tubes in the deep-frozen state by use of a stainless steel ball, all within 30 s of exposure. RNA is isolated from the pulverised tissue following standard procedures. Proteins are extracted from the still frozen pulverised tissue by addition of Tris-buffered saline to obtain the cytosol fraction of the tumour or by the Tris buffer supplemented with

  • Abstracts of papers presented at the 8th workshop of the Virology Section of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hygiene und Mikro-biologie, Würzburg, March 17-19, 1983.



    17 adenovirus strains were found to be antigenically related to prototype Ad 15 by neutralization. No relationship to Ad 15, but to Ad 9 could be detected by hemagglutination-inhibition; we therefore named them Ad 15/H9 intermediate strains. After analysis of the genome by five different restriction enzymes, the fragment patterns obtained deviated widely from the prototype Ad 15, but only slightly from Ad 9. Differences could also be observed among the variants. After digestion by five restriction enzymes, altogether six genome types could be established among the 17 intermediate strains. To map the variations on the genome of the 15/H9 strains, two methods were employed: the double digestion of the DNA and DNA fragments together with the determination of the terminal fragments made it possible to construct a physical map. The second method depends on a particularity of adenoviruses: the DNA is covalently linked with a 55 kD protein at the 5' terminus. After digestion of the DNA, which does contain this protein, the terminal DNA fragments do not migrate into the agarose gel; after an additional digestion with pronase B, they do migrate into the gel. Thus the terminal fragments were determined by comparing the fragment patterns with and without previous pronase B treatment.

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