Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois (2024)

1 TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1955 ALTON EVENING TELEGRAPH PAGE TIVE AOTA 0 MRS. HAROLD RICE, assistant librarian at Wood River Public Library, who discussed the library's problems at a meeting of Wood River Rotary Club Monday. With her is Sam Fisher, program chairman. Staff Photo. Rotarians Told Need For Library WOOD RIVER-Wood of a new public library building and the difficulties of functioning in the present ters were discussed at the Monday noon dinner meeting of Wood River Rotary Club at First Presbyterian Church by Mrs.

Harold Rice, assistant librarian. The talk was based on the fact that the library board recently received city council permission to buy two lots for an eventual building site. at Mrs. Rice told of the process of receiving and cataloging books and magazines, the efforts made is to provide adequate reference of facilities. The office of Miss Thelma Juhlin, librarian, is more of a into store room than an office SO much so, Mrs.

Rice said, that ber salesmen and other visitors are often met in the library proper to avoid displaying the condition in the office. One of the main deficiencles be of the present quarters, Mrs. Rice said, is the lack of working space, areas in which to reinforce the backs of magazines, handle Incoming books. She was introduced by Sam Fisher, program chairman, Wal: ter sided Hale, in the absence vice-president, of of Gaines Smith, president. of Visiting Rotarians were Jasper DiPaolo of Rindoso, N.M.; Eckford deKay, Bernard Keeney, Leroy Fritz and Don Schwuckow of Alton; Ed Schrodt of Edwardsville, and Ed Meng of Granite City, Attend Dinner WOOD RIVER-Dr.

and Mrs. J. E. Mahoney, 714 Wood River attended the Father Fred Adams testimonial dinner at the Jefferson Hotel in St. Louis Sunday night.

They were accompanied by Dr. and Mrs. William Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Walsh of East St.

Louis, Family Potluck WOOD RIVER--The Woman's of Christian Service of First Methodist Church is sponsoring a 'family night" potluck supper at the church at. 6 p.m. Wednesday. The entire congregation is Invited to attend. The regular 7:30 p.m.

mid-week prayer service is scheduled following supper. WCTU Meeting Friday WOOD RIVER--The Women's Christian Temperance Union will meet at the home of Mrs. Bert McCracken, 28 W. Lorena Father 'Arrested Boy, 13, Found Streets EAST ALTON A 45-year-old East Alton man was and costs Monday after pleading guilty to a charge of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. His wite, who faces a similar charge, is being sought by police, The complaints were signed early Saturday by Police Chiet Harold Riggins after police found the couple's 13-yearold son on the streets at 4:05 a.m.

The boy told police he was looking for his mother, Pollo escorted the boy, to his home, and found his father in a highly intoxicated condition, Rig. gins said. The boy said his mother had been gone since Fri day, Riggins said the youngster had been placed under the super vision of Mra. Eleanor Me Afee Waggoner, county juvenile offleer, In assessing the tine, Police Magistrate Ed Kirk ordered the man to report to Riggins each week until turtbar notide with a written statement of his activia Drive- On Edwardsville Road Looted wooD RIVER. -The makings of a meal fit for a king -a king with peculiar tastes was stolen from the El Rancho Drive in on Edwardsville road some, time late Sunday night or early Monday.

Mrs. Ben Williams, proprietor, reported the burglary to police. In addition to some kitchen equipment, the loot included a beef roast, two galTons of pickles, and one package of buns, Total loss was estimated. at $480. Police said an attempt to enter the drive in through a west door was unsuccessful.

and entry was finally made through a west window, which was pried open. Mrs. William said the breakin occurred some time between 11:30 p.m. Sunday and 9 a.m. Monday.

Dismissed from Hospital WOOD RIVER. Mrs. Opal Boren, proprietor of the Launchconette. was dismissed front Wood River Township Hospital Monday, where she has 1 been patient since Wednesday. Mrs.

Boren fell at her place of business fracturing her leg just holow the knee. A full leg cast applied at the hospital Monday and she will be confined at her home, 50 E. Ferguson for several weeks, Wood River OES Initiation Set WOOD RIVER Wood River Chapter Order of Eastern Star will meet at 7:45 p.m. Thursday at 100F Hall. Candidates for membership will he initiated.

Hostesses will be Mrs. Stella E. Payne, Mrs. William E. Wolf, Mrs.

Harrison Vandergriff and Miss Janet Howard. Church Presented Painting WOOD RIVER A Sallman painting, "We Would See Jesus" has been hung in the Couples Class room in the Educational Building of First Presbyterian Church, The painting was presented to the church by the Presbyterian Woman's Organization in memory of members deceased in 1954. Among them were Wheeler Johnson, Robert Zapf, Horace Mead, Mrs. Anna K. Hartman and I.

W. Arbuthnot. Tot Recovers After Eating Aspirin Tablets WOOD RIVER-William Waymire, three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Waymire of 1136 Lorena has recovered after eating an undetermined amount of aspirin tablets Monday at his home.

Mrs. Waymire said the boy climbed to the medicine cabinet and had eaten the tablets before she could get to him. He taken to Wood River Township Hospital for treatment and was dismissed after having his stomach pumped out. Roxana Baptist YF To Go Skating ROXANA The Youth Fellowship of the First Baptist Church will go to Granite City tonight for a skating party. Their sponsors, Mr.

and Mrs. Cecil Dorris and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wilson, will accompany them. Adult Class Meets Tonight ROXANA-All persons interested in adult shorthand or typewriting classes will meet at the Roxana High School at 7 p.m.

today. The class is sponsored by the Business Education Department of the high school. Terry Williams Honored ROXANA-Mr. and Mrs. Robert Williams of E.

Tydeman Avenue entertained Saturday afternoon in the council room of the Community building in honor of their daughter, Terry, who celebrated her ninth birthday Monday, Twenty of Terry's schoolmates attended and prizes for games were won by Margaret Walker and Karen LaTempt. Refreshments were served by Mr. and Mrs. Williams after the guest of honor opened her gifts. Returns to Work ROXANA Lynn Major of Major Electrio Company returned to his work at the Shell Oil Company Monday evening after being off for two weeks sufferwith an eye infection.

South Roxana WSCS Meeting Set Wednesday SOUTH ROXANA- -The Women's Society of Christian Service of the Methodist Church will A3o meet at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday at at the church for their monthly lesson, business and social meet. ing. with Mrs. Raleigh Lockert will pree Wil- sent the lesson and hostesses are Mrs.

Bernice Weigand and Mrs. Sam Chapman, YOUNG DAIRY GRADE A hom*oGENIZED MILK JASPER PALMERO was installed as president of the Italian Mutual Benefit Society at Wood River Monday night. Palmero is standing second from left. Others standing, from left, are Victor Errandi, vice president; John Cafazza, financial secA retary; Tony Militello, treasurer. Seated, from left, Mrs.

Phillip Costanzo, assistant financial secretary; Mrs. Paul Biondolillo, one of the new auditors; Mrs. Tony Militello, corresponding secretary. Staff Photo. At Wood River Italian Benefit Society To Enlarge Home This Spring WOOD RIVER The head- quarters of the Italian Mutual Benefit Society, 286 West Ferguson, will he virtually doubled in size, according to plans announced at a meeting of the organization Monday night when new officers were installed.

Victor Errandi, chairman of the building committee, said that the present structure, which is 56 feet long, fronting on Ferguson avenue, will be made 19 feet wider. Present width of the building is 23 feet The addition will be of concrete blocks with a brick front. The entire upper floor, which will measure 42 feet by 56 fret when completed, will be a meeting hall. Basem*nt. facilities in the enlarged structure will contain an all-modern kitchen and a large dining room, Work will be launched in the spring, Errandi said.

Jasper Palermo was installed as president to succeed John Cafazza, who is'the new financial secretary. Errandi was installed president; Mrs. Tony Militello, corresponding secretary; Tony Militello, treasuter, and Mrs. Phillip Costanzo, assistant financial sccretary. counselors 'of the organization are John Di Paulo, Cero Di Pasquale, Sam Cuccione, Paul Biondollilo, Joe Greco, Julius Zappa, Augustina Greco and Jennie Calazza.

New auditors are Joe Balsamo, Mary Biondollilo and Frances Costanzo; flag bearers, Ben Greco and Tony Stassi: Tony Stassi WAS installed AS guide; Casper Calcara and Sam Milltello, inspectors, and Sam Militello, sergeant at arms. Committee chairmen named by the new president were Tony Balsamo, entertainment; Mrs. Jasper Palmero, publicity; Jasper Palmero, house committee. Jennie Cafazza, Frances Costanzo, Mary Palmero and Mayme Militello were named members on a calling committee. Following the business session John Cafazza showed movies of the organization's recent Christmas party and refreshments were served.

C. H. Hughes Named Member Of Band Director's Assn. WOOD RIVER-C. H.

Hughes, director of the band at East Alton-Wood River Community High School, is one of two Illinois school band directors who were named this year to membership in the American School Band Director's Association, according to announcement 1his week by E. W. Puffenberger of Fulton, the association's national membership chairman. Hughes was proposed for membership by Franklin Kreider, director of the band at Collinsville High School. Kreider said Monday that qualifications for membership are seven years of teaching experfence, participation in county, district and state music contests, plus outstanding work as a bandmaster.

Hughes has been director of the local band for eight years. He is in his 15th year as a band instructor. Prior to coming to Wood River he was band instructor at St. Elmo, Carlyle, and Energy, and at Librun, Mo. He attended Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, received a BS degree from Southeast Missouri Teachers College at Cape Girardeau, and is doing graduate work at Indiana State Teachers College at Terre Haute, He is a judge in Illinois state grade school district and state music contests.

He lives at 678 Edlawn with his wife and daughter, Deborah, 7. Wood River Notes WOOD RIVER-Mr, and Mrs. David Walker of Eustis, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Staats, 291 S.

Thirteenth St. Walker is an employe of the Florida Citrus Commission currently working the St. Louis area, He and, his GAS FOR LESS 99 GAS FOR I LESS NEW Go Ahead LooK! Oldsmobile designers got the "go-ahead" for '55! And here's their stunning new creation: The most glamorous, most distinctive new look in motoring! NEW Go Ahead LOWER! Oldsmobile engineers got the too! Result: new "Rocket" 202 Engine! New, higher 202 h.p., higher torque, 8.5-to-1 A 1955 Super Holiday A General Motor Valves Now you've got the "go Look over Oldamobile's dazzling new beauty--its a "Aying color" fair! Above all, Go Ahead WITH Stop Then treat in you'll yourself today, know to Make -that trial your of it's new date Oldamobile with "Rocket" for 202 you "Rocket in power! '551 OLDSMOBILE FOR 55 SEE YOUR NEAREST OLDSMOBILE DEALER WALZ MOTOR COMPANY RAY MOTOR COMPANY 1000 E. Broadway Alton, Ill, Edwardsville. Road at Whitelaw Are.

Wood River, Phone 4-3809 -DON'T MISS "NAUGHTY ANOTHER GALA 00-MINUTE MUSICAL ON: NAG IV 1.: 1 Exchangettes To Sponsor Tag Day. For Polio Fund EAST ALTON A tag day for the benefit of the March of Dimes will be held in East Alton Friday, J. W. Kelly, chairman, announced today. Members of the Exchangette Club will sponsor the tag day.

Further details will announced later. Two Minor Anto Crashes Reported at East Alton EAST ALTON No Injuries were reported in two minor accidents on file at the police station today. At 4:50 p.m. Monday, cars driven by Willard Prickett, 610 Fifth and William D. Klein.

James avenue, Wood River, collided at East Alton and McCasland avenues. Both cars were damaged. Police said Klein was charged with careless driving and was scheduled. to appear before Police Magistrate Ed Kirk today. At.

7:05 a.m. today, cars driven by Charles E. Lakin 608 Ohio and Elmer Gallager. 607 Monroe collided at the intersection of Sixth street and Monroe avenue. Hartford Methodist Men Feted at Supper HARTFORD The Methodist Men met at the church Sunday afternoon for their monthly ing and fellowship supper, The dinner wa served by Bill Maupin and Kenny Draper.

A short business meeting was conducted by the president, Joe Sanner, during which time plans were made for the men to meet at the church Saturday morning to build' bookcases for the pastor's study. George Hunt of Alton was guest speaker of the evening and Denny co*ckrel and Carl Draper were in charge of devotions. Those who attended were: Joe Sanner, John Braden, BIll Petersen, Calvin Smith, James Wright, Bill Maupin, Kenny Draper, Rev. Edwarti co*ckrel, Finis Brigman, Miley Palmer, Carl Draper, Denny co*ckrel and Jimmy Brigman. Joe Sanner and Guy Palmer will be hosts for next month's meeting.

Legion Team. to Play HARTFORD-The local American Legion basketball team will play Worden at the Woodrow Wilson gymnasium Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. A preliminary game between two church teams of Roxana and Edwardsville, will be played at 6 p.m. Freddy Williams is manager of the Hartford Legion team. Legion to Meet -There will be a meeting of the American Legion at Woodrow Wilson School tonight at 8 o'clock, All members lare urged to attend.

Several Contests Loom in Township Election April 5 Kennedy Speaks At Classroom Teachers Meet lic relations from the Springfield office of the Illinois Education Association, was guest speaker at the regular meeting of the East Alton Classroom Teachers Association Monday night. He spoke on teacher welfare, retirement and public relations. Also on the program was A discussion of the legislative program heing sponsored by the TEA, of which the association is a part. FAST ALTON. Wendell Kennedy.

associate director of pub- A potluck supper was served follownig the meeting, and the members joined in group sing. ing. Officers of the association are: Miss Evelyn Cox, president; Mrs. Loren Freeman, vice president: Mrs. Valle Robinson, second vice president; Miss Pauline Zippay, secretary, and Donald Burton, treasurer, Here from Long Beach EAST ALTON.

Navyman and Mrs. James Cook and -old son, Bobby, have arrived from Long Beach, spend some time with Mrs. Cook's mother. Mrs. Hollis Franklin, nnd her grandmother, Mrs.

Nettie Ball, at 225 Whitelaw Ave. Mrs. Cook will he membered as Miss Betty Fisher, former local resident. Her husband, a Navyman of eight years service, is scheduled to report in Washington, D.C., the last the month for acronautic schooling. Mrs.

Cook will remain here until he locates living quarters. Transferred to Barnes EAST ALTON. Mrs. Grace A. Beard of the Wood River-Bethallo road, Rt.

1, was transferred to Barnes Hospital Monday from Wood River Township Hospital, where she has been a lient the past 10 days. Her condition is reported to be critical, Mrs. Beard has been ill the past six months, being hospitalized intermittently at St. Joseph's Hospital, Alton, and the Township Hospital, Spend Weekend in Kentucky EAST ALTON. -Mr.

and Mrs. Hollis Franklin of 225 Whitelaw spent the past weekend Bardwell, with Mr. Mrs. Vaughn Ball. former River residents.

The Ball's taurant there was burglarized Friday evening and food, ages and cash from the machines was found to be missing. Ball a former Wood River police trolman. EAST ALTON. -Several races are in prospect for the Wood River Township election April 5. with four persons filing for 8 place on the ballot Monday and others still circulating petitions.

The first office to be contested appeared on the first day of fil- Gym Schedule Listed at Roxana ROXANA The recreation schedule for the gymnasium and council room of Community building for Jan. 12 through Jan. 18 is as follows: gymnasium, Wednesday, 1:30 to 3 p.m. free play for adults; 3 10 5 p.m., Junior High baskethall; 5 to 7 p.m. tap dance instruction; 7 to 8 p.m., free play (open); 8 to 10 p.m.

Roxana Ramblers and Dow Chemical Co. basketball game. Thursday, 1:30 to 3 p.m. free play for adults; 3 to 5 p.m. Junior High basketball; 5 to 6 p.m.

tap dance instruction; 6:30 1o 10. Industrial League basketball; Friday, 1:30 18 5 p. m. free play (open); 8 10 11 p. m.

Senior Teepee. Saturday 10 a.m. to noon, free play Junior High and below; 1 to 4:30 p.m. free play Senior High and above; 7:30 to 10 p.m. Junior Teepee.

Sunday, closed. Monday, 1:30 to 3 p.m. free play for adults; 3 to 5 p.m. Junior High basketball; 7 p.m. tap dance instruction; 7 to 9 p.

m. 'free play (open). Tuesday 1:30 3 p.m. free play for adults; 3 to 5 p.m. Junior High basketball; 5 to 6 p.m.

tap dance instruction; 6' 10 7 p. m. Explorer Scouts; 7 10, 9:30 p.m. casting club. Council room, Jan.

17, 6 p.m. Roxana Community Park district board meeting. Edison gymnasium, Jan. 17, 6:30 p.m. Church League basketball, ing, when Henry Lawrence, East Alton, incumbent, and Art Lawrence, Rosewood Heights, both filed for the office of highway commissioner.

Others filling Monday were Fred Grenzebach, Rosewond Heights, supervisor, and Orville Ogleshy. East Alton, assistant supervisor, both seeking re-election. The other present township officers whose term expire this year. Gus Haller, Rosewood Heights. assistant supervisor.

had not yet filed. but petitions were being circulated for him. Indicating at least a three-way 1'ACO for the two spots as assistant supervisor, Fred Christians of Milton was circulating petitions for the office. A third contest loomed, with John E. McConnell Milton.

circulating petitions for the of. fice of supervisor, to run against 3- Grenzebach. Deadline for filing petitions is 10 March 1. Lavier Humphrey of Wood River is circulating petitions for the office of tax collector, to fill the unexpired term of Charles Veatch, who died last. year.

To Remove Cast EAST ALTON. Mrs. Fred Grisham of 230 Whitelaw 'is scheduled to have the cast reof moved from her left hand Wednesday at St. Joseph's Hospital, Alton, She fell on some stops at the Legion hall In Grafton Dec. 11, fracturing the hand and Suffering a sprained ankle.

She reher employment at the Ben Franklin Store, Wood River, after two weeks' absence. Mrs. Grisham will he remembered as the former Mrs. Rose Wilson. paEast Alton Notes EAST ALTON Mr.

and Mrs. Albert Darr and children, Phyllis and David, have moved from 515 Oak Drive, where they lived the past five years, to 2401 Oakhurst Drive, Alton. Darr, who suffered a heart attack a year ago and has been unable to work, resumed his employment in in December. Cpl. Darel Darr and called his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Wood Albert Darr, Sunday evening res- from Sacramento, to form them he and his wife and bever-! son had arrived there safely. They spent the hoildays here. and is left by automobile for California pa- Tuesday, spending some time at Los Angeles. Presbyterians To Elect Officers Annual Meet Set Jan.

14 At Wood River WOOD RIVER The congregation of First Presbyterian Church will gather at the church 6 p.m. Friday for its annual meeting and potluck dinner. Listed on the evening's agenda a pictorial review of the work the past year, annual reports, election of church school and church officers, and a glimpse the future. It is to be noted that a 12 memboard of deaconesses has been created in the church and members of this body will be elected along with the other officers. New officers elected will ordained and installed Sunday following the meeting.

Nominating committee members preparing the slate are Paul Louden, chairman, Mrs. Leslie Wright, Virgil Parker and George Olbert. The nursery department has prepared a cabinet of pictures its members under two years age which will be on display for the congregational meeting. Dinner arrangements are under supervision of members the Presbyterian Woman's Organization. Library Board Meets WOOD RIVER-The Library Board authorized the purchase of 61 new books during the regular meeting at the library Thursday evening, Miss Thelma Juhlin, librarian, announced day.

Miss Juhlin's monthly report showed a total circulation" December of 3,793 as compared to 3,636 for December of 1953. Books circulated at the Wood River Township Hospital in December numbered 382. The 100 per cent board membership in attendance at the meeting included Omar Lyon, president; Ray Jack, vice president; Mrs. Hulda Traband, secretary: Frank Kienstra, 1 Mrs. John Harmon, Mrs.

Fenton Soliday, Mrs, Ernest Glehl, Richard Bell and Emmet Howard. Friday at 1 p.m. Members will visit shut-ins following the meetling. Wandering at East Alton ties during the week, The man signed a statement prepared Riggins in which he promised end his drinking and attempt properly support his family, Return to Bases EAST ALTON The two sons of Mr. and Mrs, Donald Johnson of 124 Victory Drive have returned respective bases after spending the holidays here.

A30 and Mrs. Donald Johnson are stationed at Kelly Air Force Base, San Antonio, and Lester Johnson is. stationed Kessler Air Force Base. Biloxi, Miss. While the Donald Johnsons were here they also visited her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Jiam Riley of Sanford aveune, Alton, C. H. HUGHES wife were here looking for living quarters for the family, Their four children are attending school and staying with Mrs. Walker's parents in Florida un(til a home can be located here.

OPEN THE DOOR TO YOUR OWN HOME We'll help you move into the home of your choice. and to acquire shar home debt free, with home mortgage loan worked out to fir your needs After the down payment, monthly payments are fisted to your income and may include principal, est, saxes and Come an 1000. ermania Phone 1.4051 alt E. Broadway Alton.

Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois (2024)
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