Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois (2024)

01 5 ST. LOUIS NOTIOD: MA. Main street, UP 814 ACTURER Loula, OF Alesourt. SILVER WARDS, No. JEWELER, AND MAN.

134 Just received by exprots, the The subicriber stocks of Fira Imported auil cased best to and tile largest to nad this all marant, guarantied and to which perforro trill well, be sold, that has low aver been brought own purchased to the Easter' as they can turned ELL stock from of the Jaweiry, selested by Fastern markets, will sold low having for just himself, Hie Ware, has also. manufactured received a to fun bia and complete for assortment slating of spoons, forks, ladies, order, batter kairos, the fail cups, trade, de. 00 at Old the higbest and rater Californis for gold taken to exchange, or bought airer others Ele wonld particularly the to very extensive Lisoriment of Win and assortment solocted is himself goarantied to shoot One Shot talas. Also, a Toll supply of of the mounin part of various patterns and Huntlog descriptions apparatus, of shot consisting log belts, powder compasses, flanks, nipple wrenches, pereassion cape, drinkwhich will be assortment of Marine and Once Time Alao, Ane all warranted to sep good time. Also, One Pieces, tie He Clocks, would and call the other kinda urusily kept in bis line.

Accordoon or Flutins, to attestion bis very of Ane those stock, wishing bought to bay very a from the importer. and forks, with of Fine extra Cutlery, such Ivory handled Alto, be sold by the doran, or In-sats of la the Any-ope handles, pieces, which kulves without forks, de. of M. lie B. The and subscriber would particularty call the attention Fine Watches.

All the work public, done at to bia, hie for. repairing will guarantied, and done in the best manner. The correct had time, taken with the sextant can always be from his rogulator, every few days, ecit dawtf -R. JETT. SUNDRIES.

vats, INEN scarla; and muslin. abirta, stocke, collars, muters, wool and brace antion 'suspenders, hoslery, robes de gauntlets, chambra, wool bags, radis rubber wool and clothing, silk might perfumery, cap, umbrellas, clotlies for sale at lowest cash. prices fancy artioles, 17: GILl. BROTHER, 122 Alala st, 9t. Louts.

HOLLY CLARK. GALET, EAGLE Corner. of Main and ST. LOUIS. CLARK, RENFREW Fateut Presses, Oil and Tobnogo Childs' Screws, Patent Hydraallo EA of Steam Machinery, of Saw MIl Mitts, Work, for So.

horse, or water power, and all kinds They And would lavite the attention of Mil wheels, pay lints of large which stock will of be furninhed serge, for atery their saDil or otherwise. whom desired, control Their extensive Boller and Sheet -Iron Works, wader and of regalrinz A Boiler CROZIER, and affords Sheet-Iron facilities Work for la Manufacturing cont the on proved hand. manner, per flood second-hand Dullers generally sept 14-46m WIG HUDSONand Oentlemen'n Wig aod Ocuateental flair Slanufacturer and rarer, No, 96 Market atreot, St. Louls, respeatfully begs leare to call the attention of the eltizens of Alton and the sartounding neighborhood, to his stock of bandeaus, Ladies' and Gentlemen's wigs, scalps, article of braids, ornamental curls, and every other hair, and a share of their prtronnge, assuring then that all orders commited to bis care shall be and faithfally and punctually attabded to, entire guarantied in all cases. cuzed Sir.

orders, with lastruetlots for' insexuring, can bo sals, at Frankilo House barber abop, AlioD, pro 11h m29. wly chains; great variety manufactured of by gold of the best makers. IF. IF. CARY.

oue TEWELL'S PATENT SAFETY LAMP LAMP FEEDER--A' now article, WARRANTED TO PRETENT pheue, ALL and ACCIDENTS from the ure of burning Fluid, ilas ul light. other For sale explosive cotupounds O. used for. the Punuock la Books, Stationery and Fancy Goods, opposite by McKENZIE, Co'e, agent for Jindison wounty, Cali acu sea theta. decl2 OPINION9 OF THE PRE39.

-This Ingenious device, which complete safely ie our lanured in the use of burning nuld, in now er tolroduced luventiona lato for this city purposo fur Taking precedence of in point of time, it in alap the only sulijectel safuty to lamp trials, for burning dald, which has, after being the wusuirous of the application the men of our of country. By a most Sadiaions band of prinelpls the Davy Safely Tamp, not ed perfectly lamps, safe la but use, the and they solar latape, be are reader. the protactad while burning, may withopt even Any risk. The burst inventor the other publioly subjects uned them to. exposures, which will Lia, for Auld, while with explosion no effort or has strain yet on succeeded in producing the slightest Those who wish to protect p.

their families from danger, la the those use of LD economical and 'oleanly light, should select lazops, la preference to say Imitations of them, which aro becoming too commou sad may lend to the most Ing Chrtittan Mirror, February B. A truly valuabls lavention, which should ba In family Scientife American. SAFETY testimopials of the most ed scientide men in the countey are given in favor of the Pataat Safoty Lamp and Feeder, of Newell, Caldwell with Coma. porfec: Erery safety, evea desaription of burning duid may be used vulnable invention la by the Daily Inexperienced, Arening whor* Traveler. this ALTON SALOON AND RESTAURANT, ON THIRD-STREET, NEXT WUITE would DOOR TO snouunco to the elticens of Altoul nud hnre surrounding the abore country.

that they opened Entice slab luoo, bours where they that lalund to be prepared to fur atal: kinds of every thing the market afforda: Oys. tore, Fruits, all Cigars, Oame and Wild Meate, Soups, Confoetionery, to wblek they would to. specifully invite the patronage of the publlo. JUVENILE WE havo of haad Juvenile a larger than and over moro beforo, varied erery description and price. dee'20 J.

L. To Merchants, Farmers, and Castor Bonne, Flaxseed; Dry in Elidos, Feathers, Beeswax, Tallow, Lard and Butter, shipping delivered order. 40 The bigbest market price paid la queb, SAMUEL the Central Ware-bowse, by sept? st. apil Lever. IMDI LIME -Tho subscriber would inform fall his friends and customore that he Intends keeping a supply of respootfully bin asperior colleited.

Lime, during the coming fob6 1f CHAS, TRUMBULL CITY: FRUIT STORE AND PAMILY GROCERY Subscriber would respectfully inform bie cently opssed Store at publlo the went corner of bar' Third old friends and the generally, that be re: full and Plaza of Streets, There be keeps constantly, a of strict every attention description, and of the best quality and trusts by. supply Groceries, Provisions, Fruit and Confuctions foct satisfaction to to business, mad a desire to render per das17 Ala custoziore, to merit their patronage: JNO. W. CALVIN. 0 UR 000D8 14 STOCK DOT full.

OF Our FALL Stock of AND CLOTHING WINTER ta very largo, and we are prepared to sell our Gorde at the lowest We pay Cash for Produce as uaDal. cet4 MARK PIERSON CO. NEW GOODS- At Ne. 4 Second -street, D' PHIA IREUT and BOUT FROM -The NEW YORK, would PHILADEL- respectfuly saw Toform pa receipt Lie of friends bin and the generally, that he 1: Fall and Winter Block of And world be Staple pisased and to Fancy all who Dry Goode, Ocoda, Rasuring them that see no are la want of good all purchasss made pagan of bim. will be spared to reader septea BAN'L AVIA.

AUTON AND ULANIC BOOK MANUFACTORY, FLAVING established underaigned la the above basinosa To description of the now prepared to do every I and Ornamental the Hookbinding. red progarad for ruling fros tae blanka, Last aad son latest prepared and most to get impro- np every description of For Blank Books, Merebante, Bankers, Radronde, County Clerks and us, la any atyle of ACLIVO and BINDIYO. I bare and will employed warrant the most skillful and men, all work to give entire wtf Courier Building, GEO, T. BROWN, Alton. BRANDIES, WINES, die.

HARRISON from the Eastern Just Large and roof well the auleoted following atook of brands: Brandies, Wises, In part Brandy -P. Orape H. Juice, Goddard, Goguao, Marette, very Otard, old and Dupuy, Co article. superior Lavender Wine- L. M.

Madoirs, Albartor, Pale Bberry, Burdon: Which they Brandy, wot sell Cherry Brandy, Oarrant Wines, da. ke. ow or prices than otber to Western the trade, cities. or supply familles, P. BROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER.

In ordinary a diarrhas, preparation of unusual oxTHIS Essence is la of short, in Sorstima all esses of value. prostration of tho digestive functions, it Incipiont Cholera; la Doriag the of Cholera silicaolhue; and so Summer family, complaints Individual, or ebildren, it la pecutiarly without it. traveler, should be CAtION. Be sure to get the genulas Essence, which prepared only and Brown, as his Deug and Chemical sale by all the B. A BARRY poibecarles in the Valted States.

PAlladelphia, and for And la Alton, Ill, by A. CO. OLOTHIGI! P. B. THIRD 818.

receired a OF das Block STATE of, aud Pair and Winter Clothing, purobased expressly for the retail trade, which be well an resonable and always, with spall prost. septis HARDWARE. DIATT, HARDWARR RYAN AND STOVE STORE. Li aide of: hew Brick Store nad, Nails, dealers And in Coopers Shell, And Tools, Heavy Bird Alton ware, Door Trimininga, Fatming Implements, Bolidera'. Hard Aid, be Lions Land; ware Land every Stanufacturers of Aheel Fine, Iron, Chain Parope, Bloved, caab.

Copper; add Japaried ersti- The NOW would of recaleing their respectfully and well sapounce selected that Hard cheap, ware for every at nay descripifon, older all of which country. in the Western they will and Jolaera'and Coopers' Hardware, Tools, at well. Guns call on the rabicribera before will And purchasing it their ad rantage 8to vealti derles, largest from and Cincinnati, complete Chicago And St. Louis log, Parlor; and Plate Biorea, ever offeret in assortmetit this af aDd would iny 10 those now wanting or market; in the perfect place Cooklag buy Stove, them. or genteel Parlor tbat aspecting of the cobalets to tne The Queen Farmer's the Cook.

prairies' Store, deabl6 Cook Store of low The Irving tiglit alerated oren The The American air tight Cook Cook prize premium Cook Stove Atora will The empire: 9t. do do do The farmer Louts a premium co*ck do Grecian Parlor Stoves. 'be Cottage air air tight, tight; 1851 ani Allany Saratoga Ught All kinds of six, and bor tau air tight mills, We are also prepared to do all of plate Lonte distillerien, or engines, at the aboriost Copper- collee, work; and BE. that Jibe, we hope Having employed tho best anechanica poeita 43- 11, Remember tack the New Cola, Urick Storson to give Altoo, give Baonnd-strest; en a 00100-wir PLATT, AYAN CO. de.

1853, 1805. LITE HARDWARE, COTLEBY, GUNS, ETC. are now in receipt of our Fall Stock Sales, Our Stock Is unusually CUTLERY, large and for Fall and Winter direct from than English erec and before. Amerionn Importing masulactarare, purchasing. more complete Us now to our Goon OD da favorable enables Joy Agures, as any establishment in the West.

and' at ere to an examination larite the attention of We would Ing further. 1. of our Stock and prices, before look. nod purchas. BROTHERS.M to HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS.

THE alve subscribers have just received an exten: Invite the attention of Clooin the la ladies; this llas, consistlag to which they would French tin'S iron cooking of Porcelafo kettles and 01. Dronzel dre doge, atatnary fronts Wire dial Dre nets: oil alotie; table Pollabed riety of other articles; French for kale tea belle; with aD exten4fre covera; by TOPPING BROTICERS, COMPLETE SPORTING der Flanks: Shot Helta nasorimont, and consisting of Pow. Cop Don WAds; Primers; extra Came quality Bags: Per. Drinking Cleaning Pouches; Rodi: latera; for sale at wholerate or Caps: retall. Sporting Powder, fo oct14 TOPPINO BROTHER9.

THEEL article for JACK ralalog carriage wheels: A fur male by a A TOPPING BROTHERS. Sant convenlen PATENT the Mondon SPRINGS- -A Promium ArDOOR thing for the purpose designed; Exhibition; bi of 1851j Sant lie DOTS BROTHERS. der Stilla; Just recolved --1 dozen add for Hickox Portable CiCIDER MILLS MAI NELSON able HAYNER; AND HEARSE- FOR THE underaigned ad, la good offer order; for solo which an open be Buggy, burgein, for cash; light, running will affair; sold fabini. AT nest and style; partly worulebnt will good nervies. sa the owber has no store at a Hearse, which sold ately.

room for 1: R. them. CARRART Apply immedt- CO. Under Collars and Super. Cuffs; OHEMISETTES, Swiss Edging nad Inserting; for nept28 sale MOWINGS low.

1 'A LPHABETIO for children; for BOOKS, sale low Dissected and by ATWOOD "highest toarkot -At all times, for whlob the ATS WANTED fabs price will be cald; 'In PIERSON Liter DLATFORM Scales, and Conn-Tho nubacribei is ly having colobrated the Agency of these jump rad to: furnish them to order si articles, are propa: rant ationa, them accurate in their oper: prices, and Aware manufacture of superior the to kind any In the United States, nod chablonge coma parison. NELSON HAYNER, TIGLEMAN, PIABA JO GUILD of arary facturers description, of Eagluea, turning Saw lathes, aud Horse Grist power, Machinery, kinda. of ropairing cornet and job of. Piaso and Fourth streets. AL their Foundery, Inge, and copper pipe work work made to done; order; Eros all cad patterun brass tide casti to prior, will And be da can ba had la Louls, for Still poses, mado without charge.

All the a bora work pur. will terms be executed with dispatch, and on as can be had to the rostern accommodating Lea, Gago Cola Cireular and Saws constantly on hand at ed. man prices, uttod up If waut: the and -The highest at market price paid for old Copper, the Foundery. 9, Cast- 8 Iron, ALTON subscriber DIACILINE takes SHOP AND FOUNDERY THE to bia friends, and former pleasure patrons, In, announcing Dis largo and commodious that. ho on tias: Juar atreot, one square below his old stand, where be intende Front continuo the manutacture and sale that to grain, justly celebrated machino for threshing and elvacing Be will also PITTS' 11 PATENT, Power, pa well ad the Pitta old fashioned Double Pinion To those, who hare aped kind, these in use for machines, the last no years.

dantes could be on abown my to part is their favor, peccasary. did he Hundreds deem it of corticommendation tant I will only say, that -by means impormy 1 am and give connilent perfect that I be able to ay pow all orders ini of my to furnish of ail and sin alto prepared: der; and hope by personal attention to Machinery the to business, or-: to toerit a continuance of the patronage so ed in furmer liberally fob6 HANSON. MIPORTANT TO HAWING, 1Dy obtained a in Patent, Machines dated for Tune Thrashing 28, and quired to Cleaning put the Grain, santo And in being destitute I of the operation, hereby offer an Te. est turer, in or toy other said Pairot, person, on lp Alton, equitable 81. terms, to say whor*; who will furnial capital Chicago, fur or My trial machines, although necessary ba the a bave them given ored; and universal I astialaction to all those who Dave APeD theic apperiority from over any respectable other persons, bearioy testhmony to possession over one hundred ebtoos yet which I it Threshing and unnecessare Cleaning to pullshould call upon ine, that look those at the wishing to -become laterested of the FARMERS, and Judge for Machino, thamsulven.

Lear For the opialon further particulate, creek, Jersey addreta the county, Ellisola. or, the oct20-Dr D. LUCAB. TAPROVED, undersigned REAPER- AND The publie generally, that respectfully ha in now Infurms prepared the to: farmers supply and the 131 demande for the with lateet J. Improved Heaping tel and grain have cotilag been proved by actual trial to be the best which PATENT them were sold Last season, machloes and DON in sue.

Ope hundred of grass of Apply Iron and the wood Care work Spring be Foundery, Alton; where all kinda at gate universal satisfaction. able terme. may wtf) on the B. most reason. W.


the of the publja to the respectfully call -Would NITURE, extensive variety has of ELEGANT PARLOR Harpy he selected just 18 To Impocted from New York. present season, he cap person recominend in' it Jane an of boing the of mad inoat fashionable style; it the latcat by the northern route aud 1a DON having the deun moat direot sud part of the Western States. to as cheap as say house in this obespast, be la enabled sell Ito enriment desires of also PLAIN to call atteation to his Easteru and Weatern AND MEDION TURNITURE, both of very patenaire riely of articles peculiarly manufaotaro, adapted to comprising Western I great trade, The present attention Stock, of where DEALERS can a lovited favorable terms as (on) they the otbar obtato alde tunis on as to the Lora. of the Father of our of 43-Thie extensire Furalture Store la located on the and State-atreate, over the stares of Masers. cor.

Bowman Clawson, Jobnion Hewit end Hart merly Co.3) Altou. Birdsall, sug11 (forBilyer and AND Steel SILVER SPECT Gold, Eye for asle Protectors, by to all persons, CARY. LARGE, STOCK OF TOYN from New FISHER York, and HAS la DIREQT Sho Stoat has of Toya remored and bor Vandy Block Articles into ayor brought to this city now opening, the largest Stock has Country been dealers bought are low, invited and will in be call and closed at This her store op gato. 3, HRS, out FISHER. a bar H'ANOY of BASKETS- erery We.

of work have a very large Feta; for pale low. variaty 4 and A traveling 14 MEDICINE op A fut sate at the Drug GENUINE IMPORTED WINES, BRANDIES, k. Store; TO FIXSICIANS. TE of. keen constantly on hand a full sasoriment olistiment of P'hilip and Haladn Extracts, from.

the Wator-street, entaevery York, azilole of which which are in pat perranted expressly: pure. for. uno, dad it their lotarest to call and esamine for Physicians themselves. will AUR30 5 4. MURPRY8 MARTIN.

A THE MONSTER SLAIN. DR. cuss LEEDS' Chills and QUININE SUBSTITUTE WILL to termlitent and Ilemittent Ferark. For male forms of Miinois Intogether with all Drug Store. B) MURPHYS at this MARTIN; Supportore, and Shoulder Surgical lostruments, Traseos, Aug 20 Braces, MURPHYS Intent Larches, NEW AND EXTENSIVE STUCK OF IN THE NEW.

STORE. DRUG. HAVING promisca, olegantly on thie fitted ground up nad we fornierly removed to, prepared occupied, to next dnot to atate, we are and after The large patronage we hare to our former zence, la real with gratitude; Kid red la 2 in A advantage nicoDer we to may culisace have the galand therefrom; of out we purpose using the way of low price and tucreased facilities for c*ntoiners la merything and thin best that may be requirel. Inruishing plata and anturjaned; 'purchissing drat handa are enmOur arrangemouta at in the West can that we are enabled to possibly offer more or beltar goods for 110 the money than oure. PIR24 8.

R. MESORR CO, NB STORE STOCK, an bacribera having returned to their "Old aiDat4 suribuading to Country countles, for Physicians and in the would now. tender thote grateful ackuuwledg. have. extended tho to liberal them, sud patronage hope they Our at Stock "Tole prices' tn merit a continuance of by selling tied to be of the best is quality, and ADd being ate tors at the Earl at the lawval market purchased of In incoments the agual to rotra, we responsible can cifer Hours Agenta for all popular n7e the General Wholesale we are enabled to sell them at and' burying low many for rout.

which we murrant genuine. 4. all Orchard Vinegar, are which agents we will tor sell the ot sals the of Sherman's Ohio aug19. A. R.

DARRY prices. CO. Corner of State and DELLEVOISIN BRANDIES, WINCH, Utard Sladeira Dupuy wine; l'ort wipe, pato; tery Old London duck sherry brandy, dark; Holland gin Out do do; chuice Sweet da; Recitiled whisky. For A. 8.

BARRY malo by CARLINVILLE DRUG uf Drugs, ever brought to this opening, the without largest stock wa- Call audane the cheapest Hunza fu town, a an it is, without a doubt. g0 Books, Wine, Stationery, Champagne Jewelry, P'ort Wine, Wine, Oils, Dye-stuffs, Burn, Peppermint Curdini, Tirandy, Annisette Trich Cordial, Whuky, Hellaud Jamaica Pale direct. and Preach Importation, Braudles. "All of the abore liquors aro of Glo, poses, and cou be relied on for medical large All stock popular of Patent Notiona. Stodicines for file shemp.

Also a rory own, pledge I wU) myself pot 16 be soll low they ba bought ta Hay 11. D. 8. underaold fo any article I offer for A DISCOVERED Mystery AT Explained: LAST. A REVOLUTION IS CERTAIN! VICTORY IS R.

L. ADAMS NEW THEORY OF DIS. rend 11: ease How It awakening the loquiry la' the of nit is that Americans linse been no Ibag and who so. of slavishly Inunired fu darkness and ignorance on the subject Dr, Adame Livor Ricted THE' of GARAE the Slates PANACEA and OF DISEASE Balsam, olfered to the af. of Liter in all stages; Territorien for the entire" oure Forer, Chroelo Lung Ferar, Iropsical A Fever, Agne Consump.

and Bleedlag Piles, Blind Piles, Diarrhea, Scrofula, Salt Rheum, It Complaints" General Debility, Dyspepsia, OD. ke. Jadigontion, Lest Ur. for A. the L.

init 'Adama' Liver Lialsam has stood the wreck sad skeptical; beyond 'n Afteen shadow gears, of and that proved it la to the tho only inost re for Liable the Malicine permanent cuir cure discanered, of tho (being above purely all vegetable,) pounce skeptical the Liver, becomo Balsam its to most Do the sanguine ONLY RELIABLE rotarias, and pro. J. have most OF COmO HEALTO TO' THE AFFLICTED, up from gratitudo, every for track the it relief Las mado recalved swollen its use. with Aai pros- in Testimontale those suffering this, under the OR 19 rocommonded to all submitting the Licer by 40d at once IRoN Ar of tho MONITER Lime Balsam. proguto ane bottla of Dr.

A. L. no Ing The applicatiou reader is to rofurred to tue Bodice! the Agent, where tho Balsam la sold, by unak, Tract, found ing a full epitome of tho cause and cure of all disassen. give Bold by W. A.

HOLTON Alton, who will, country dealers nt Proprieinr's prices. supply tout Also, I. N. by D. Storvan, Whitehall; Jersey ville; O.

R. Hack enhull, Wm. 9. Andras, J. E.

SCUTT. Jacksonville 8. R. Simmi, Winchester. Arcat; Chicago.

nav15 1y "DR. J. D. FREEMAN'S ALTERATIVE BALSAM; AND MOTHER'S RELIEP. his THIS wishing Mediolnal to ace bature preparation the pubilo.

is one for that I number bave of Fears. valuable wires Witnessing and from mothers, your to yeat, the largo number of A of merely for the want of a little timely carried to au untimely grave, of koop regulating female tho ayaten in a and notaral purifying tho blood, sud 10 ly, assistance, by the way of her offpring, and this Medicine healthy all chat la while system bearing This to Medicine is clint at important of people, mala and. oun -female, old best and preparations young, for for the all purpose classes RY this of dy, and. purlising the system, broken regulating the secretions of tho bostrong considerable alterativo cathartic and or purifying purgativo properties. properties, It also containe It possessos the bowels to act, at the possesses time certain.

noting strongly on the all wideh. caus accompliabing al of the stimulating most and aut as to In produce fact, this perfect medielao so nets ca us feralas to altacka health, and la that manger it ugon the Is the resull producod shun all of Puerperal Fever, which and clue the also source all destruction of many This medi. from a corrupt nud unhealthy system, to; plies, Also, for regulating all derangemeuta of subject the say sucret disenses which feuvales are relief of organs, who alther with male or female. Also for the urinary "Chango of are bore paneing through, what la fermod the king beneficial effects 1 witnessed soma of the most atri. wisested Com any other this the medicine, that I have over from lates the female syetom, that fu it causos above tho canos.

labor. IL to 10 be very abort whor* and thia perfectly medicino safe. had 1-have attended upon sereral one of them but declared that their labors had cot been properly used, and at least rustored one half in time; and much caslori and all of wore to health in less than half the papal 1beto ting to have scour never where yet this koown unedielos of single has case of Puerpersi been used. aver 1 know been it tu be oDe of the greatest improvements discovured for the alleviation that has Although there are alwaga some incredulous of humau persons, autfering. who pose are dispored to make liglit of such maller, tu ad rocate axio, the lea that auch, 81 I have fortti, cannot be a in eveu thought so by but part la Ir tur there the want falut of motu information aged females; prospect that human suffering, un- sue count dur such peculir this use can suall degree, 'by' of this medicine, be, where reduced fn even the 01 huewhich la- would attendant reflect en fur trying a roosient on the email expense for a moment and to consider the degree experiment? of pain To redleat ness attendant on many cases under aneli circ*mstances, nad dauge where It the husband, the tather, the brother or the frlead, of would moderating say, "If palm there and in anything on earth that will essiet in but In the tine when all obviating prilo danger, and do let us bare Thad and a patter at ceality! la at tiand.

whlal for the purpose of Li. regulating the bout preparallen that ong be This siso iutants, who are troubled used with so of the bowels and this This the Author'- medicine will Eleetle be kept constantly on band and for Medical Depot, also sale Also Baeny by flyde'e, DARRY and Shulize Alton, Exgure, Louie, so. Alton: H. Jullus L. El ward Howit J.

Rills, Ca', Upper gives world, Lebanon: Opham Chesterdeld: P. ways Freeman, Springdeld. Origgs Loreland, Brighton; C. dyne Je80 pose RELIEF IN IMPORTANT TEN MINUTES pox, PULSIONIO WAFERS- Are unfailing In the BRYAN'S of all Corals, Coupe, Amrixa, BORK TUROAT, Auro thoir NDA, INCIMENT and A 07 rue Lessa. They Do tante of Duchild that will bad tale before them.

despaired. Thousaude have restored and to medioine, dreda of canes. A single relloros in fen giren iu bus. any 04pd Ask geouine for is Bryan's stanuped Wafer--tho original and ouly this mlautes. sale.

Twenty-Ove c*nta a bus. Spurious kimila Are offered bad J. BRYAN Sold by don lers geuer. ty pelling of CRAVTURD, Wholesale by CANTON, Chicago, and Pruptiviors. B.

oct10-Jarv-Ide being EXTENSIVE STOCK OF DRY GOODS! own now to that store their full Btock of Fall Gooda, embracing a great pirate of spuuy articion that are entirely now, the trade, and a with, West. nor alylas which be luaud fu any other House to be All persons desirous of examining riel demand lavited to pleit soou, an their Are block respect- sell- that To tualty the of lidias Alton and elelalty, they take this full. time of very rapidly. just returning their alocero thanks for their very patronage, since the of the cow House, and Hb. spared (o a them contiuuaner that of no Ibe offurta will be 40p128 OLD AND METALLIO BURIAL CASES, AIR an of these superior Burial baa been highly negro ted an ous of the ajust Cases, welled lorentions for, tea of the age, protecting and the dead; TUNA.

fullblast doo, WY. ordinary BRUDON, or for partuers, Northwest carper Becond and Market Undoriaker, afreeta, sult Sobs Houng TARDWARE, in all the varieties suited NETAON BAYNER, 9 the 1 LIVEIL LAINT; DYSPEPSIA, OHRONIO: OR Debility, of the KNoeze, ADd all die: eases arising fruta disordered liver or alomach, muols constipation, la ward piles, fullness of blood to tho bead, acidity of the nausea, hearl-burn, diagrust for (nod, or AS. weight la the Atomnsoh, sour ornatalionn, sinking or fluttering the pit of the awhaming of the head, choking hurried and difficult sensations breathing, when Buttering as the heart, direness of or suffocating dots in lylog postner, pain in the bead, deficiency of before tho porspiration, vialon, or webs aigui, fever nil dull of the akin sad eyes, palu in tho side, Lack, elicat, limba, sudden flushes of heal, burping la the desh, constant Imaginings of evil and great depression af spirita, can be Bittern, prepared by Dr. C. M.

Jackson, al the Derisan Bod. feetually, cared by DIl. HOOF LAND'S Colobrated German Their store, power 120 Arch aireet, -abore Philadelphla, over the la not equallod-by any other preparation in the United the in prany caspe Aflor akilful physicians and There bitters are workley the attention of invalide, Ton. mini grant virtues in the ruetfication of of the ere liver in weakness Jussor and glaade, exercising the the inost nostching are withal, safe, cortain and plea cant. a of nogans, chey READ AND DE CONVINCED.

From the "Boston Due." The Editur said, Jiro. 204: De. Hoodand'a Celebrated German papala, for the enre el liver complaint, Jaundice, dys10001 popular malicines of the day. These bitlers have chronic or debility, da dosozsedly one of the been by thousands, nut a trioud al our elbow maya he has himself receivini an effectual permanout cure nit Hirer al complaint the from cha of use Ibeso of this We aro concise: flou. gaits They virungth are and piensal rigor- a fact worthy of great cobeldera.

use bittora, the patient canitaatly in taste and amell, and can be sued by aLe wills the dolicate alainactia with safely det and to aby the officiod circ*mstauces. adrise We are their spanking from experiauce, are 1156. said, Ang. Weekly." 25: sine of the best papari pub "Dr. Ilooflaud'a German Bitters, manufactured by' neut Jackson, are now by aote of the most promila cares of female of the weakness.

faculty an As An article of much eDicaey adrise Anal in the cajo, we nil runthera to notatu a bottle, Amal thus sare thom: much these sickness. of debilitated consiiinttous will ford bitters advantageone to their health, an WA weak koow frain agatems. experience the salutary elect they hare MORE The Ian. C. Higeline, Bayor of the etty of Camden, N.

d. taclog notices of GERMAN Shia soil the hare innoce seen many datreman todneed from whiet they make lanuiry respecting its morita found It Inquiry we la its netian persuaded to use diseases if, and taunt any ire Frain were upon of Irer digestive the influence it upon nervous prostration La really surprising, It cahor and Giaking the necses, bringing them Into a state of ropuse, strengthens wonks inedicine was more generally used, no are nationthis airop refreshing. ed and there ayatetn, be leas the us from of the real stomach. liver, Ary diseasos emanate. flare great them majority: tin a healthy aint conilition, imaginAnd traordiuary you can bit defloooo to opidemica Thia ex.

at all lodisposed, to gire a trial- -it will recommend are melicine we wonk advise our friands who shonki, produce ju fret, be evidences in every No other medicine can itsel.such merit." going) Erhlence from all upon seetlous of has been receirad (lite the foreand the strongest testimony the la Union, Giror, the last three years, more Philadelphia, of IL used than to the all other practice of nostrums the regular of tia in, that there is be sad fully proving combined, that a a fact that can ranted preparation even In will shia west form. with their gulet approval when Bia, That 10 this toedicine duubt will cure Liver Complaint one can alter using It as direated. Te acts ani calomel la all upon bilious alouiach effect liver; la it in faimediate, They to the and CAD able be boneft at to fomalo or Infant with safoly ani roll. any time, Look well tire of mark of the gonuine: they hare the in pains blown lu the battle, withoul ayoa which the Ihey wrapper, are spurt. M.

JACKSON bale QUA. Store, No, sale, 120 Arch sire, and Relail, door at the German Medicine For phia; and respectable one dealers below Sixth, Philadel. couples. by gonorally, thronghont the enjoy the -To their enable all of lavalide 10 PRICES Single bottio, advantages 76 centa. of gront restorative powers.

09. Illinota, Also, for by A. HOLTON, Druggial, Alton, ELV'A DIAGIC LINIMENT, NOR Ir equaled, MAN by AND berslofore not surpassed The publio. It bas any nata bitebed a presented to awn wherever It has which been used, based entirely no slune Its amperior ellesoy las. Magle We the Joimont vodaraigned, for nelgabors of Me.

Ely, havo dead bla comA, We And it all it some claim, length of limo, and with perfect the beat now in to bo, bollave that IL D. Charles N. Ford J. Dickerman Aton Betaalon Williaco Williams Battell N. Finch John 'Chittenden Blake A.

D. Cook Was. P. F. Leach Jr.

Barolay Rov. H. latton Richard -Evil O. Scranton Poll Thin Satulan, Mixture rethere, la a sure ulcers, cure for this painful disease. Big Head, all running sorus, and bono This spavin, compound Mixture in sure rowdy for big hoad, 10D, and directed.

ring bone, if applied lu curb, splint, and an apowly by R. G. ELY, Kendon, Adame county, f11, DR. FREEMAN Jorseyville, HAS LECTIO placed FAMILY General MEDICINES Assortmont In Altos, of under hie ECcharge of, and for ale by, A. CO.

the ALSO, Hu has dopeeited at tho same place, a Family modical which laentilled, to grautity and tuitous distribution to any person that hundred trishes pages to' -for containing ous these medicines. This little work la intended make use guido, treating: Mird, in short, upon the principles as a of family prothe serving diseases health. which Secondly, monally the prevall nature, in this causo symptoms tha manner in which the remedios country. b6 Zhink. remove the diasaco.

Fburthly, should valuable recipes applied for to hare one of domestle books. medicines. Every family ought to compounding where you will fad the get following thion of A.M. BARCall and sines. fatnily modiare merely Aperient Anti- Bilious Pills, cathartic or phyale; meting Intended strongly as a on purifying the Liner, and and all cleausing tho foul and bilious the body; matters in from that the way system, these erndicate secretions of blood, natural and all condicion the and Bulds of the boly, leaving the bowels to purifying the fusiated.

of tho body rethe Anti- Ague and Fever Pills. Feror. Also, for the purpose le of strengthening called tho Chillin and Prepared expressly for what from causo state of whatever. weaknuss, goblilty, that may ariso ayatens from sever full. They sure and rajo remudy, and Liver Pills, A digestion sure cure and for beadacho.

rar complainta, colieve the morbid, Insotira Also, a sure and solo mudields to jaundice, dyepepsia, lavaraally ten in the and deleterious sonsation calouel, blue pills, or ayatem other after deleterious having been freniod with Compound Emetic Powders. For relloving the stomach from' the previous to an attack of fever of any corraptiona kind, and for loving au of the glands of the neck, which tOviciably relievos the lungs. lo. These drops Sudorifie, or become Sweating Drops. of removing tha obstructions much of the colebrated capillary for the system of sovereign the system that be Ado, for caused rolfering colda, pain ko.

in auy consequently producing porspiration, making them congestive discuses they are may almost a sure 1a of the wonderful possess drive on of from the ceutre to the power surface, they to the This medicine Diarrhea never or Cholera Mixture. cholera falls to euro all of the following diswilh of tho excellent bowels, success. and I for Asiatie cholera 1 bare used infantuma, diarrhes, dysentery or dux, loosethis medicine will cure of the opinion Asiatic that in cholera the 1008l am cases forming During the stages of the diseaso. in the a very large venaon of practice 1851, in the vicinity of Jerseyrille1 for success 1 defy say amouz physician the within dysentey our ur flux, produce astringent a parallel; and auolyne. this I article can wan with my safety rusio reliance county 10 I to either the for pablio young as or a renuely undor all eirrocommend old.

pled This is Sweet certainly Balsam of of Life. it la very pleasant to one take, and tho at the naeful la the the the extra reiterin the It of any medicines before the pullio. most AA different mo, It la curtainly the best, that cou be got for the NO curing beadache, collea, pales to the up breast side, coughs, mosalus, colds, scarlet spitting of torer, blood, Bux, abortaou of breath, smallalwa most purging, reliare vomiting, small 1t the above and cause theta chilidron eat natural alcop. to rest and enjoy of This expelling medicine I from base children prepared and for Tonic Vermifuge. express without and waskoess whaterer, 10 luvariably adults does goou.

producing haro many noted medicines that are before the publla I purpose, sud have, fu a gumber of inatances, seen for sedleines produced be fure them. I believe that the clean effects from very worms, contala a large the publia proportion for the of purpose spereury of exaware of the from danger the effecta that I have with that exits with the anost of such and safety preparations that practice, are pow to in use, 18 me, fOr Shoes, I can la depe ad upont and form's freni preparation experience of my my ova found I can, practice will and wafety thy myself excellant success that have in tout recommend it to all that to have occasion and to the use publio such generally, both such and la all casua where sale it in demaud oftan for the medicine case that to people suppose that there mind is ware, mudicine. People Arcat bear in there is a D. it la a consoqueally worms, best when at the sanio A medieine 21 will Patent which Rye RYE Whisky; WHISKY Jost -10 receired bbla add for Old Mononganov28-02w HARRISON CARPENTER. FIRBI-WHRHET AT to THE LIME sud at the kilos recently ocoupled will, by a few LOCK dago, bo TOUL la Winter be purchased the satiro interest of bale late Staple parchaser.

he wal able to furnish Lime by auy quantily, to And da wt! Ilea JOIN LOCK, CORN, WANTED- MARK, bushels, to A All CO, an variety graniaz the the MEDICINES. ST on TELL LEGAL Cifeuls TOR SALD. Madlion Pope, Spell Term; Court! Al DE, 1864. GOOD FARMS TOR I'upe, anxious to SALE -The Li con bit onct. Ail etoso up bust; nlice of opponring the Circult by Court amdavit or on Madison Ale In county, the afirerald; Olork' farming under land, One And woll Catered an in tho above entitled causo, Martha villa, fence Also, being there Cord: la miles.

county; named defendant, the la Juriadlatlen a of nan-roshlont the uf the of the Sinte county nf illinoin, afure- Joining the mmo. 40 Also, with and boyand Court and horse of Chador log Innd on, nd. for a divorce, which poudlug; and in chau; will to and possession with the. immediately. Thirty will be neron.

sold of cheat, mud thin asid complAinant haring died his bill and Man Above within cary Now having you, the been ashl Issued defendant, lioroin according whose to law: non-residence apl6 tr JAB, desired. pears an above, are -bereby notided, tlint inlens you shall TULE Jersey be and apponr before tho Circult Court foronid, oh dr before the the Best day. in of the The town minxt of term thereof, holden at Jermy farm villa, where ho now toile, to gull the 66 then fourth in a 200. On south of Monday of April; 1854, and plond, demur, ascept to, 'or an- and large and cobrenient drolling the premises Aver rules tho and practice of sabil bill nf Court, tho complaint, nocording taken to the honzo, largo collar, perfootly dey. Alan, houro, willi ten ronins, confessed, a decree will be mada according fu the the four premises, shape, apd unty, wills samo trill be an wagon liouse, large loti, or Dated thereof.

at well good with to. Also, January 27. be divided haunes ho dry cellar, all DATIS, WA. T. BROWN, Clerk.

pie orrbard, into of the two convenient farina. There that the young land enu STATE nY LLUXOIR, Sadispo Cirenit Courti with a apricots of the fruit, kind bearing; Marison county, Apell term, -1854. pears, of and shrubbery. trees, la of Inil poaches, bearing. plume, Jainen I.

0. Henry Holmes. conconfent wet The above lands aro divided Also, TT appearing by ATTA CHIN amdarit on SUDO. Mo in the Clerk's and a the liaif miles of Also, 50 morts watered, of and a good land, stunn within quarry la office at the Crenit Court of Stadiamn county, afire store with frin-in the a timothy 60 There. acroN Is of nores.of Lie the above entitled cause, that Itonty Ilenes, aborn all or farm, If dosired.

The above eliraL will ba nansed resale a nap-resident of State uf Illinois, en together, suit Lande will be and said without the baring of illed him procon el ibis Court: and and the For Information, purchaser and possession giren Guad whon titles girthe that said a well dufendant, of for attachment the las been leaned: you, D. buru, B. C. I1. Roberta, of the the firin of Horein, Quit inquire of 8.

desired. April reeled fu term, thin 1564, MherifT of of asl mid court; county, flat and and returnable has to beon the Jersey Alton, ville, to apte the wit on the num of nine die mill, of Pont by the Sheriff of said county. nt Madison, levied JAS. CAMPBELL. apra, prety of certaiu sold real estate, tho same being Inken na the rED- VIS PROPERTY FARM FOR SALE.

the Naw, Drat unless you, the the soli defendant, vald shalt be, and appear WORTH Situated in the AS THE HELLSat on the cours-botse day of lu the next loin term of of court, in be holsten the St. Louls In will loo; is offered for male cheap nine toiles from Alcond, ty, on the frat Monday to tho month of April, 1654, of which 100 A70 under spit 970 and. nccording then nail to the there rules dewur, and plead, practice or of answer aid fu conri, anti action, of Bret rate limber. The In ration, provements consist of proportion nant attached will be laken sold by default agalost you, and the aro above listi water, mark of 1614. 100 of Chia land Judg- and well, Ac.

goo! Haled at will be to satiate the 1, with one best the and situation La February 1634.. BROWN. inquire of the undersigned, tonal, further parCirk. net ELIZA Administrator's IS HEREDY by. RARE CHIANOFI.

county, at the an June order County 1800, soll howin ailunted west of the offers depot for enlo a frame undotalgued, cate, DAY, at the the 25th late of reel March Teuca of nest, line at L'ease, him dee'd, hue on HATUR. lent frat atory atone, with parches, and framo, Aulated contalules. term, 4. b. at public P.

l'ente the died following to deseribed lands, of which the Vine very Amperfor bent meadow are Suven and three to quarter acres of o'clock. 'the seven quarter pay of the dobis owed by sail decuared. nient out houses, well, eto. sho 1110 worth, range nva west section 160 nerve: also, township Ilia The will, be snid very given low. Imprediately.

quarter northeast of the of northirest the mouth rest And the southeast Ben Terma, Alton; For or to the parliaulare apply. undersigned, at the "'Alton of. Ing thren, 80 acres; lawoship seven much north, therent'as range, west auto-setf NOUGHT. RANKING. quarter nf neglion twenty.

on preinises, or so will pay flic debts of the The deceased. purchaser will receire deed nt FOR SALE A bond with good security ani a the fine of promises neg ville, acres, situator connty, pilles south FARM- Oontaining, roll will to required, to secure purelutse monry, mile west of tho forks of the man of a mortgago on the west (eb10 O. A. PEASE, Jerety landing, at the Union Neellog Crom Jersey villa 1. acres of said la sullivattou; the House.

About 42 mO ALL INTERESTED- -TAKE NOTICE ing up with duo On furm reminder IN grow. Thin purclinsed at publie sale, on the tour- house, cantatalog rosen with A goud teenth day of June, 1832, from thie Sheetifof Madison neatli, and a convenlent. Also, rooms, an orabard a cellaz oforer underty. at in the of Madison ape Alta of choice apple trees; in with abuudanco luh lilianis, the following proporty, to- wit: penchow and chorries. Price-16 dollars per acre.

of Lot Lot 9, vi, Union street, a Mo Bow lilition a to addition to Upper Alton For given parlioniara; Inquire Title in off the east side of Iola 7, 8 and 9, in block 83, Dear and neyville, or af she aubacriber, on of J. J. aar. Depratable. For other' the taxos addition and to costa the eity of Alton.

UI. l'ope the premises, due iberaon for Blate Ail county NEWBORY: purposes, for the gear 1661, and that the of redempt. LANDS, LANDS, ton mb10, will expire on the 14th of June 1854.1 Wat: TI. N. FOIL THE RAILROAD AND liberal, both an SATE.

to -Tho pricos of adle on ELSEWHERE, PARKER- -Short street, 000 mid 16,000 of and timo farining payment, between Inn, 111-Wholesale and Retail Dealer in timber and prairie; la No. and 10 lands, of Wines, Imported Liquors, and Cigare-bega leave to nunsun Montgumors county; And la a 9 all portions R. 5 In la dealers in genonal, that lo has junt recelred an county, but principally in the vialnity of Carliuvillo, of Miscoupia supply of all articles sauntly kept in his line, which he La pro both sides of the Alton and Roliraad, Car- on pared Brandies- 10 apll ct very reduced prices; in tart linville and the county line. A. Dupa: of them of have never were been eutaren at In an early day, and Bugny Eelgnetio, J.

I. Most the lauds Ryn Bonier, Pine Apple. owners are Induced to offer them MIDI, -ou scoonut of The 'olfered market Rum-Now England, Jamaica, and St. Croix: presperity and of parla of the Irishi, and Enurbon. which they Bio; and to uncounage those settlements, the are ur county In Wiser--Port, Minderks, Cherry, ko.

sell great and Lite moat terins. to Groceries- Collet, Rio, Regallas, Laguayes, Blocha, ko. and JATR. by The latter undersigned to will be glad to recoivo offure In person, Pr Candles Sperin, Uricans, mould, wax font, sind and solar. pal J.

A. CHESNUT embracing Soaps--l'alm, nil enutile, la the almand, grocery and a varloty of lanoy, to. IDLEASANT subacriber RESIDENCE FOR -Tho offers for LUMBAIL YARD, led, villa, Illinois. consisting at The Ave Croak property and bale very in lie aft THE underaigned have permanently located fortable And convenient rout lola, large, coinoral Lumbor themselves the oily of Alton: Inlanding to du a gou- out buildings, and a Ano young dwelling urabard lions, of with the cholcotruit necessary They would ask. from Edwardseillo, Juno 1, JOLINSON.

iceas, (ty of their mochaules, Lumber. and They others, feel an examination of the dealers, will give ibele Yard tho proferenco. assural Judges of the artiale TAVERN STAND -FOR NALE. ton 08. and Yard on Springfleld the east Railroad aide of Pinna-atreet, In frant of RARE change CHANCE--The bualuess, offers for undersigned, sale his well welshing doll.

WESTON MISER co. known county. Hotel This is establishment, in Elwardsville, SindiUNDEN con prollable Turestment, ono to of be the found boat in the chances. Weal. for OIL cashinece dremed wool, real buckskia, Shaker fur, nut and merino, nancol, saxony and and consists shel, of a unt-bouses, large hotel, yard, three ADd nil aturies the light, alas Tho pro: and cotton, with all other lun of Megovia wall arranged house.

It can bu rented appliances of log; fur sale low by GILL seasonable BROTHER, St under Laule. any mument. IL will be well very low, to for a casts. goral Per tenant far. at NEW FURNITURE ther particulars, Inquire of the WAREROOMS.

800. T. W. no the premi. era C.

las variety Wholesale of aud Fashionable retali deal. to 0. G. AND FOR SALE- The G. P.

ovary For- vale, the fallowing describes of subscriber land, offers Ir, tro would invito Incrunsed the our attention Stuck of pur. ted east in quarter Mallion of suation onunty, vie: sorenteen, Tho cast half of of the niture, Having tract chasers. Warerooms on Second-strest, three dours from wrest eighty acros. township alx, range Stale, south side, Alton, Illinois. road, about noventeen talles from Alton.

on the well watered, and will be. sold The alero inad Is ERSI. -500 public or private sale. cheap. for casts, eillane at peline Live Geero Feathers; In atore.

for sale, pounda at lo the subscriber Those at the wishing to porchase will spthe "bighost" rates. SPRUANCE. oF to CEO, THORP, ou Third-street. Coal Drauel, wor Alloo, DO 109 Short -atreet and Larce STATTHEW BOOKS AND STATIONERY, FATAL AND RETAIL- We are now subsoribor. offers FOR for ando SALE.

receiving, dizeet from the Eaxtern cillos, a much situated one rulla east of tho o. amull farm, larger Stock of -Bunka, Stationery, this aver before, to Sulpapan, nad twenty miles from IL ire would respectfully ask the attentiou d0 acres of Alton. dealera, assuring them that wo will continuo to el offer country Goads which has been enitirated dest rate two prairio years, the ur one bait at our ualform bow mtes, pledging ourseltes Lu A good tones, in aujail but holo forlosed with Goods sa low as any dosier la the West. the premises; a publie a comlartablo dwelling on J. 1., 9.

MORTOALP ly by Capt. N. rend depot passed immediato. CRACICENS. will giro any desired W.

information. Meriwether, adjoining the land, THE all underal goed keeps conslantly on bond' JealD-wow UFORCE L. gar and kinda Boston of -also, Crack ore -soda, pilot bread; and retail. wine, an- HOUSE AND 1.0T FOR AAT. N.

aro agent for the abore. SF31. NIXON. NITE unduralgued offers -for W. W.

CAl Law, nbaut where ho three- is now residing, altuated bi Middlo pale the proporty In all kinds of' Watchea, Guns, boat landing. It la situnted of on mile from the steam. Cattery, Razors, foo de. Jewelry, doo. nud nearly pocket oppo and with Liberty choles survete, shrubbery; 80 fruit feet front loves, by-116 deep, Pistols, the corner of Washingtou Franklin Douse, Alton.

story frAme conlaining aci Thore Is a good two tell last sensou on the promises, together a cellar, e10cMINER facilitica out cisterns, with convenient any other, blishment to Alton. on Railroad care su forlor to There are seren-eighiha of an delivering Lumber ted on the line of tho Haltroad, Lumber Their Yard being lock- shore promises, which can be purchased lying it desired. joining the sore no tho pilse, on 1bo cars, thereby raying ba shoved oil made to A. La further particulars, referenco any be can Far and age, damage mud loss of Lumber, alteadaut tho on drayage, the frequent Chouteou, Third-street, onil. handlinz of the same.

Courter JAMES W. DAVIs N. D. Lumber delivered on the copy. cars free of charge.

ol ALTON MARBLE WOLLIA. ACRES IN OF THE LAND VOR SALE, 900 J. of Alton, BEAUMONT of the would surrounding inforin the citizena from Bridgu; BOTTOM, all under ONE MILE that street, he has Dow doors remorad hie Marble works from towns Second and to counties, State- and thoothy two mondow; hundred and under will cultiyatlun: sorunty acres In ready to execute Italian abore sud the Franklin Hause, chinsore, from 10 neros to the whole sold lot. lots to suit puri neatest sod possible OrATe Stopes, of any design or Bufah, MouumentA, In tho opposite -3154 the alty of of Alton, TEMBER LAND), American Louis; and would say tanner, to lower those than they can be had in 8t. property must bu sold to In racet St.

Charina cuunty, Mo. This Immediately marble line, to please call and in examine want his of stock, anything in lagniro of the pressing lu Upper For the Guest quality of Itallan and American constating or SETa T. of Allon. Allon, eling agenta; on he Louts, or monking armugementa with tray. 1.

8. WELLSordering from 81. marble, before lower than any travoling pledges agout can sell, In sell better article FRUITH, He cement also for koops on time hand in and for sate, a superior of TUST received, baprale, white sand, marble duet, anger, Cocoa of Nev Raidas, Harana Corruis, Ora supply fresh Nora feb20 Sootia grind wtf stones, ke. J. B.

Citron. CITY Preserved STONE, Lampo B. at tbe BEAUSIONT. W. cor, Third and l'inns-at.

New Dry Goods, NIXON. HAS Olofaing, REMOVED. Grocery, TOHN assortment LOOK of keepa goods, conatantly on linnd a good vision Floure. and Ily groceries, which dry will sell as abeap an provisions, faroTurnier customers respectfully that bave inform remored my frionda and 4,6 so fob, unt. Wanted, corn, at oats, all and times, produce putter, lu onions, bacon.

WOULD the Mand by on 8. Cults, to the Large brick alore lately any ocou- bid tars, en alrue two dours above tho Franklin House, from general. D. opposire tho un Tuini-street, Aug? where I descriptions will of keep Staple on Dry hand, for Goods, sale at the lowest rates, kid colored, and black Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Lists Fruits, and Capa, Dooleen. and Also, a Then and Buskins: kid Galters; I ani for the patronage beretofore comploto and of missus and chil-.

ani hope that my friends will not for got extended to N. warrant Slippers all our Shoes, Aspis my new stand. Null as Brat quality; and Philadelphia work, which we NIXON. alood that the money we wish Lu be nader. JEWELRY, the shoes abid do pot will prove be to ba refunded to nit conte, TUST REORIVED FROM NEW OWINGS good article.

I bare juat opened and offer for sale tho beat SNEERINGER. Gold lot of Ape Watcher, Jewelry, Chimina, ever Drenal brunghi Pion, this Ear oily, consisting PERFUMERY, most TOILET completo ARTICLES, du. Rings, sold Shell Combe, Gold Pons, Onus, to. which Flager will American assortmout of Frenol ond examine, low, nad at on the most rentoua ble terms. Plesxo call Those la want of any Perfumery, la that line and Toilet us articles.


INDIA RUBBER. in cash, for a few hundred bushels of priuta and THE SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW, DOY7 leans, delivered at my SPRUANCE, Short st. NORTH offoring AMERICAN GOTTA PERCILA ROOTS AND SHOES JUST and RECEIVED, ARE CANIZED CLOTHING, OUTTA at Wholesale a RIDER'8 great PATENT varioty VUL- of One assorinicat pelalug of the la lent atyles of Boots pod PELICIA, of now styles and beautiful Taelorles, and fall They are frats the bast pliable and Doodle elastia are like water India proof, fros from unpleasant. to this com noarly all the varieties usually Theso splis to give satisfaction, substances aud will Rubber: pot, Jujured by fally amell, WHIPPER. They aru very, different not in decompose character from und NEW DRUG STORE: heretofore wale of Outta P'urcha, elther any this other gooda SIMMS fu Drugs, Bodl- Europe, sod Are WARBUSTEU TU STAND ALT.

in conniry or Waite Loud, Painta, Lard Olle, Oil, tine, Window Class, Class. P'onchon, the variuty Jnaketa, may be Overalls, found Costa, Cloaks, Capon, Among Comba, large 26., sapply ingother with Faucy Soapa, variety Perfumery, Bruales, Irenat Camp Puiope, Blankets, Balls, Horsy P'onoil and Covera, Lok Blinwer Mate, Gas Byrluges, Huseed Leggiam, Sou-westers, will be Medicines sold of on the the day, most kept coostantly on popular all ing, Carriage Drinking Ac. Steam will Tacking, a Machine most DA Particular paid to reasonable the terine. tive Lito Preserver, made expressly to very mpot sad Elver retail trade. b15 ger law of Congress.

All of dolab the GOODS. Any other water- goods now and before the quality public. superior For to FIORNER undersigned OF would THIRD salo Healers the In water-proof Warehouse, goods 80 are Cedar invited to Streot, N. Vorls. former that ho is respectfully now in latorro bia friends goods, ballering they will God CHEAPER AND examine FAX these Blusk and of of Fall Ordere to may fu any thing they kare ever sueu befure.

receipt hie Hies, Boots, Dry and Goods, Shoes, 40 Clothing, Groce- X. R. WIRIJAM at abort Pres't N. notice. 0.

P. Fancy estont ezvonted la aver prepared before. to offer a better and more exwnaire variety Trope', and dee'y. During regard big to recent the to the East, he purchased with SILVERWARE -A very lurgo assortment of septio and pries will give so Butter cola, and Knives, of the do. My rare 1 warrayt to be an doe retail trade, and thicka bia selections, Dessert, Salt and Mustard 8poous, P.

B. TY Angie best, W. W. CARY..

Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois (2024)
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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.