Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois (2024)

PAGE 2 ALTON EVENING TELEGRAPH. TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1914. Extra Special Bargains AT THE Big Store This Week 75c. Feather 49c. $1.50 House Dresses.

98c. 65c. Bed Sheets 49c. Pillow 10c. $2.50 fancy bed spreads $1.75 G5c.

House Aprons 49e. 10c. Bleached Muslin. $1.00 Black Lawn Waists 54c. $1.25 Ladies Linger'e Waists 98c.

35c. Window Curtains 25c. 75c. Knit Sweater Coats 49c: $1.50 Men's Sweater Coats 98c. $2.00 Men's Sweater Coats $1.49 $1,50 Children's Wash Dresses 69c.

50c. Men's Blue Shirts $5.00 Ladies' Dress Skirts $3.98 $12.00 odd lot Ladies' Suits $3.98 Standard Flannelettes 9c. 39c. All- Over Embroidery Coresi Covers. 29c.

G5c. Good Muslin Gowns 49c. $1.25 Men's Rubber Overshoes 98c. $2.50 Boy's Button Shoes $1.95 $1.75 Misses Button Shoes $1.49 $2.50 Ladies Button Shoes $1.95 $2.50 Men's Work Shoes. $1,95 Big Vanpreter Third The West Store MERCANTILE Street.

EAST ALTON. Cemetery Committee Will Meet, Wednesday Night, The mecting of the trustees of the MElon Cemetery Association, which was recently organized in East Alton, has Lein: cont mused from Monday night until. Wednesday night The meeting will be held in: the village! hall, sad officers will be elected and the constitution and by of the new. organization will be drawn up. Newly- Return Home From.

Mt. Vernon. and Mra. Walter, Hale returned home last night rather unexpectedly from Mt. Vernon where they went ta be married by the Rev.

J. A. Coznd, a frond of the groom. They had planned to take a short wedding trip to Springfield, but changed their minds at the last moment, and returned to East Alton to spond their honeymoon here. They will reside in East Ation temporarily.

Notes, Letters were advertised in the East Alton post office for Earl Thomas, Mra. Erwin White, Mrs. Patrick SimpHod, Bert Cook, E. S. Huglies, Clyde Herrin, Olaf Knap, C.

H. Hill, Frank Houderson, Mrs. Wallle Scheming and 'Elephen Thomas. John Marsh, who, was mein to the county farm after making un altonipt at suicide in Lust Alton, has roturned. Moralini V.

I'. Wooley was in East Alton on business yesterday. Fo: Linaster L. P. Cooper has becal Indiaposed for several days.

John Eible pad Fries of Alton were In Lust Alton on business. Mrz. 8. Kamperschroer, who 1y visIliag 64 the hoine of Mr. and Airs.

Marshall -Clow, 19 Eugene Halter left yestorday Galesburg, where ho wilt visit relatives. d. Thomas, who has beon ill for several days, is little Improved. MrB. N.

N. Colburn left last evoning, for Monroe, after an extended vielt In East Alton with bor parents. Mr. and Mrs. L.

J. Lawrence. She was accompanied to St. Louts by Airs. J.

A. Colburn. William Wickenhauser left this morning with 'William Wickenhauser, for an extonded businoss trip In Florida. He was accompanied by his daughter as far as St Louis. Good for the express compunlos.

which now begin to advertise in the nowapapore and show some enter-i Formerly the profanity of their patrona gavo them all tho advertising they wanted. you travel, send the Telegraph alone with. you for COm PART, Neighborhood News UPPER ALTON. A social will be held tomorrow evening in tHe gymnasium of the Presbyterian Church. The affair is known 39 "an old fashioned ple so cial" and it is under the auspices of the Christian Endeavor Society of this church.

An invitation is extending el to ererybody to come and enjoy a 5003 time. The boys and girls will take pies with them and preparations am made for a general good time. Shurtleff Glee Club Planning Engagements. The glee club of Shurtleif College 1s planning a series of concerts to be given in nearby towns. The club is an unusually good one this year and consists of fourteen persons, the twelve singers, the director, Prof.

C. F. Royer, and the accompanist, WIlard Smith. The club has been hearing and have been putting 00 some excellent numbers. A tour of engagements was at first considered but as this would take the boys away from school a week or more at time this arrangement was altered.

instead the club will make trips to nearby towns where they can go and give their concert in the evening, returning to school tha nest day. About the middic of February the organization its engagements and will continue the work six weeks or two months. They have had to a number of towns but 1 will be impossible for the club to fill all the engagements and accept the invitations in. Country Roads in Excellent Condition. a rule at present the country roads are In excellent condition: When it.

is taken into consideration that this is the 20th of January and that the roads are dry and smooth the unusual winter can be realized. Especiaily good are the roads that have been dragged reg. ularly. The dragging done of late since the frost has all gone out of the ground and the ronds have settled and dried. has made the roads smooth and travelling over them is enjoyable.

Farmers, country people and the rond overseers are learning that dragging is the only way to keep the roads to good shape and the more they drag the better the roads will be. Improvements Completed. The Improvements that were plannod to be made at the Baptist Church before the arrival of the nOW pastor, have been completed. Architect O. G.

Stille has just completed the new hard wood floor in the vustry and this job winds up the list of (things to be done. The improvements were planned and carried out by the Ladies' Aid Society of the church. new floor and the decorations' of the walls in the vestry were the most extensive Much othor repair work was done about the lug and many little things were tonded to. The Foster Township Hard Roads. Macadam 18 being hauled from the Kittinger quarry for building hard rondo in Foster township north of per Alton.

The good' roads at present are giving the farmers: a good chance to haul rock while farm work: is at a stand-still. Joe Budde, the old timo hard road advocate, of Fostor township, la bury with his team hauling out tho road materint. John Ulrich, Chas. Ducommon, Frank Barlow and other farmers out that way are also Notes. Miss Ada Kestner returned Inst evening from a veiL of a few days with St.

Louls friends. Mies Dorothy Wayman, of Kirk: wood, returned seatorday afternoon after sponding the and with in Upper Alton. The third number on the Shurtient lecture course will be given this ovenEng in the Baptist Church. The pub: Me is invited to attend and many ticken to the entertalumont have been: sold. The cadets from Western will uttand the lecture with tho college people.

Will Holman ha3 cone to Crystal City, where he hins taken. a place in a glass factory of that cly. Misa Elizabeth Hallaro, daughtter of Mr. and Mira. W.

S. Fallom, of Loverott avenue, la rocovering from visitor at the home of her mother, Mrs. Lung, in Wood River today. Willium Chalk was a visitor in AL ton today, Misa Gladya Ellington viattod fo Alton yestordoy. Mrs.

A. Barnhorts sono to cliens, to spond a weok as the guest of hor slalor, Mrp. Frod Knobe. Hunry Bartols london up a car of Winter wheat today' obe shipped' to' the Alton mills Mr. apd.

Mra. Aphlin ware ore in Alton today, NORTH SIDE Belle Street Needs Fixing. The condition of Belle street be tween the Overath Meyer garden and Madison arenue continues to get worse and it bad weather should set th" and aid the other bad conditions the street will be dangerous to travel Lover, it hot actually impassible. The street 1s used by farmers almost exclusively. in going to or coming from down town, and they ire complaining that they caanct haul a load out that was any longer, their horses and their vehicles to.

damage if nothing worse; The aldermen of the ward bare. no money on hand to repair the worst places and if there is any money in the street and alley fund it is probably too sick to leave its bod. Anyway it stays in the fund instead of being used in fixing op such places as Belle I street, north of the pared portion. The board of trade is doing all it can to induce farmers and others to come to Alton to trade while the city engineer and others responsible for street! conditions will allow without effort to remedy or thought apparently, one of the, main streets leading to and from all of the country north. of Alton to become, and remain in a most ed condition: for weeks and months at a time.

Warnings Being Sent to The Illinois State Live Stock Com: mission is again issuing warnings to farmers and stock raisers agalost the feeding of cornstalks to -horses during the remainder of the winter. Secrotary Lowrey of the commission states: "More deaths have been caused this winter than ever before through the poisonous. fungus on cornstalks. So far as have yet been able to determine there is no remedy for such poisoning except to keep the horses out of the stalk fields." As has been stated before, prevalence of the fungus growth the stalks this year. has been due to the wet autumn.

season and the drouth which closely followed it. Farmers. in this vicinity have been heavy losers of horses from the above supposed cause, end: even yet cases are developing suddenly and resulting fatally in this locality. Rough feed for live stock, is scarce anyway land if the fecding of fodder must be abandoned altogether, farmers. will have to buy hay and other' high priced stult for their horses.

It is raid the corn fodder, or whatever deleterious substance is in it- does not or at least has not affected cattle unfavorably at all. Farewell Gathering. A farewell party WAg given last evening to Mre. Josse Starr at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

John Glassbrenner and the gathering was a very large one, the relationship being most extensive. The reunion was filled with pleasant features, the only unpleasant thing about it being the thought of the parting with Mrs. Starr. Refreshmont were served and a general good timo bad otherwise. Mrs.

Starr and son who have been visiting here for five months departed this afternoon for their home In ElPaso, Texas. Notes. Mr. and Mrs. John Glassbrenner have returned to St.

Louis after 8 visit at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mra. John Glassbrenner, at State and Rozier streets, Miss Grace Tibbitt entortained the members of the Bible Class of the Kim street mission nt her home last evening. It was the regular monthly business meeting and a social sogsion followed. Refreshments were served.

Mr. and Mrs. Jobnston have returned to. Whitehall after a visit at the home of Mra. Ed.

Lowe in Bawley avenue. Mra. Johnston A slater of Motorman Lowe. Mr. and Mra.

Chris Maytord baye returnod to St. Louis -after visit home folks for a few days. Mra. Kate Camp of East St. Louts, Is spending tho week at the liome of her son, Paul Camp, In.

Delmar Harry Hanan of Logan street has eccopted a position at the brick plant, Peter Meyer has completed the job of dragging tho Godfrey road from Alton to the Jerwey County line. This is the fourth or fifth time he has drag. ged that road and the remult la that tho highivay Is Jo a much better condition than ever was in winter time bofore. This too notwitbatand. in Ing the ditch digging that wan done the road weeks C.

W. -Koahne who recently resignad him papition with tho: Supply Company altor many years. of aortice, hina accoptad a position with the Wind Company and will work Feb. 1. Ho la an export in tho business and will make Able man for the Mary.

ad the acrol the He host. A siege of cough. Mrs. Daley Hendricks has returned from a visit with a Brighton rela tires. Oscar.

Christs a I Miss Mamie Thomas rtaited Banday wardsvilk: friends. W. W. Elwell says the statement In last night's paper about his going to Arkansas next months is partially incorrect. He is down there himself, as was stated, but he is not.

go, to more his famille from Alton at all. it he terms his land in Arkansas bis family will contame to realde at their present home place. Mrs. Wilbor Streeper is reported somewhat better at her home on Main, street and she is gradually covering from her long Inness. Miss Susan Martin: has returned from a visit with relatives in Spring.

field. Mrs. Mary Davis, of Clawson street, is recovering from her Illness. Hubert McReynolds has recovered I from a serious illness with lead polsoning. Mira.

Chauncey Lawrence, of Pinkneyville, Is a visitor in. Alton among relatives. Clyde Walker, hid returned to Kensas City where he is holding a position. fle several days last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Goorge Walker. Mica Hazel. Eaten gent to St. Louis yesterday to spend the week wills triends. The V.

1. A. meetiag for this evening to heat the next address by Attorney W. P. Boynton, has been poatponed on account of the the Baptist Church.

Mies Mildred Witans, of Belleville, iR visiting with Miss Lenora Ner: In. Ira Clark is home from Litchfield, where he was working the past month in a drug store. Wm. Miller will move the latter part of the week from the Warnack. property on Crawford street to the Reeder homestead which has been improved and work is being finished there John Battles, of Wichita, has left for St.

Louis, alter visit here over. Saturday and Sunday with old time friends Mr. Battles spent a very Interesting star, in Upper Alton telking over occurrences of forty and. fifty years, ago, around The Rebeckah ladies, will serve a banquet Friday evening to the Upper! Alton Odd Fellows In the Ouatoga hall and for this occasion they are making extensive The ladies say it is not a regular thing for them to "teed the Odd Fellows," but both these, organizations are cupying quarters in their beautiful new home and since this date is the birthday anniversary of W. L.

Al-Belk, the oldest Upper Alton Odd Fel. low, the ladies arranged the banquet in his honor. In former years the (Odd Fellows have been observing Mr. Belk's birthday with a banquet. at his home but this year the two lodges will consolidate in a banquet at the Miss Edith Windsor has returned from a visit with her sister, Mrs.

J. J. Fisher, in Hannibal, Missouri. Mrs. Walter Johnson has returned from a visit with" felatives In the east side of tho county: John Malson fu slowly recovering from a very severe iliness with lead colic.

Prof. G. W. Hess and family have moved into and, are occupying as a residence the Brumm property on Brown street. Miss Elsie Krewo, of Belltrees, spent Sunday with Upper Alton relatives.

Miss Edith -Lowry has resigned her position in tho Taylorville, high: school, and is at the home of her Prof, L. Lowry, Seminary and Walnut streets, Willie Barnard has: dropped his atudies fu- Shurtleft, college is devoting hits limo to: the Barnard. drug store. Ho. played foot ball tho past season on the Shurtlett team which distinguished Itself by losing overy game in the 80880D.

Rapid progress da being made on the new Goddard residence oli Levtrett avenue, Tho slators are finIshing the root and all othor departments of tho work. have boon ruaded during good weather. Mr. Goddard expects to. occupy tho placa by tho fret of' March.

LAYING PULLETA. Wo. nead room; will sell thoroughbred 8. C. White Leghorn pullets for 75c.

oliob, $8,00 Dr dazen. THE AWAIN DOO PARM. At and or Midd'a town car lop in Upper Phone 60-X Constipation man of Belletrees whose death occur Sunday. THE nineral conducted In the Mettfile gregational Church which Was with former neighbor, Well 88 present neighbors of deceased. Rev.

De. Brown officiated and the bariat mound wan the Melville Cemetery. being covered with noral offerings made by sorrowing- or sympathising friends Mrs. Roy HIt and. children hare been visiting Mr.

and Mrs. Jute Hill, Sr. for several desa. de bore fo turned to st. Louis.

Roy in ington. on business and the fatnni came ap here to visit daring his absence. Joseph Fehr has received word that his sister, Mrs. Jacob Kirsch, is dend at Warsaw, Mo. She wAs $1 years old and visited here frequently.

The funeral was field today. Jacob Greeling is home: from Sti Louis where he went to visit his wife who is being trented for cancer in an fastitution of that city. Her condition is not improving like her relatives and friends would like to John Hermann who has been help. ing the tax extension clerks, in the office of the County Clerk at Edwardsville has completed his part of the work and has returned home. Mrs.

Emma Rice, widow of the late Henry Rice who suffered almost continuously for six years or so from headaches has been set free of that affliction now for three or four weeks, or since returning from St Low's where she was given treatmen by a specialist. Her general health. is getting better as a result too. East Delmar avenue on the God: frey. side is in a better condition now than for many months.

Broken bricks and liberal applications of cinders, by Highway Commissioner Wenzel, who did the work. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury as of mercury smell will and Nurely completely destroy derange the sense the whole system when. entering It the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions damage from they reputable will do la phyal- ten i fold to the good you can possibly derive manufactured from them. by F.

Hall's Cheney. Catarrli Cure, 0.. contains no mercury, and the blood and -mucous surfaces of the taken internally acting directly upon In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It do taken by -F. internally J.

and Cheney. made Co. in Testl- Tolemonials, free. by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.

Egg Test For Golfers. brand new brand beginner on 0 new golf course in the southwest off London. writes a Poll. Stati Gazette reader, wus baring a particularly tryIng experience on a hole laid across a well meuning but exasperating plowed Beld: He ulss ball be hit the ground behind ft. His caddie, summing up the position with his cold, professional eye, savagely re: marked to bis companion: "My word! It wouldn't cost him much It.

he WAB: playin' with new laid It Was a Lengthy Trip: The girl who had just returned from ber six weeks' tour of Europe beamed compassionately on the woman who modestly confessed that she bad been abroad only once. bad." suid the girl patronizing. "I always fuel so sorry for anybods who is not able to get back a second Line, long were you there?" years." said the woman. The six weeks' tripper changed the! York Mother's Friend 4 in Every Home Comfort and Safety Assured Before the Arrival of Stork. The mother- old saying should add -what la hom*o without "Mother's Friend." In thousands of American homes there bottle of this splendid and famous edy the that trying Has aided many a woman through ordeal, saved her from suffering and body to palp, kept her fu health of mind and advance of baby's coming and had most wonderful Ipfluence in developing Healthy, There togely disposition in the child, la 10 other remedy 80 truly 4-belp to nature as.

Mother's Friend. It the. atrain and discomfort by the on the ligaments, makes pitant those nures and musoles which nature la and soothes the Jodammation of expand. breast. Mother's Filend We art external acts in.

quickly not only baniabes all disremedy, tress advance, but assures a speedy and complete recovery for the mother. Thus strengta becomes a healthy woman with all bor" the of her preserved to thoroughly enjoy the be child. Mother's Friend can And bad de at really any drug store at $1.00 a bottle, discovered one of tho groutest blessings Write to! for expoctant mothers. Lamar Dider Atlanta. Regulator for their free 128 book, Write to day.

It la most BIG LAND OPENING. Ouly Railroad two more wooka to register. clation, is giving Unimproved AWAY 5,000 LADd acros, Asaofour hours ride from St. Louts. railroad now complete, Wish to New.

de. way the. ho .000 country to own with people. Yau. netten dollars.

Novar a costa fart no for mora: nitfor three dollars now You and PAY the month three dollar For further- until Information 115 ban boon pa'd Madison, till all 0. day Sunday; week days call Hotel men and women per 17 All years are of ellaine are HUGHES CHIN THE MIXING OF BEAT AND STARCHES me tote of meat to: contagious Dr me asture you that only with the foods, like bread, healthy lives an ThO of moras andy the long and show Retivity buttermilk, and cannibal and quently emphasized the opinion to due writhe mixing at Rest not to Health harmony chemical at aulte from the parlble foodie to Its we to exclusive slokness, but can have the best, health and phyi mental and moral, only by approximating the monodiet The Garage Beautiful The artistic lines, bich our grade miterial and exclusive features AMERICAN SECTIONAL GARAGE appeal, to every the discriminating automobile all Built on Standard Unit System, sections interchangcable and you can enlarge the building at any time, Price $125 Erected Constructed with walls of American Press ed Steel, benvily and stamped to represent brick work and specially treated with composition, painted to har monize with your residenco: Tho fitments include first quality paneled and glazed large doors. or casem*nt windows, a small door at the side end, brass finish hardware, work bench, tool rack and closet It will last lifetime and is fully guaranteed Any size built to order. Write for succilications and photo. AMERICAN SECTIONAL GARAGE.

CO. 916-219 Steven. Building Detroit, WOOD RIVER. Library Entertainment. Set for Fabesary: 124h.

Arrangements aro being made for! an entertainment to be held at the public school on the evening of Feb. 12th for the beneft of the library The entertainment will consist of recitations and songs and will be. given by the children of the school to help swell the fund which 18 boing raised by the members of the library board for the object: of purchasing books for the new library. Funeral, of Anton- Spiess Held at Mitchell. The funeral of Anton Spiess, who died Saturday al Oldenberg was held thin morning at 10 o'clock at the Catholic Church at Mitchell.

WAS large attendance. Ten car riages went down from Alton. The burial wag held in the Mitchell Cemetery. New Stilla Will Bo Started Within A Month. is expocted that the twenty-six new suits which aro now boing built at the Standard OIl refuery will be ready within a month.

They are the, last of a series of new stills that have been in proccan of construction at the refnery for tho pant six months. Twosty of the stills will be high promeuro stills and six of them will be, co*kestilla. Postmaster Waggoner Waits to Hear About Job. Postmaster: G. V.

Waggonor of Wood River unofliclally informed that he will sooner or later have to undor. KO an examiuntion if ho expects retain his position as post muster In Wood River. 1110 office Is listed among the fourth class post offices. and la still under civil service rules, 80 he does pot count on being ousted through political InQuences. The oxumiuations for fourth-elasy postmanters are being hold in a group of ntaten at a time, but so far has not beon reached.

When it la, Mr. Waggoner expecta to receive notification thut be must flu to puss a rigid oxamination on postal rules. Notes. Willian Boors ban opened up his boarding house In the Mobler buildlug in Benbow City, and reports that lie has secured a Purge number or boarders. The contract has boot, lot for tha bullding of a now house for Al Penplug in the Penning addition bealdo, tho new house recontly bullt for H.

19. Bartlott. George Kloin of Bethalto was in Wood River today on business, Oil rotinory in Wood River. Today wes pay stay at the Mrw. M.

F. Mauning was a viallor in Alton today. Mrs. H. 8.

Baker of Alton WAR Classified Department MISCELLANEOUS LOST, STRAYED OR collie. Reward returned to Fred Wendt, 2436. North Seminary street, Upper Alton. LOST. A white.

coins, brown Reward 12 returned to: 517, Summit. street, -A gents gold amethyst set ring, Sunday morning, between Turner Hall and Princess theatre. Finder rewarded it returned to this LOST: -A ladies gold watch, closed face, between Barth' drug atoro and, Eighth and Henry streets. Finder will be rowarded at thie office. WANTED.

WANTED: Front and strents tomorrow morning to haul sand. Apply to Gerdes. WANTED: A position pa housekeeper with place where mother can take 8 year old girl with her. Apply Watson' place East Alton. Dr.

Duos can bo. given as reference WANTED: -Men to learn tho barber: traile. ousands become successful shop owners by our tem and send to ya tor barbera. Propare No limit to term. Tools givon.

Wagon Particulars mallod free. Barber St. Louts FOR. REM FOR BALE Apply 1009 B. 5th street FOR RENT furnished rooms for Helit 038 D.

4th street. -FOR RENT at 1833 Central call 1831 Central phone 636- FOR RENT rampdeled a con entences. Apply SAME Good location. Apply at 400 Bell HutobFOR 6 Un da an.

Alton Evening Telegraph from Alton, Illinois (2024)
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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.